Mysteries |
Books |
Allen W. Eckert, Song of the Wild. This has to be it. Here is a description:
"A young boy's remarkable ability to transfer his consciousness
at will into any living organism and to share what it
experiences proves to be an exhilarating but bittersweet
gift." (I had also forgotten the title but knew that it
was by the author of Incident at Hawk's Hill, another
Lawrence, Harriet, H. Philip
Birdsong's ESP, 1969. I wonder if you're thinking
of H. Philip Birdsong's ESP, which features a
boy, son of a vet, who discovers he can communicate with animals
while playing the recorder that's been handed down through his
family. There's definitely a dog with an eye for color and
a stubborn insistence on her cushion color: Dolores, the
Pekinese. Phil creates an exercise contraption for her out
of an old rollerskate - Dolores is overweight. Main thread of
the story involves saving the neighbor's dog Bozo from the nasty
neighbor who has her eye on Bozo's owner.
Lawrence, Harriet, H. Philip
Birdsong's ESP, 1969. Sounds like you're
remembering H. Philip Birdsong's ESP. The
boy's father is a vet. The greatly overweight
Pekinese, Dolores, is the dog that sees in color.
Solved! Thank you to the two people who
correctly identified that book. I've been trying to
remember that book title for years!
A book (late
elementary level) about a boy who woke up on his birthday (10th
or 11th?) and discovered he could communicate with the animals
at his father's vet hospital. I remember one of the animals was
a large sheep dog. His talent saved the day somehow at the
end of the book. Early 70s maybe?
T. Ernesto Betnancourt, The Dog Days of Arthur Cane, 1977, approximate. It
could be The
Dog Days of Arthur Cane-Arthur ends up turning into a
dog though, and has to do something (now I can't remember what,
but it was difficult) to be turned back. Maybe not the right
title, but it was the first one that came to mind when I read
your query.
Thanks for the suggestion, but no, I checked an
online review, and the book I'm looking for is definitely
not The Dog Days of
Arthur Cane. My hero doesn't turn into a dog, and
it's set in a rural area or small town, not NYC.
Harriet Lawrence, H. Philip Birdsong's ESP, 1969, approximate. The
description provided reminds me of H Philip Birdsong's ESP.
was there a spoiled Peke named Dolores, as well as the Old
English Sheepdog Bozo? And the creepy lady with the
electric car? The title character is a boy, father is
a vet, they live in a rural-ish area. He's also got a
sister named Jane.
Lawrence, Harriet, H. Phillip Birdsong's ESP.
That's the one! Thanks, so much!
Haugaard, Erik Christian, Hakon of Rogen's Saga (1963)
and/or A Slave's Tale (1965). After some further
googling, I hit upon the author, Haugaard, and turned up the two
titles/books that may have merged into a single memory. Was
Helga not a sister, but a friend to the protagonist? Do these
books ring a bell with anyone?
Hagar and Grete. Viking
Brother and sister--I believe book title was their names...blank
and blank, Hager and Gerte or something? It was powerful and
very heart breaking. At one point I remember an adult character
restrains the brother from reacting to some event by saying
(iambically) "The wind can't break a blade of grass, but it can
fell an oak." I wish I could remember something more useful!
I don't remember the name of this
story, but I read it when I was in school. It seems to me
(I could be wrong about this), that it was in one of those
Reader's Digest magazines they used to have in schools.
I'm sorry I can't be more helpful.
Robert Zacks, Half a Gift, 1947. I have a huge stack of those
Reader's Digest Skill Builders and this story was in only about
the seventh one down. Trouble is, as I pointed out before
with my "Butter and Egg Lady" stumper, identifying any one
volume of these is extremely difficult because they are all
titled either "Reader's Digest Reading Skill Builder" or
"Reader's Digest New Reading Skill Builder" followed by "Part 1"
or "Part 2." Anyhow, this is "Reader's Digest Reading
Skill Builder, Part 2," copyright 1959, and can be identified by
four butterflies in the foreground of the cover chased by two
children in a meadow in the background. The original
poster might actually do better going to a library which keeps
old magazines or microfilms and looking for the original story,
or writing the publishers for a copy. It appeared in
Collier's, May 17, 1947, and The Reader's Digest, October 1947.
I think this is a book by Edward Eager,
possibly Half Magic, but more likely one of the
follow ups. Carrie the cat was magically allowed to speak.
It wasn`t a success; as the magic was only half magic, her young
owner wished that the cat might only be allowed to say the word
"music" [assuming that she`d then say "Mew"]. She actually said
"Sick, Sick sick sick---" And she looked it. A wonderfully
funny and inventive book. I must read it again.
Half Magic. Yes, it
sounds like the episode with Carrie the cat from Half
Magic, except there were four children.
Possibly Natalie Savage Carlson's The
Half-Sisters (A 12-year-old girl looks forward to a
summer filled with many events, especially showing her
half-sisters, arriving from boarding school, how grown up she
is) and Luvvy and the Girls (12-year-old Luvvy is delighted that
she is at last old enough to accompany her older half sisters to
boarding school)??
Natalie Savage Carlson, The Half
Sisters, Luvvy and the Girls. Here's the plot of The
Half Sisters: "The story takes place in the
years around 1915 on a farm near Frederick, Maryland. Luvvy,
Maudie, and Marylou's mother remarries a man who has 3 older
daughters. Luvvy (Luvena) is almost 12 and thinks that she
should be one of the older girls now and not have to have 7 year
old Maudie hanging around her all the time or have to take care
of little 4 year old Mary Lou. During the year Luvvy grows up
quite a bit and learns that sometimes it's nice just to be a
child and not to want to grow up too fast."
Natalie Savage Carlson, The Half
Sisters, sequel: Luvvy
and the Girls
#S219--seal baby or sea lion grows
up: "The White Seal" appears in The Second
Jungle Book, by Rudyard Kipling. Since
most of these stories appeared separately as picture books,
probably this one did, too. This was also an animated CBS
special, with the voice of Roddy McDowall, done quite well.
I've ordered a copy of Kipling's story to check it out.
I'll be surprised (but pleased) if that's the answer, because I
would have been familiar with Kipling, so it seems I would
remember that it was one of his stories.
Ewan Clarkson, Halic: The Story
of a Gray Seal,
1970. This is a book I read as a child, and it certainly
fits your description. "In writing that evokes the very
sound and smell of the sea, Clarkson follows Halic's growth to
maturity. There are long periods of calm as Halic forages the
ocean for food, then sudden dramatic moments of danger. His life
is menaced by sharks and killer whales, and by man, his greatest
enemy. But other men work to ensure his survival."
This is the right answer to my
query. Somebody else sent it in a while ago, and I
finally got a copy of the book to check. Yes, this is
the terrific story - thanks so much to whoever it was that
solved it!
Condition Grades |
Clarkson, Ewan. Halic: The Story of a Gray Seal. Drawings by Richard Cuffari. Camelot Books / An Avon mass paperback, 1970, 1971. VG. $6 |
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Edna Barth, Witches, Pumpkins and
Grinning Ghosts,
1972. Here is one possibility--Witches, Pumpkins and
Grinning Ghosts. It tells where most of the
Halloween symbols came from and does talk about black
cats. I couldn't find anything about finding witches by
putting one's shirt on backwards, though.
Lillie Patterson, Halloween, 1963. Published by Garrard Publishing
Company, Illustrated by Gil Miret. Could this be
it? It's at my parents' house so I can't look at it myself
(had Dad e-mail the info!), but your stumper reminded me of this
book, which I loved as a kid. I remember more of a focus on
traditions from the past rather than from other countries, but
still, the time is right, and I think it has an orange hard
Patterson, Lillie, Halloween. This is the correct book. On
page 31 it says, "Put your clothes on wrong side out. Walk
backwards to a crossroads on Halloween night. At midnight
you will see s witch." The contents: It's Halloween
(includes The Strange visitor story), How It All Began (the
Celts & Druids), The Apples of Pomona and the Eve of All
Hallows, Ghosts Ghosts Ghosts, Witches and Black Cats, Wee Folk,
Halloween Customs from Many Lands, Magic Tests - Chants - Charms
(Who is my true love? What is his name?), Halloween Comes to
America, Halloween with a Heart (UNICEF trick or treating).
His name is Hamilton. I get lots of requests for this one,
and only recently got my hands on a copy.
that's it! and all these years i've been wasting time
looking for "homer." when i went to college, my mother
took my copy to her office for the kids in the waiting room to
read. one day her "helpful" coworker threw it, and the
other books i'd mentioned, out because they looked
raggedy. she replaced them with a bunch of cheap
supermarket junk. some people are just confused about what
constitutes a good book.
