The staff at Loganberry Books includes genre specialists, event coordinators, comptrollers, cataloguers, and handselling book lovers -- although our titles don't always reflect all that.  Here is who we are.




Adrienne is a (mostly) lifelong Clevelander who has spent her professional life managing clinical trials, waiting tables, and singing in churches and lounges. She spent most of her school years reading books under her desk during class and is beyond excited to be here at Loganberry where she oversees General Fiction. She lives in the Heights with her partner, Zach, and cat, Fern.







Alice learned the book trade under the watchful tutelage of Otis (see below). Although she is officially our general manager she only makes in-shop appearances on occasion, preferring a respectful paws-off approach. When here, she is an energetic presence, even when napping.











Book Buyer
Loves to buy books, the older the better, but hates selling them. Positions chairs, rugs and displays in their proper locations. In short, Brenda is the proprietor’s mother.









Cat (she/her) has loved Loganberry for many years and is thrilled to be among the ranks of wonderful folks here. She oversees the children’s section of the store as well as the card and tchotchke displays and buying. Cat is a Cleveland native but moved back in the Fall of 2022 after living in Chicago for nine years. She holds a Bachelor’s in Specialized Studies from Ohio University, and a Bachelor’s in American Sign Language – English Interpretation from Columbia College Chicago. She is passionate about accessibility and equity, mental health, social justice, and LGBTQ+ rights. Cat hopes to earn a Master’s degree in a field relating to one (or all) of these things someday. Come say hi!






Bookseller and Local Voices Manager

Devon is our Design, Collectibles, and Genre Fiction bookseller. They received their BA in English Literature from Cleveland State University in 2019, as well as minors in Sociology, Gender Studies, and Art/Design. They spent 3 years working at the Cleveland State and John Carroll University bookstores before making the switch to indie bookshops. Devon spends most of their time illustrating, painting, playing with their many cats, traveling, and reading. Their favorite genres include horror, sci-fi, historical fiction, and queer literature. Devon is also the Local Voices and Author Alley contact.



Ebrahim is from Persia, the land of poets, pistachios, and rugs.  Since Ebrahim's father is a book publisher, he has been involved in the book industry from the first day of his life. Pursuing an MBA at Case Western Reserve University brought him from his home country to Cleveland. Although he has an MBA now, he did not lose his interest in books. After joining Loganberry Books in October 2018, he gave a more international theme to the store.






Bookseller & Buyer

Elisabeth began working at Loganberry while home from Vassar College on summer break in 2007. It was this introduction to book business that sent her off on an almost 10-year career in book publishing after graduating and moving to New York City. She moved back to Cleveland with her wife in 2017 and is thrilled to return to her bookselling roots. Elisabeth's reading and collecting passions include vintage travel and nature writing and women's biography. When not reading (or telling you what you should read next), Elisabeth can be found in her garden or planning her next trip.






Every bookstore needs a retired librarian, and we are luck to have two! (See Wendy, below)  Freddy’s greatest passion is the outdoors be it traveling, walking to work or gardening, so it is no surprise she hosts the Naturalist’s Notebook Book Discussion.  In addition, she also coordinates the NOBS (Northern Ohio Bibliophilic Society) Forums.  You can find her hanging around the Nature and Science sections, and making great displays throughout the Nonfiction room.









Harriett started Loganberry Books in 1994, acknowledging that what she liked best about perpetual school was the physical objects called books. Her personal biblio interests range from Robert Lawson to Virginia Woolf and various and sundry illustrated editions of Alice in Wonderland and old lepidoptera.






Julie came to Cleveland to attend Case Western Reserve University, and stayed after graduating  because of the wonderful people she’s met here.  A voracious reader, primarily of non-fiction but also some fiction, Julie thought she had found heaven when she discovered Loganberry a few years ago.  Aside from reading, she enjoys writing, painting, music, cuddling her dog, and nature.  Julie selects books for the Loganberry Curated Reads, as well as maintaining the Stump the Bookseller page.





Leigh has been buying and selling books since 1992. Having dealt primarily with newer editions, she is excited to delve further into the antiquarian book world. She is a native Clevelander, raised in a bibliophilic family, who attended Case Western Reserve University and Ohio University. She is an animal lover and a founding Board member of both the Cleveland Animal Rights Alliance and the Cleveland Vegan Society, so much of her time is spent helping to plan the annual Cleveland VegFest. In addition to being a fan of books, she is also a film fan who has an MA in Film History and Theory. She lives with her husband and their family of rescue cats.




Morgan is a lifelong Cleveland Eastsider and has worked in the book space for over 20 years. She loves a well-paced literary novel and a soft couch. She spends most of her time walking her poorly behaved dog.





Greeter - Newly Retired

Otis joined us in the spring of 2008. Harriett was leaving for work when all of a sudden a very loud grey-and-white kitten appeared and demanded a job in book sales. He was very persuasive and Harriett decided to offer him a position. And that is how Loganberry Books became “the bookstore with the cat.”





 Preeya’s been frequenting Loganberry her whole life, as a born and raised Eastsider (she’s been told it shows). She currently oversees the poetry section. She obtained her Bachelor’s from New York University with majors in Journalism and Anthropology and is pursuing a Master’s in Public Health from George Washington University. In her free time, she edits literary magazines, produces comedy shows, and is trying to teach her cat how to read.



     Bookseller and Annex Gallery Manager

Rachel is an artist who is thrilled to be working in Loganberry's labyrinthine forest of books when she's not making art. She graduated Cranbrook Academy of Art with an MFA in Print Media in 2016, and from Washington University in St. Louis with a BFA in Printmaking and Drawing in 2011. When not making art, she can often be found reading graphic novels, herding cats, watching cartoons, and playing video games.







Out-of-Print Specialist

Rebecca has spent a checkered career reading as much as possible, to the detriment of any other activity.  She spent many years as an announcer and interviewer for classical music radio, and has been known to commit theatre on various occasions.  She is married with 2 teenagers.





Publisher Liaison

As our resident local author, Sarah is in charge of the LitArts room, which includes all of our literature and genre fiction.  She shelves the copious incoming inventory, and helps customers find the perfect read (even if she does tend towards dark and depressing tales herself). 






Toni does some of most things around the shop, from front-line bookselling to overseeing returns and assisting with book clubs, buying, and bookkeeping, along with occasional IT support. She first worked at Loganberry 2002-2004, then left to pursue writing, editing, teaching, and fundraising for reproductive health, among other things. She's been back since the summer of 2021, and never happier. Toni's bookselling career began in the late 80's at New York City's Shakespeare & Co. She holds degrees in English, History, and Creative Writing, and loves books of all kinds.




   Sanctuary Guru

Wendy has been a librarian for over 30 years, 17 of those spent as the Librarian at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. She is thrilled to now be a Loganberry! She spends most of her time in the Sanctuary taking care of the rare books. When she's not at Loganberry, she can be found reading, doing the New York Times Sunday crossword puzzle, or walking her puppy.