Condition Grades |
Peck, Robert Newton. Hamilton. Illustrated by Laura Lydecker. Little, Brown, 1976. Hard to find! This copy is unfortunately musty, and the boards are a bit warped. I try not to have musty books, but it was the first time I'd ever found it! Aside from that, it looks good. Poor. $30 |
![]() |
M13: Hangin' Out With Cici
by Francine Pascal (And there was an ABC Afterschool
Special based on it. It was called My Mother Was Never A
It looks like my stumper has been solved--now I know the name
of the book. Wouldn't you know, it is out of print! I
would be very interested in purchasing a good reading copy (it
doesn't have to be in collectable condition), if you have
one. Thanks!
The stumper identified as "Hangin' Out With
Cici" is - *I* think, Freaky Friday by Mary
Rodgers. Still in print. :)
Hangin' Out With Cici - I'm
going to agree on this ID and disagree with the suggestion of Freaky
Friday by Mary Rodgers, published Harper 1972. Freaky
Friday takes place in the 70s, there is no time travel,
and Annabel and her mother switch bodies, rather than being
girls together.
Had to be pre-1985. This isn't much
to go on, but it's worth a try. My wife remembers a book
in which a young girl travels back in time to the World War II
era. There (and then) she meets her mother and
apparently learns a great deal. That's about all I can
tell you. Any auggestions would be great. Additionally,
it could be either a children's or a juvenile book.
Hangin' Out With Cici by Francine
Pascal, I'm almost certain.
This is a remote possibility since the
copyright date is 1988 but this might be The Devil's
Arithmetic by Jane Yolen. During the
family's Passover Seder, Hannah travels back to WWII Poland and
experiences the horror of a concentration camp. Don't
think she meets her mother but she does meet some relative,
maybe a great aunt or something. It's been a while since I
read this one but it's a great book.
I think this may be HANGIN' OUT WITH
CICI by Francine Pascal, 1977 (republished
1991). Victoria always seems to be in trouble with her mom.
When she travels back in time to 1944, she
meets a girl she relates to, one who has streak of rebellion -
and finds out it's her mom as a teenager! It was also made into
the 1981 ABC Afterschool Special MY MOM WAS NEVER A KID~from a
Just a quick note...I submitted a solved
stumper for T241, and in reviewing the new stumper page, noticed
that T239 is very likely the same book. Hope
this helps! (Hanging Out with Cici
by Francine Pascal.)
Pascal, Francine, Hangin' Out With
Cici, 1972.
Victoria goes back in time to 1944, and meets her mother, who is
rebellious (I distinctly remember a scene with shoplifting) and
otherwise very unlike the adult Cici.
Mabel Esther Allan, Time to Go Back, 1972,
comments='Could it possibly be Time to
Go Back? Sarah goes back in time to WW II England where
she meets her mother and her family. Near the end of the
story she knows that her aunt is going somewhere where she will
be killed by a bomb and can'\''t say anything about it. It
was a very poignant story.
Pascal, Francine, Hangin' out with
Cici. I think
that both T239 and T241 might be the same book about the time
traveler who meets her mother in the 1940's. The girl's
name is Victoria and she discovers that she and her mother share
the same ability to get into trouble.
Just wanted to add that this book has been
republished recently under the title My Mother Was Never
a Kid.
Mabel Esther Allan, Time to go back, 1972. Another possibility if your book
was set in England - A girl called Sarah from London goes back
in time to Liverpool during WW2, and meets her mother (Clemmie),
and an aunt (Larke) she never knew who was killed in the
bombing. When she tells the story to her mother much later, she
is told she was named Sarah after a mysterious stranger who her
mother had known in the war - so she was named after herself!
I was the original poster of this
stumper. I was waiting to give the book to my wife as a
gift before I could determine whether the query was properly
solved. I gave her the book this weekend and am happy to
report that , yes, the solutions posted were absolutely
correct! Another stumper solved. (-: Thanks
for the help!
The book was at the local public library,
in Liverpool, NY, back in late 70's early 80's. I am 36
and now live in SC, and would love to read this book that had
such an impact on me.The plot of the book is a girl who is not
getting along with her mother, and getting into trouble, so
her mother sends her on a train to go live with relatives for
the summer. Something happens on the train that causes her to
hit her head, and when she gets off of the train, she sees a
newspaper that has the date as 1950's. She realizes that she
has traveled back in time, and is very scared and doesn't know
what to do.She meets a girl around her age (I can't remember
how) and the girl befriends her and takes her in. Gradually
they become really good friends, and the reader learns that
the girl is actually her mother when she was young.
Francine Pascal, Hanging Out with
Cici, '86.
I remember this book distinctly, I love books about time travel,
and I thought this one was done very well. A nice picture of the
mother as a child during WWII.
Pascal Francine, Hanging out with
Cici, 1977. This
is definitely the book. It tells the story of Cici who has
a typical teenager's relationship with her mother and feels like
she doesn't understand what it's like to be young. As the
stumper remembers, during a train ride she travels back in time
and becomes friends with her mother. I remember this book
because it was the first time I had heard of "penny
loafers". Cici begins to understand that her mother once
was young and was probably even a little wilder than she herself
Pascal, Francine, Hangin' Out With
Cici. This seems
to be the same as T239. Victoria hits her head on a train ride
and is sent back in time, where she meets her mother, who, far
from the straitlaced adult she will become, is a rebellious
Pascal, Francine, Hangin' out with
Cici. I think
that both T239 and T241 might be the same book about the time
traveler who meets her mother in the 1940's. The girl's
name is Victoria and she discovers that she and her mother share
the same ability to get into trouble.
Just wanted to add that this book has been
republished recently under the title My Mother Was Never
a Kid.
Girl bumps head, goes back in time,
befriends mother. There might have been a subway involved.
She didn't get along with her mother but becomes best friends
with her when she goes back in time to the 50s, I think.
Francine Pascal, Hanging Out with
Cici, 1977,
copyright. The author of all the Sweet Valley books wrote
this one--the actual title is "Hangin' Out with Cici: or,
My Mother was Never a Kid". Victoria is in
huge trouble with the "perfect" mother, who she resents. She
bumps her head and ends up on the subway in the 40s with Cici, a
kid she really likes. Cici takes her home, where she eventually
figures out that Cici is really Cecilia, her mother.
Hanging out with Cici!!!
it. Is it completely ridiculous that I'm sitting here
crying? THANK YOU!!
Condition Grades |
Pascal, Francine. Hangin' Out with Cici. Archway, 1978. Paperback. G+. <SOLD> |
W121 Sounds like the voice of Holden
Caulfield, could Salinger have written a similar
character? ...or Vonnegut?
Sounds like Heller's Catch-22.
thing I remember is some guy sitting in a tree and a discussion
of the Army's Catch-22 clause. You could be released from
the Army if you were 'nuts,' but if you were aware that you had
psychological problems, then you weren't 'nuts' enough so you
could not be released from combat duty.
Could be Catch 22 by Joseph
Nope, not Catch 22. Nor Schlessinger, as far as I
can find.
Dean Koontz, Hanging On, 1973. Hillarious book
about an Army Engineer unit in WW2 setting. Different than Dean
Koontz usual, but with his usual talent. I recommend it for
anyone who's been in the service, especially on the ground.
The answer to H30 is HANNIBAL'S ELEPHANTS by Alfred Powers; NY, 1944. The 13 year old boy is named Agenor. The book is 272 pages and is illustrated by James Reid.
caffrey, nancy, Hanover's Wishing Star
This is tooo freaky! Ten minutes ago I was
hunting for another stumper and looked through a Wide Horizon-
Scott Foresman reader and came upon Hans and Peter
by Heidrun Petrides. Now I come here and find this
query! Wow! It matches!! Hans lives in the attic and only sees
roofs- Peter in the basement only sees feet and legs! In the
introduction it states this book was written and illustrated by
a fifteen year old girl.(English translation, Oxford University
Press -1962) It is a stand alone book as well.
Wow! I have been looking for this book for YEARS!
Thank you to whatever providence led you to the Foresman reader
and then to my query! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!
I forgot one key piece of information
regarding the Wide Horizon reader. It is Book 2 in the series!
Sorry for the omission.
The Thumbelina refrain sparked these
remembered lyrics (probably not exact): "Thumbelina, Thumbelina,
tiny little thing,/ Thumbelina dance, Thumbelina sing,/ What's
the difference, what's the difference, if you're very small?/
For when your heart is full of love, you're nine feet tall." My
guess is these come from a Disney recording, because that's what
my siblings and I listened to (over and over) as children.
I don't remember a book, though.
T-10 If it helps at all, I remember Danny
Kaye told a version of Thumbelina where the song
went: "Thumbelina, Thumbelina, tiny
little thing. Thumbelina dance, Thumbelina sing.
Thumbelina, what's the worry, though you're very small, when
your heart is full of love, you're ten feet tall."
T10- I think I have the record you are
talking about. It was my favorite and I have passed it
down to my children. However,I don't remember it as a
book. The record is Tina the Ballerina and
it came out in the mid 1950's. It is a 45 R.P.M.
PeterPan record. Tina always wanted to dance and when she the
prima ballerina couldn't go on, she got her chance. The
refrain:Tina, the ballerina, the belle of gay Paris; dancing,
dancing on her toes, round and round and round she goes...
Hope thishelps.
The song is one from Hans Christian
Andersen: the musical.
B123 birthday plant: perhaps worth looking
at The Happy Birthday Present, by Joan
Heilbroner, illustrated by Mary Chalmers, published Harper
1962, Weekly Reader I Can Read Book, 63 pages. "Charming
tale of little Davy and how he makes the perfect gift for
mother's birthday. Two young brothers, Peter and Davy, search
all over town for a birthday present for their mother with a
dime. At the end, they have a 'happy birthday tree.'"
a sister and brother don't have money for
a gift and end up decorating a plant with paper clips and
other found/donated objects. Monochromatic
illustrations, more realistic than cutsey.
Joan Heilbroner.
illustrator Mary Chalmers, The Happy Birthday Present.
I think this is one I had as a child. The end result
involved a pinwheel and a seashell and was hideous, in my
opinion! I remember resenting this book. The
drawings were realistic pencil drawings.
I'm sure that's it! I remember the shell and pinwheel
now. It may suck, but I remember it fondly. This is
the best $2 I ever spent it's been bothering me for YEARS!
Thanks so much.There was a
book that we borrowed from the Davis California public library
around 1988-1990 for my daughter. It was a wordless childrens
book with a little dog (I think, or maybe another animal) that
would blow up a balloon at different times in the story. The
book did not look new when we had it, but I dont know how old it
was. The illustrations were very simple. I wasnt a
fancy book and Id guess its no longer in print, but Id love to
find an old copy as a gift for my daughter. If I remember
correctly, the word "balloon" was in the title.
Inkpen, Mick, The Blue Balloon.
Kipper the dog finds a blue balloon in the garden and a boy blows
it up, but the balloon is full of surprises.~from a librarian
I wanted
to thank the librarian that posted a reply to my
search (B697 Balloon). I thought this might
be the book, too. But sadly it isn't.
The book I am looking for is a wordless picture
book. That was part of the fun when "reading"
the story to my daughter when she was
little. We made up our own story as we
looked at the pictures. Her favorite part
was when we blew up our pretend balloon with the
dog in the story. My daughter was a very
easy going toddler, but she cried very loudly in
the library when we had to return this book.
This daughter is grown now and an avid reader, we
really wish we could a copy of her first favorite
book. I worry that it may be too obscure and
impossible to find.
Hideyuki Tanaka, The Happy Dog, 1980, copyright. This was the only wordless book
that I could think of that had a dog and a balloon. From Amazon
description: "Presents without words the misadventures of a
small dog as he soils a newly washed blanket with a ball, gets
stuck in a mud hold, and loses a balloon on the limb of a tree."
The Happy Dog, 1983,
copyright. Maybe
this? "A series of wordless short stories has sunny, comic
illustrations with plenty of easy-to-follow action. There
are three stories, and each is told via three or four framed
pictures per page. The dog, who never walks on four legs and
actually might as well be a child, gets into trouble in the
first tale when he dirties a sheet drying in the sun and ends
with the sheet over him as he tries to clean it. Next, he gets
thoroughly, happily wet on a rainy day last, he has a few
problems with a red balloon." (The Best in Children's Books,
Sutherland, p. 417)
1969. Okay, I did
another search, this time on wordless books. This is a long
shot, but maybe it's THE MAGIC BALLOON by Iela Mari. The
illustrations are very simple. If you search online with the
terms "Magic balloon Iela Mari" you can find images. This may
not be the one though - I didn't find any mention of a dog. The
summaries I came across said the boy blows a bubble that turns
into various objects, but the title does say balloon. Anyway,
once you see the illustrations, at the very least you could rule
it out.~from a librarian
have found this little book!!! I honestly didn't think it
would be possible to identify it, especially with the minimal
amount of information I had - more a memory of reading to my
daughter than a detailed description of the book. I
purchased a copy of the book on-line and it came in the mail
this week. I wasn't sure if it would be the right
book, but I am delighted to report that it
is. Thank you with all my heart for taking time to answer
my stumper - this is the best $2 I have ever spent!!!!
Jerry West, The Happy Hollisters, 1953-1970. Could it be this series?
#F84--Family series: At least two
different authors wrote series about families named the Tuckers,
Virginia Baker in the 1940s and Jo Mendel in the
early 1960s. The Tuckers in Baker's books appear to be
English and the American editions were published in Chicago by
Moody Press. Mendel's Tuckers appear to be American. Her
books were published by Whitman in Racine, Wisconsin, meaning
they were those flimsy cardboard hardcovers printed on cheap,
quickly-yellowing paper, which wouldn't last long in a library,
but many copies can still be found.
Regarding my request F84, I think someone
solved it. I went to my local library and checked out several
Happy Hollisters books to verify. Although my memory is
sketchy, this must be the series I was searching for;
all the pieces fit. In less than one week, a personal mystery
has been solved. Thanks for your service!
I accidentally omitted a critical piece of information - the
third character in this book is an old man, a "hobo".
This could be the book The Family
Under the Bridge. I don't remember much about
it except there are some homeless children and a hobo who
"adopts" them.
Natalie Savage Carlson The Happy
Orphelines, Brother for the Orphelines, Family Under the Bridge
etc, The
Hobo, Armand, lives under the bridge
in Paris and carries a large black umbrella.
Condition Grades |
Carlson, Natalie Savage. The Happy
Orpheline. Illustrated by Garth Williams. NY:
Harper & Row, 1957. Pictorial boards,
bookplate in front free endpaper. Very slight
must. G+/VG. <SOLD>
Carlson, Natalie Savage. The Family Under the Bridge. Illustrated by Garth Williams. NY: Harper & Borthers, 1958. Ex-school-library copy, corners worn, clean interior, green cloth. Slightly smaller format than other 2 listed for sale here. G+ $10 <SOLD> Carlson, Natalie Savage. A Brother for the Orphelines. Illustrated by Garth Williams. NY: Harper & Brothers, 1959. Ex-library copy with rear pocket removed, small stain on rear of cover and glue stain on endpapers. Clean interior, Nice dust jacket. G+/VG. $18 |
![]() |
The Happy Owls--that's it! Thank you so much!
Helen Wing, The Happy Twins. I think this may be your book. It's
about blond twins, a boy and a girl, that have a happy day with
many activities. It's an Elf book. There's one
picture with them holding their grandfather's hands and walking
through the park. They have balloons.
Yes! That�s the book! Thank you! I
found it online for under $3.00! I love this website!
Fern G. Brown, Hard Luck Horse, 1975. This is absolutely the book! I
searched for it myself for ages. All I could remember was Woody
Dip's name, but I finally found it. The girl's name is Cristi
Barnett, and she wants to pay for a lifesaving eye operation for
Woody Dip, even though he doesn't belong to her.
I just ordered the book, I can't wait to
see her face when she opens it!
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Harrison
Bergeron, 1961.
Classic SF story. From Kurt Vonnegut's "Welcome to the
Monkey House".
Kurt Vonnegut, Welcome to the Monkey
House, 1970.
This sounds like the short story Harrison Bergeron from the book
Welcome to the Monkey House.
Kurt Vonnegut, Harrison Burgeron. This science fiction short story was originally
published in Fantasy and Science Fiction magazine in 1961.
It has since been anthologized widely, often for student
use. The
link leads to text online.
Kurt Vonnegut, Harrison Bergeron, short story.
Zion, Harry the Dirty Dog. I can't remember details, but this could be the
right one.
Zion, Gene, Harry the Dirty
Dog, 1956. Could this be Harry the Dirty
Dog? A little white dog with black spots runs away
from home, gets very VERY dirty until he looks like a little
black dog with white spots, and when he comes back home his
family doesn't recognize him until they give him a bath.
Marion Beldon Cook, Waggles
and the Dog Catcher, 1951. This was originally
illustrated by Louis Darling, but the Scholastic paperback that
came out later had illustrations by John Peterson that I like
better (possibly because they were the ones I knew as a child)
This sounds an awful lot like Harry
and the Terrible Whatz-It but I can't seem to locate
my copy of the book, so I am not sure of the date, author, or
even quite sure how to spell "Whatz-It!"
Harry and the Terrible Whatzit is
Dick Gackenbach (Clarion, 1977.) The pictures are
done in red, brown, and black. Harry's mom didn't come
back up from the cellar so he went downstairs, armed with a
broom, to save her from the double-headed, three-clawed,
six-toed, long-horned Whatzit that lives behind the
furnace. When Harry attacked it with his
broom, the Whatzit got smaller and smaller
because Harry wasn't afraid of it anymore. When it was the
size of a peanut, Harry sent it to live in the cellar next door
because "Sheldon Parker's afraid of everything."
m64 I'm pretty sure that that
they are describing Harvey's Hideout, by Russell
Hoban. See description for H14
Yes!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!! (Now if only someone
remembers my tall ships book stumper .....)
Thanks again!!
It had a main character (small furry animal) like Frances (of Bread
and Jam...), but it is not one of the Frances books in
print now. The main character runs away with a hobo pack
(stick with a handkerchief tied on the end). She then makes a
house in the dirt and eventually finds another animal is living
in a den next to hers. They have some sort of hole in the
dirt between them like a window. It had black and white
illustrations much like Lillian Hobans. I tried to look in
the Library of Congress index, but there were not subject
descriptions on a lot of the Hoban books. Any ideas?
In A Baby Sister for Frances, jealous Frances
makes a hobo stick and runs away... underneath the dining room
table. I don't think she even got outside.
Hoban, Harvey's Hideout. Brother and sister muskrats aren't
getting along they each have a secret hideout and it turns
out their places are right next door to each other (brother
accidentally tunnels into sister's place).
I wonder if this could be Harvey's
Hideout again. They certainly end up with two
burrows close to each other, and ultimately make just one
hideout. The illustrations are Hoban, but I don't know
about the hobo stick as I don't have the book any longer.
The submitter might want to read the solved listing as well as
the stumper listed as H14 with lots of plot details to see if it
sounds familiar.
I am looking for a book that I have
described to all my siblings and several bookstore clerks, but
no one seems to remember. I can see the illustrations in my
mind so I really don't think I'm making this book up. I
think I read it in the early 1960s when I was a little
girl. The illustrations are very similar to Bread and
Jam for Frances. So the illustrator must be LILLIAN
HOBAN or maybe Russell Hoban. The story is about two
muskrat/otter/beaver/badger siblings--a brother and a
sister. They are not getting along well. They both
tell each other that they are going to their own private,
secret clubhouses and Nya-nya-nya who needs you anyway?!
The mother calmly packs them each a lunch IN A PLASTIC BAG and
they swim across a river WITH THEIR PLASTIC LUNCH BAGS IN
THEIR MOUTHS. As it turns out there is no one else at
the brother's underground clubhouse but him. I remember
a CALENDAR hanging on the clubhouse wall with a picture of an
INDIAN muskrat/badger/otter/beaver on it. The boy feels
sad. Next door there is no one else at the sister's
underground clubhouse either. She has some girly things
in there, maybe a muskrat/beaver/otter dolly, some flowers,
and a tea set. She is lonesome and begins to cry.
They didn't realize that their clubhouses were right next door
to each other. I think the brother hears the sister
begin to cry. They tear down the adjoining wall and make
one big clubhouse and are happy to play together in their new
secret club. This book reminds me of my younger brother
and me, the two youngest of five children. I would love
to find it. My parents have died and we did not come
across this mysterious book as we sorted through their estate.
by Russell Hoban It was was my little brother's
favorite book. I don't know why, I was a very nice big
This sounds like Harvey's Hideout
again. Check H14 for description in Stump the Bookseller
and in solved mysteries.
This was a title I read in 1970's.
It was about a family of beavers or muskrats??? There
was a brother and sister and I remember the sister was going
to a party so she had to put her dress in a plastic bag so she
could go to the party. I think this is an illustration I
remember. I don't recall the plot.
B83 sounds like Harvey's Hideout,
by Russell Hoban. There is a better description
somewhere in Stump the Bookseller.
Harvey's Hideout.This is definitely Harvey's
Hideout. Another one of my favorite books! I
remember the part about his sister going to a party and putting
her dress in a plastic bag and carrying it in her mouth when she
swam accross the stream. Other plot points: Harvey doesn't get
along with his sister and finds an old hole in the
ground which he makes into his "hideout". He
cooks there, I think bacon and eggs. She eventually finds out
about it. They become friends in the end. Hope this helps!
I am 35 years old and enjoyed this picture book as a child. I
believe the cover is primarily dark blue. The story is about a
brother beaver and sister beaver (named Mildred??). At least I
think they were beavers. The brother builds a raft. The sister
has a tea party in a cave and wears a fancy dress. No one comes
to her party. Her brother shows up and they quarrel. He throws
dirt at her, messes up her dress and makes her cry. At around
the same time period I was also enjoying the books "Miss Suzy"
and "Never Tease a Weasel". I just cannot remember the name of
this book or its author. Can you help?
Sounds like Harvey's Hideout by Russell and
Lillian Hoban. See more on Solved Mysteries.
I found mention that the story "Good
Morning Herr Muller" could be found in Chassidic
Tales of the Holocaust by Yaffa Eliach, but
could find no further information.
J37: Yaffa Eliach, Hasidic
Tales of the Holocaust, 1982 (pb reprint
1988). Alternate spelling: Chassidic Tales of the
So, I managed to solve my own question with one of the paypal queries I sent you earlier today, regarding the Italian story of the fellow who had a false leg with a wheel. It is "The Hat," by Tomi Ungerer, 1970. Thanks, though! Have a nice coffee beverage on me.
There was a famous Nip and Tuck book in the 30's... look on
the Solved Mysteries page under Nip and Tuck to see
if that's the one.
N37 Hadn't thot of it for yrs, but it was
always one of my favorite books from 75 years ago. By Caroline
Emerson, Oh, I
DO have it here behind me on my daughter's
old bookshelves. A hat-tub tale. Dutton c1928 1st
ed 1928 Sorry to make you
drool I see 3 requests for it on ABE's want
list. Does customer live anywhere near central WA state - to
come read it -
or to photocopy it?
B367 Could it be Hattie instead of Batty?
I've sold my copy of Don Freeman's Hattie the Backstage
Bat which was a Viking Seafarer paperback
I'll bet you're right!
Don Freeman, Hattie the Backstage Bat, 1970. Hattie the bat lives in a
theater. I'm pretty sure the cover was blue and pictured the bat
flying around.
thanks for finding a solution! i've been
looking for the book off and on for probably 15 years. i
looked up the title on ebay and found a picture and it is
indeed the book i remember. I must have called it batty
because of the bat and since it was so close to hattie.
thanks again.
F146 possibly Kjelgaard, Jim. Haunt fox. illus by Glen Rounds. Holiday House, 1954. I've just skimmed the book. Fox is a 6-toed one, named Star. Father and son, Jeff and Jack, as well as a bounty trapper, named Dade, hunt him. After a year, Jack finds the fox in one of Dade's traps. Instead of shooting him, he decides to free him from the trap, and let him go [and pay Dade the money he would have made on him.]
Could the two siblings maybe be five
siblings? If so, it might be one of the Happy Hollisters
series (I think they are from the 1950's)
Margaret Sutton, The Haunted Attic. This is the second book in the Judy
Bolton series, which is a Nancy Drew-like series. Judy and her
family have just moved into the house, which was given to them
as a reward (Judy's brother Horace warned the town they
originally came from that a dam was going to break in the first
book in the series.) Horace discovers the haunted sounds are
caused by the branch of an old tree scraping against a window, a
parrot (now dead), and a white cat he names ghost. But there is
more to the haunting than that, and it's Judy who finally puts
all the pieces together. The house is on the dividing line
between the rich part of town and the poor part of town, and
Judy's rich friends don't approve of her making friends with the
mill-working girls on the other side.
Margaret Sutton, The Haunted Attic.
Thankyou for all the help! This one is solved!!
H144 It's been a while since I read it, but
it might be worth looking into THE HAUNTED CHURCHBELL
by Barbara Ninde Byfield~from a librarian
Barbara Ninde Byfield, The Haunted Churchbell,
1971. What a wonderful little mystery book! Thanks to the
tipster who correctly solved my own little mystery. This is a
wonderful book for kids 7-9 years old.
Elizabeth Baldwin Hazelton, The
Haunted Cove.
Definitely! The last line: "Why should I be? She's my great
grandmother, and it's her organ."(speaking of Theodora
Elizabeth Baldwin Hazelton, The
Haunted Cove.
(1971) This is definitely the book being sought---I
remember it from my own childhood! Twelve year old Kevin
MacAlastaire and his ten year old sister Christie spend the
summer holiday in a seaside cottage in Oregon. They meet a
mysterious local girl named Mora, who tells them ghostly tales
about the haunted cove. The mansion on the cliff above the
cove is apparently inhabited by a flute playing three eyed
witch. Every day at sunset, the witch stands on a rock in
the ocean and charms the local marine life with her music.
The three children eventually learn that the woman is Theodora
Zagrodsky, a very talented musician who wears a jewel on her
forehead that looks very much like a third eye. Followed
by a sequel, The Treasure of Kilvarra (1974): While visiting
Ireland, eleven-year-old Christie fulfills a prophecy and finds
a treasure.
The Haunted Cove. THATS IT!!! Thank you so
much! I had given up hope of ever finding that book
again. Also, I didn't know there was a sequal, so I will
have to find that as well. Again, THANK YOU
Elizabeth Baldwin Hazelton, The
Haunted Cove.
This should be moved to the solved section. I have this book in
my possetion and there is no mistaking the last line or the
plot. I was always one of my favorites!
read in the early 1970's. This was a book about some children
(don't remember how many or their names) tnat were on summer
vacation to the ocean (I think the east coast). There was
a large, apparently deserted mansion that the children thought a
witch lived in. There was a large whirlpool, and cemetery
close to the house. The children had to climb out on a dangerous
point and under a chainlink fence to get to this house. I
also think they believed the witch had turned someone into one
of the monuments in the graveyard. The story ended with
the house actually being a hideout for robbers or something
other than a witch. I checked this book out from a small
elementary school library in Missouri--if that helps.
Kin Platt, Mystery of the Witch Who
Wouldn't, 1969.
This sounds very much like one of the Sinbad and Steve mysteries
written by Kin Platt. I'm not sure I'm matching the right
title to the plot though. Steve, his bulldog Sinbad, and
his friend/enemy Minerva, the sheriff's daughter solve
mysteries. In this particular title, they save an old lady
who has the reputation of being a witch from a group of
criminals who are trying to steal her land. Some of the
other titles are Sinbad & Me, The Ghost of Hellsfire
Street and The Blue Man. Good
Elizabeth Baldwin Hazelton, The
Haunted Cove.
Again! See solved stumpers.
Elizabeth Baldwin Hazelton, The
Haunted Cove,
1971. This is one of my all time favorite books from my
childhood, The Haunted Cove by Elizabeth
Baldwin Hazelton. Note that there are two different cover
art versions for this book...one, by Xerox Family Educational
Services, is sort of dark blue and creepy looking, showing two
children running away from a dark house. The other, by American
Education Publishers/Weekly Reader Books, is "sunny" in
comparison, predominantly light green, with the two children
climbing the promontory above the cove. There was also a second
book with the same children (1974 Xerox publishing, only one
cover) called Treasure of Kilvarra, in which the
siblings have mysterious adventures in Ireland.
Elizabeth Baldwin Hazelton, The Haunted Cove,
1971. Thank you so much--this is certainly the book I was
looking for. When I looked back in the archive I found this
puzzle already solved, but with an entirely different set of
details from the book that I had completely forgotten. I think it
is amazing how certain images from a book that I read 30 years ago
can remain so vivid in my mind. From the requests that I
have read on your site, I see that my experience is not an
infrequent occurrence. I wonder if authors realize what an
impression they can make on young minds. I am most grateful
to them all for sharing their stories and imaginations with us. I
also thank you for this wonderful website.
Young adult/children's book read
around 1982-83 about kid or kids living next to a spooky house
on a promontory that may contain witches. I remember the word
"coven", thought it was the title. Definitely remember the word
"promontory". I remember the book having a dark blue picture on
the cover.
This sounds like a book I've been searching for
forever! I thought the title was The American
Witch, but it was by an author whose last name was
something like Mc or Mac-something. Whenever I look, I
find The
Good American Witch, by Peggy Bacon, but I don't think that's the book
I'm looking for. It might be the one you are, though!
Anyway, I don't know how much help that will be, but it might
be a good starting point.
Elizabeth Baldwin Hazelton, The Haunted Cove, 1971, copyright. I'm sure
the book you're looking for is The Haunted Cove by Elizabeth Baldwin Hazelton.
Brother and sister, along with mother, vacation in a cottage on
the coast of Oregon. Next door is a spooky house on a
promentory, the owner is said to be a witch! You'll probably
remember the "witch" standing on rock out in the cove playing
the flute, with the seals coming in to listen to her. Also the
two ways the kids get close to the house...once under a chain
link fence, where the girl almost falls, the other time along
the coast at low tide....that time they're trapped by high tide
and have to stay till tide goes down again. There were two
printings of the book...one, the Xerox printing, has the blue
cover you describe, the other, a Weekly Reader printing, has an
entirely different cover....light green. Text is same for both,
and both printings very available and inexpensive. There was
another book with the same siblings called The Treasure of Kilvarra,
where they vacation in Ireland.
Holly Beth Walker, Meg
and the Secret of the Witch's Stairway,
1967, copyright. Could it be one of the Meg mysteries,
published in the late 60s/early 70s by Whitman? The one
that sounds the most likely is The Secret of the Witch's
Stairway, but that wasn't the cover I remembered when
I looked it up. Maybe The Mystery of the Black Magic Cave?
I remember a cove being in one of the books. Good luck!
Jay Jackson MacNess, The American Witch, 1966,
copyright. I can't help with the original question,
but The American Witch
is by Jay Jackson MacNes, illustrated by Don Bolognese, and
published in 1966 by McGraw-Hill. I searched for
it for a number of years, too!
Elizabeth Baldwin Hazelton, The Haunted Cove.
Thank you! Thank you! This is the book I've been looking
for for ages! I loved it back then and can't wait to read
it again.
Condition Grades |
Hazelton, Elizabeth Baldwin. The Haunted Cove. Illustrated by Ned Butterfield. American Education Publications, 1971. Weekly Reader Children's Book Club edition. Hardcover. VG. $4. |
![]() |
Edward Gorey, Amphigorey, Amphigorey
Too, Amphigorey Also,
earyl 1980s. If the illustrations could be drawings rather
than photographs, this description has Edward Gorey written all
over it.
the book was NOT edward gorey. It was absolutely black
and white photos for sure. I think that's what
freaked me out so much, because she was a real girl.
Bruce McMillan, Ghost Doll, 1983. Maybe??? "In a rare blend of
suspense and wonder, Bruce McMillan has captured, in these
evocative black-and-white photographs, all the timeless mystery
of a little girl's love for a special doll." Photographed
in an old mansion in Kennebunkport, Maine, this short but eerie
story has a surprise ending for Chrissy and all the young people
who read it.
Terry Berger, The haunted dollhouse, 1982. Or..."On her thirteenth birthday,
Sarah wakes up inside the mysterious Victorian dollhouse she has
wished for, and spends the day there alone in an atmosphere of
doom." Illustrated with photographs by Karen Coshof.
(Some color illustrations.)
yes... I think its the haunted dollhouse (by
terry berger) I'd have to see the cover to know for
sure though.
thanks so much for id'ing that book. Sorry, I was so
jazzed, I bought a copy yesterday from [big bad competition]!
Just a note if you're searching for "pot
licker", Yankees! We either spell it "pot likker" if we're
feeling quaint or "pot liquor" if we ain't!
White, Robb, Haunted Hound. NY Doubleday 1950. "The hard-to-find
story of a lonely boy named Jonathan and a black-and-white hound
dog named Pot Likker." The cover is red with an illustration of
the dog. Someone else looking for it said the dog liked to jump
on trains, but I haven't read it so I don't know. The story
opens "Jonathan Barrett put the report card and the note from
his teacher between the pages of his arithmetic book. As he
walked slowly through the schoolyard he felt hopeless. And
lonely. For a little while, as he walked across the school
playground, he wondered what his father was going to say about
the report card. But, as Jonathan turned and started down the
avenue, he knew that his father wouldn't say much, if anything.
He never did. he just looked for a long time at the red F's
Jonathan made and then looked away."
The Haunted Spy by Barbara
Ninde Byfield, 1969 A spy retires to a castle in the
country, only to discover it is haunted by a ghost (in one
picture he is shown rowing in a small boat with the ghost
to get to the treasure)
Hi, I came across your site and just had to
read some of the stumpers. See, I'm a children's librarian and
stumpers are my favorite (although they can drive me insane at
times!) I had to send you the answers to some of your posted
stumpers- The stumper about the castle, crypt, spy, ghost, dog:
It's THE HAUNTED SPY by Barbara Ninde Byfield
(1969). And your customer might be interested to know there were
CHURCHBELL) although I myself think THE
HAUNTED SPY is the best one.
Pre 1980's children's
short mystery - definitely not an adventure book...no children
characters in the book. A man witnesses something strange
in a distant castle or mansion on an island and boats over to
Sounds like it could
be THE
HAUNTED SPY written and illustrated by Barbara
Ninde Byfield, c1969. It's a picture book, but not a
babyish one, and there are no children in the book. A spy gets
tired of the spy business, so he buys a small castle set on an
island. But the castle is haunted. If it helps, the spy has a
basset hound. A Google image search with the keywords "haunted
spy" will turn up an image of the cover.~from a librarian
Ninde Byfield, The Haunted
Spy, 1969, approximate. Thank you so much to
Loganberry Books, and to the librarian that solved this for
me, and now I even see it was previously on the solved
page! I was so obsessed with this book that was in my
elementary school library 25 years ago - the last 4 pages or
so were torn out and I never got to see how the story ended,
but I still pulled that book out almost every time I went to
the library. Maybe I was wishing the pages would
reappear. I can't wait to find a copy and find out how
it ends! Thank you!!
Just wanted to say that Barbara Ninde Byfield
was the author of the funny Eating-in-Bed Cookbook (1962)
and the tongue-in-cheek occult encyclopedia, The Book of
Weird, aka The Glass Harmonica (1967). She wrote at least 7
more mysteries and illustrated 6 books by other writers,
including Herb Caen's The Cable Car and the Dragon. Sadly,
she died at age 58 in 1988.
Shirreffs, Gordon D., The Haunted
Treasure of Espectros. Chilton 1962. I believe this is on your
Solved list - there can't be too many teen mysteries where
canned peaches play a role! Gordon D. Shirreffs, Mystery of the
Haunted Mine, 1970, reprint. Copyright 1961--Formerly The
Haunted Treasure of the Espectros From the back cover:
"Somewhere in those canyons is a fortune .... The Indians say it
is guarded by ghosts -- but Gary and Tuck refuse to believe that
ghosts use live ammunition!" Tuck's cousin Sue is in the
story also.
I am very sure you are thinking of Mystery
Mountain by Florence Laughlin. (1964)
The Haunted Treasure of Espectros. Thanks for this
information. This sounds like it right down to the names of the
kids. Who would have thought the canned peaches thing would be
the tip-off? Thanks again for solving this 20-year-old mystery
for me.
This is a story of legendary lost treasure in the
mountains. There are two antagonistic groups searching for
it, including the main characters of the story who as I recall
where a boy and a girl. The most memorable detail that I
can recall was the legend of the recluse that had found the
treasure and then disappeared years before. He had been
well known for his favorite food, soda crackers and canned cling
peaches. During the course of the story, a mummified body
is discovered in a cave and identified as the recluse as it was
found among an old stockpile of the before mentioned food.
This book was published by Scholastic, I believe.
Shirreffs, Gordon D., The Haunted
Treasure of Espectros.
This one keeps popping up, doesn't it? And it's the
peaches that give it away no matter how else the book is
Shirreffs, Gordon Donald, Original
Title:The Haunted Treasure of the Espectros
Retitled: Mystery of the Haunted Mine,
1962. This book is in the Solved Mysteries pages under "H"
for The Haunted Treasure of Espectros, the
original title, and "M" for Mystery of the Haunted Mine,
the reprint title. You can read descriptions of the plot
on both pages, and you can see the book's cover on
this website. I have not read this book, but it was
published by Scholastic and both of the Solved Mysteries pages
describe the canned peaches.
Gordon Shirreffs, Mystery of the
Haunted Mine. I loved
this when I was a kid- it was originally published as The
haunted treasure of the Espectros. Shirreffs also
wrote Rio Bravo, and other Westerns.
This book was read to me in fourth grade in 1971. My
memory of it is pretty weak at this point. The name "The
Lost Expectros" (I am not sure of the spelling) had somthing to
do with the book, but I now know it wasn't in the title.
It may have been the name of a mountain range the book was set
in or around. I remember it being about two boys trying to
solve a mystery or find treasure, a mine, or "the lost
expectros"? It was set in the west or southwest. I
remember one part about them having to swim under a submerged
ledge in to get from one area to another. I don't remember
if this was in a cave or not. It was not a picture book,
it was a longer book and I think it was an older book as
well. Unfortunately, at this time, "The Lost Expectros" is
the main thing I remember, I just don't remember what exactly it
had to do with the book.
Shirreffs, Gordon Donald, The
Haunted Treasure of Espectros, 1962. Reprinted as Mystery of the
Haunted Mine. Please see the "Solved
Mysteries" pages under H and M for more information.
Shirreffs, Gordon D., Haunted
Treasure of Espectros / Mystery of the Haunted Mine. OK, they didn't mention peaches this time, but
it's got to be the right book.
Shirreffs, Gordon D, The Haunted
Treasure of Espectros.
Here it is again. This must be a memorable book!
Gordon D. Shirreffs, The Haunted
Treasure of the Espectros, 1962. This one is on the Solved Mysteries
page. It was apparently retitled "Mystery of the Haunted
Mine" in later editions. It is about a boy named Gary and
his best friend Tuck who set out to find a lost treasure on an
allegedly haunted mountain.
Shirreffs, Gordon D., The Haunted
Treasure of Los Espectros, (Mystery of the Haunted Mine). NY Chilton 1962. I believe this is
on the solved pages already, with mention of both the original
and the Scholastic titles. Lost Expectros sounds a good deal
like Los Espectros.
Vivien Alcock, The Haunting of
Cassie Palmer,
1980. This is it - I just read it.
"Thirteen-year-old Cassie Palmer, the seventh child of a seventh
child, has inherited the gift of second sight. Unsure whether or
not she even believes in ghosts, Cassie heads to the cemetery to
test her ability to communicate with the Other World. She starts
with the departed spirit of a harmless child: CHARLOTTE EMMA
ELIZABETH WEBB, BORN 1840 DIED 1847. But when a mysterious man
appears, Cassie finds a new companion. Is he a gravedigger? A
bum? Or did Cassie's inexperience cause her to bring back
Charlotte's frightening neighbor: DEVERILL 1720 - 1762?"
Vivien Alcock, The Haunting of Cassie
Definitely. The requester even got the protagonist's name
Vivien Alcock, The Haunting of Cassie
Vivien Alcock, The Haunting of Cassie Palmer,
1980. Thank you so much! That's it. I can't
believe that I couldn't remember the name. Now I can go
find it! This is such a wonderful site and such a
wonderful service. Thank you for helping me remember this
A book about a girl who lives with a lot of relatives and her
mother who works from home as a fortune teller but the girl
knows it's all a hoax, her mother doesn't have 'the gift', but
the girl does because she's the seventh daughter of a seventh
daughter or 14th of a 14th.. something like that. I read it in
the mid 80's but have no idea about an author or title.
Hey, me again, i was searching the archives and found the book
i was looking for. "the haunting of cassie palmer" the
new cover design is what threw me off, it was done in
1990! Thanks for such a wonderful helpful site, but you
don't have to post my query.
Posted anyway, in case someone else happens to be looking for a
good book!
Dorthy Francis, The ghost of graydon
place, 1982. main
character is tracy. She and her friends get snowed in the
Graydon mansion. She has a visit from victoria Graydon, a
ghost girl from another century. Victoria says she can't
rest because she murdered her sister.
Karleen Bradford, The Haunting at
Cliff House,
1985. This takes place in an old house, not an inn, but
Alison, the protagonist, does find a diary belonging to a
long-dead girl (Bronwen) behind a brick in the fireplace.
The two girls (living and ghost) are the same age, and are
facing many of the same problems. Hope this helps!
It's been solved! The book is titled The Haunting of
Cliff House by Karleen Bradford (1985 Scholastic).
If you can find a copy, I would love to buy one.
F5 - This has some similarities to Jean
Little's Mama's Going to Buy You a Mockingbird
where it is a boy who has to come to terms with his father's
cancer and death, and a girl who wears odd clothes that help him
do so.
F5--Just wanted to say "Mama's Going to Buy
You a Mockingbird" is a novel which would have been published
quite some time after this short story.
Not too sure, but - THE HAUNTING OF
JULIE UNGER by Valerie Lutters, NY, Atheneum
1977, 193 pgs, cloth. "Julie finds she is living in Maine with
the ghost of her beloved father, a ghost she has built out of
love & guilt. The wild geese, an old neighbor & a boy
with a dog help her back into life with the living." Julie isn't
exactly an unusual name though, so I'm not too certain about
Farjeon, Eleanor, Faithful Jenny
Dove. 1930s, reprinted
1950s. This was the title story in a short story collection by E
F - it may well have been anthologised separately - girl ghost
waits in the lane where she promised
to meet lover who has gone away, and meets
another ghost instead.
Hi! I wanted to let you know how thankful I am for your
site. I posted a stumper to your website a long while back
& someone finally replied that one of the stories in my
stumper was "Faithful Jenny Dove" by Elanor Farjeon. I had
to let you know how imensely it helped. I got my local
library to search for anthologies w/H.G. Well's "The Magic Shop"
and "Faithful Jenny Dove" in them & they found my long lost
anthology! It is titled Haunting
Tales edited by Barbara
Ireson and published in 1973 and even has illustrations
by Freda Woolf. If you ever have a reasonable copy in your
shop, you have a customer!
Sounds like The Ghost Belonged to Me
by Richard Peck (see Solved Mysteries). The 1978 Disney
movie was "Child of Glass."
Thanks for the info - but the book is not The Ghost
Belonged to Me. In my book, the girl died in a fire
- not murdered. Also, I believe the book was part of
series in which the ghost does a good deed each book for one her
relatives. Thanks for your help though!
Emily Cates, Haunting with Louisa
trilogy, 1990,
approximately. Almost sure this is it. Dee, a girl
of 13 whose mother has just died, is sent to live with her aunt,
an innkeeper on a small island. Dee discovers a ghost girl
named Louisa Lockwood in her room Louisa and her family
died in a fire in the 1800s and Louisa must help four Lockwood
relatives before she can rejoin her family. Titles are The
Ghost in the Attic, The Mystery of Misty Island Inn, and
The Ghost Ferry.
Thank you so much! These are the books I have been looking for!
I am so excited - I have been looking for years. I cannot stress
how much I appreciate all of the help. Thanks!!!!
M. Masters, Hawkeye Collins and Amy
Adams in...
1983-1985. There were about 12 or 14 books in this "Can
You Solve the Mystery?" series about a blonde,
bespectacled boy named Hawkeye Collins and a redheaded girl
named Amy Adams. Amy solved mysteries based on Hawkeye's
drawings of the crime scenes. The reader was invited to
try to solve the mysteries before seeing the solution, which
could be read using a mirror. Each title in the series
contained eight to ten different mystery stories, and I am
afraid I do not know which title contained the "Tomato Stealer"
story. I also do not recall Amy being called "Spitfire",
but it is quite possible. The first title in the series
was "Hawkeye Collins and Amy Adams in the Secret of the Long
Lost Cousin and Other Mysteries".
M Masters, Hawkeye Collins & Amy
Adams in the case of the video game smugglers & other
mysteries, 1983.
I'm not sure if this is the exact title but the description fits
one of the Hawkeye Collins and Amy Adams mysteries.
Hawkeye always carried the sketch pad and made drawings that
helped to solve the mystery. The answers to the
mini-mysteries were always printed backwards in the back of the
book so that you had to hold it up to a mirror to read the
Masters M, Hawkeye Collins and Amy
Adams mysteries (series
title: can you solve the mystery?),
These are the Hawkeye Collins and Amy Adams mysteries.
All titles begin Hawkeye Collins and Amy Adams in the
case of the... and include: The case of the
kidnapped brain (1983) The case of the
chocolate snatcher (1983) The case of
the video game smugglers (1983) The case of
the mysterious dognappers; The mystery of the haunted
house; The case of the double alibi (1985)
the case of the clever marathon cheat (1985).
He Went for a Walk
This was an English book written by Dorothy Evelyn Smith.
It is about a little boy who goes looking for his soldier father
after his home is bombed during the Blitz in London. His
mother is killed and the father goes looking for the boy.
It was written, I think, during the war. So around 1944
maybe. The boy's name might be Simon. I have other
books by Smith but haven't seen reference to this one. Thanks
Dorothy Evelyn Smith, He Went for a
Walk, 1954. Not
sure but the title ties in perfectly with the description and
the fact that you can't find the book. It's somewhat
Dorothy Evelyn Smith, He Went for a
Walk, 1954.
Sounds like a plausible title, though I haven't read it. Other
possibilities include Lost Hill, O the Brave Music,
Beyond the Gates, Huffley Fair, Proud Citadel, Brief Flower,
or My Lamp is Bright.
I could only find 3 books that Smith wrote
in the 40's - O, the Brave Music (1943),
Proud Citadel (1947), and My Lamp is Bright
(1949). Her other books were written in the 50's
& 60's.
Dorothy Evelyn Smith, He Went for a Walk, 1954.
This sounds like it might be the book I'm looking for. The
other Smith book , O,The Brave Music is definitely not
the one--it is my favorite book and I still own it, and the
others don't sound right. So I hope He Went for a Walk
is correct. I'm ordering it anyway. Thanks
Head on Her Shoulders
A group from a community decides to move
west after their area is devastated by a tornado. For some
reason, the children of one family are traveling alone -- all
of their belongings are in a railway boxcar. One time, I think
someone gets off the train to pick skunk cabbage and almost
gets left behind. I read this in the 70's, but I think it was
written earlier than that.
Is this the same book as T228?
Someone suggested Gladys Baker Bond, A Head on
her Shoulders for that stumper and it
certainly sounds like the same book.
Bond, Gladys Baker, A Head on
Her Shoulders. I
checked out T228, and that description is the book I've been
looking for. Thanks so much. I LOVE THIS SITE -- you're
batting a thousand with my stumpers!
The second book was about a family living in
Texas, whose house was destroyed by a tornado. The town
people decide to leave and take a train to Oregon. The
father is going to travel in a box car with the boys and the
animals, but on the day of departure, he breaks his leg.
The young daughter has to take charge, and go on the boxcar with
her brothers. On the way there, they meet a gypsy girl
who's father has died, and she stays with them. I remember
that they run low on money and food, and the gypsy girl is able
to get her father's trunk and gives them food and money from it.
They reach Oregon safely, and the parents agree to take in the
gypsy girl.
Gladys Baker Bond, A Head On Her Shoulders (1963). I posted this stumper two years ago. I had been racking my brain for the title of this book for almost 20 years. A week before Christmas, while sitting in church during the Offertory, the title A Head on Her Shoulders sprang into my head. I almost jumped up in the middle of Mass and yelled EUREKA! As soon as I got home, I checked eBay, and a few copies were up, with a synopsis of the book. I had my title, and I bought a copy of the book. I was really happy about this! I must have read it around 20 times since then!
Headless Cupid
This was one of those books about girls playing with
magic. Amanda wants everyone to believe she has magical
powers. She wears a small triangular mirror on her forehead, to
make herself look mysterious, and conducts seances and things
like that. In a way it's similar to E.L. Konigsberg's "Jennifer,
Hecate, MacBeth..." in that the girl is just trying to create a
more interesting life for herself.
Snyder, Zilpha Keatley. The Headless
Cupid. When
Amanda comes to live with her new stepfamily she creates quite a
stir with her interest in the occult, her weird hairdos and
clothes and the triangle on her forehead. This book is the
first of a series of adventures of the Stanley family.
Amanda with a mirror triangle in forehead: The
Headless Cupid, by Zilpha Keatley Snyder.
At least three sequels don't quite live up to the original, but
are fun to read.
Zilpha Keatly Snyder, The
Headless Cupid. 1975, approximate. Amanda is very unhappy
about her mother''s divorce and subsequent remarriage, so she
wraps herself up in occult studies and even invents a
poltergeist with which to frighten her new family. She
wears a little mirrored triangle on her forhead and calls it
her "third eye". She also wears her hair in many
tiny braids and wears witchy looking clothes. There is a
mystery involving a headless cupid in the story.
I'll add my voice to the likely chorus -
probably The Headless Cupid, by Zilpha
Keatley Snyder, published Atheneum 1971, where proto-goth
Amanda joins the Stanley family and tries to make herself
special by conducting seances, claiming to be psychic, etc.
"When the four Stanley children meet Amanda, their new
step-sister, they're amazed to learn that she studies
witchcraft. They're stunned to see her dressed in a strange
costume, carrying a pet crow, and surrounded by a pile of books
about the supernatural. It's not long before Amanda promises to
give witchcraft lessons to David, Janie, and the twins. But
that's when strange things start happening in their old house.
David suspects Amanda of causing mischief, until they learn that
the hosue really was haunted a long time ago. Legend has it that
a ghost cut the head off a wooden cupid on the stairway. Has the
ghost returned to strike?"
a Newberry Honor Book, 1972.
Book from the mid-1970s about two girls who were reading a book about how to become witches and performing the tasks needed to become a witch - one of the tasks was walking on the furniture in order to not touch the floor. I think another task involved a frog.
Hildick, E.W. , The Active-Enzyme Lemon-Freshened Junior High School
1973, copyright. I dont remember the part about not walking on
the furniture, but Allison and her sister Jeannie find a book on
how to become a witch while on vacation and perform all the
tasks to do so.
Konigsburg, Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinley, and Me,
Elizabeth. Theres
more about it in the Solved section, it is still in print and
easily available.
Keatly Snyder, The Headless
1970s, approximate. Amanda offers to teach her new stepsiblings
magic. She resents her mothers remarriage, so she makes up
"ordeals" for the stepsiblings that she hopes will be disruptive
to the whole family. One is not walking on the wood floor,
which results in climbing on the furniture another is
carrying a reptile (frogs count) on ones person for a whole
day. Others are not touching anything made of metal and
not speaking for a whole day. The ordeals are only a part
of the overall plot. Excellent book.
Hecate, MacBeth, William McKinley, and Me, Elizabeth. This one might be Jennifer,
Hecate, MacBeth, William McKinley, and Me, Elizabeth by
Keatley Snyder, The Headless
Could it be this one? Its not two girls, but one girl (Amanda)
who has four new step-siblings who shes trying to convince that
shes a witch. Theres definitely an episode with all the kids
trying to prove they could be witches too, by trying to get
around the room without touching furniture. As I remember, the
youngest kids cheat somehow, and Amanda gets disgusted. ZKS has
written many books though, and I could be confusing the
titles. It could be The Witches of Worm.
E. W.
Hildick, The Active-Enzyme,
Lemon-Freshened Junior High School Wtich. I think this is the right
one. And, if it is, theres a sequel: The Top-Flight,
Fully-Automated Junior High School Girl Detective.
E. L. Konigsburg,
Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinley, and Me, Elizabeth, 1967. This is it!
Elizabeth meets a new friend Jennifer, who takes charge and
decides they will learn to be witches. A wonderful beek by a
wonderful author.
Headless Cupid. This is the answer! Thank
you so much!!
Condition Grades |
Snyder, Zilpha Keatley. Headless
Cupid. Illustrated by Alton Raible.
Dell Publishing: a Yearling paperback, 1971.
1985 printing. Signed by
Snyder on a sticker placed on front free
endpaper: "From one author to another." Corner tab
of front free endpaper is clipped. VG. $20
Snyder, Zilpha
Keatley. Headless Cupid. Illustrated
by Alton Raible. NY: Atheneum, 1971.
Hardback early edition. Slight stain on title
page and ex-library copy with usual marks.
G/G. $10 <SOLD> |
![]() |
Patricia Hermes, Heads I Win, 1989.
Hermes, Patricia, Heads, I Win, 1988. "There's something for you in the
freezer," she said. .... "Go look." I
crossed the kitchen and opened the top part of the refrigerator,
the freezer part. It was packed -- packed full -- with
boxes and boxes and boxes of frozen macaroni and cheese.
There must have been fifty boxes in there!I turned around to
her. "For me?" I said. And knew it was a stupid
question. Ms. Henderson nodded. "For winning.
I was pretty sure you'd win." "But there's so many here!"
I said. "Well," Ms. Henderson said, "you're going to be
here for a long time."
Patricia Hermes, Heads, I Win, 1989. I went to
[that big megalithic online seller] and read the comments to
make sure this was the book. I ordered a copy this morning.
Thanks for the help!
??, Heads Up! (at least in
Scholastic edition), c. 1960. I'm 99% certain of the title
on this, but my copy's been in storage for 10 years and
inaccessible at the moment. It *may* have had a different
title originally (I seem to remember one of those notices in
parentheses on the cover.) I do recall it was one of the
Scholastic Book Services paperbacks I bought in elementary
school. The girl's name was Peg or Peggy, and either the
family or
their son (or both) were called Tuck, short
for Tucker. I think the horses were referred to as
"Liberty" horses -- one of the tricks may have involved standing
on the horse's back posing as the Statue of Liberty.
Good luck -- hope this helps.
Patsey Gray, Heads Up!,
1961. This is definitely the book. A summary I
found online told about the story exactly as I
remembered. Thanks to the person who wrote in with the
title so that Iwas able to look it up.
O19 orphan rodeo: more on the suggested, Heads
Up, by Patsey (Patricia) Gray, illustrated
by Leonard Shortall, published Coward-McCann 1956, reprinted
Scholastic 1961, 191 pages. "a girl and a horse have their
problems but amidst a setting of California State Fairs and
horse shows, they are straightened out with a healthy realism"
... "story of little-known life behind the scenes of horse
shows and fairs and the sensible handling of a warm family
relationship" ... "seems improbable that a girl of ten would
be allowed by the authorities to sleep by herself in a
stable". None of which really confirms anything, though.
Martha Reben, The Healing Woods,
1952. "Author chose to
return to nature and the woods as a last resort to gain back her
health. The story of how she found peace and health in the quiet
of the Adirondack mountains and the friendliness of the
wildlife." Sounds like it's right on the money.
A136 Reben, Martha. The
healing woods. illus by Fred Collins. Crowell, 1952.
Saranac Lake; New York State.
T.A. Barron, Heartlight,1990.
Kate's astrophysicist grandfather, using his discovery of the
relationship of light to the human soul, travels through the
universe in search of a cure for Earth's dying sun. Following
him to the star Trethoniel on the back of a giant butterfly,
Kate becomes caught up in a dangerous and wonderful adventure in
the end it is not science, but human love, that triumphs over
the Darkness. Barron relies heavily on description, which tends
to slow the movement of the plot. Characters are not
sufficiently developed for a story with only two human
protagonists. Given the book's blend of science fiction and
Christian ethos, comparison with the work of Madeleine L'Engle
is inevitable.
Ray Bradbury, A Sound of
Thunder. There is, of course, the famous short
story by Ray Bradbury that involves time travel and a butterfly:
It's not a book - but sometimes the memories can get hazy...
Jay Williams, Magic
Grandfather. Not sure if this is it or not, it has
a grandson instead a girl and I don't know about the butterflies
but they are pictured on the cover
Hearts in Trim
In the mid-sixties, I belonged to a book
club called Best Loved Girls Books, and I have been trying to
find some of these wonderful books again. I can't remember any
of the titles, and there was one in particular which is
driving me crazy. The main character was a girl named
Squeak. The story centered around an elderly and wealthy
neighbor of Squeak's who had died and left her property to a
relative who was an actress. Part of the woman's estate
consisted of a huge personal library, which was of great
interest to Squeak. I remember that Squeak had a younger
brother, Johnny I think was his name, and two older sisters,
one of them preparing for her wedding. Do you have any
idea what the title of this book could be?
S76 Squeak and S83 Shakespearean treasure
hunt sound similar (can you say that 5 times fast?)
This is Hearts in Trim by Lavinia
R. Davis.
Davis, Lavinia R Hearts in
TrimNew York, Doubleday 1954, "Serena Bruce,
commonly known as Squeak, learns that old Mrs. Frostgate has
left her a legacy. They begin to organize the books for
selling and try to unravel the mystery of a glamorous actress
who had settled in the village." "Serena and Cliff find
themselves in hot water when they set about making the most of
an unexpected legacy. Ages 12-16."
Davis, Lavinia R. Hearts in Trim New York. Doubleday 1954, "Serena Bruce,
commonly known as Squeak learns that old Mrs. Frostgate has
left her a legacy. They begin to organize the books for
selling and try to unravel the mystery of a glamorous actress
who had settled in the village." "Serena and Cliff find
themselves in hot water when they set about making the best of
an unexpected legacy."
David Almond, Heaven Eyes. Three "damaged children", orphans or foundlings,
run away on a make-shift raft, and run ashore on the Black
Middens, and are found by the mysterious Heaven Eyes, and her
strange granpa, and are introduced to their wierd, out-of-synche
David Almond, Heaven Eyes,
2001. Thank you! I am quite sure this is the book I was
looking for. The title sounds like the kind of thing I'd
gravitate to and pick up -- likewise the cover. I remembered
flipping through it at Borders when it came out, and thinking
I would look for it at the library, but neglected to write
down the author or title. I have requested a hold on it at the
library, and with that, I consider this mystery solved. Thank
you once again and thank you to Loganberry!
HECKEDY PEG! I solved my stumper, shortly after I
posted this! oops! oh well..I'm glad I found it! I think Heckedy
peg was already submitted, but it didnt ring a bell when I read
it, I know remember, yes the children all had different names of
the week. I found it through the library of congress, all I did
was enter, "mother child witch" under keynotes, and I found it!
Iona and Peter Opie, Childrens Games
in Street and Playground, 1969. This is unlikely to be the actual
book that you read but it does describe the story as a
traditional British folkstory/ acting game. It is described
under the heading "Mother, the Cake is Burning" (pp.
317-329 see especially pp. 323-325).
Keith Robertson, Henry Reed's
Journey, 1963.
This is a definite answer to this stumper!! This is one of
my all time favorite children's books!! There are four Henry
Reed books this is the second in the series. Henry has lived
overseas his whole life and come to spend the summers with his
aunt and uncle in New Jersey. He travels across the U.S. with
his friend Midge Glass and parents in order to experience the
A young male (Henry?) has an engineering bent, but he is
interested in being an entomologist. He meets a girl (with a
"turned-up nose") who asks him--as she nibbles an apple-- does
he plan to do *pure* research or *applied* research? The town
buys a big metal swimming pool but it won't be available for use
on the promised grand opening date of 4th of July because the
crane needed to lower it into the already-dug hole is
unavailable. The boy becomes a hero when he thinks to put
ice in the hole and slide the pool onto the ice. When the
ice melts, the pool will sink gently into the hole (he learned
this from a Hopi Indian trick in which a metal container of
burning material sinks magically into the ground). A man,
upon hearing the idea, says "Blast it Henry, when are you going
to quit chasing butterflies and study engineering?" Henry is
honored to be the first to jump into the pool, but forgets to
test the water...it is cold from the ice, brrr!!!! He
wavers on whether to go public with the source of his
inspiration. The girl objects to him telling, saying "The
Hopis couldn't have done that trick before white men provided
them with ice."
I wonder whether this is one of the Henry
Reed books by Keith Robertson, illustrated by Robert
McCloskey. There are five titles in the series: Henry
Reed, Inc. (1958), Henry Reed's Journey (1963),
Henry Reed's Baby-Sitting Service (1966), Henry
Reed's Big Show (1970), and Henry Reed's
Think Tank (1986). I haven't read them all, so
I can't be sure, but the descriptions of Henry and his friend
Midge certainly sound appropriate!
Keith Robertson, Henry Reed series. The scene where Henry meets
Midge, the girl with the apple ('pure or applied research?') is
in Henry Reed, Inc. The swimming-pool scene
may be in another book in the series- or perhaps in the Homer
Price series?
Robertson, Keith, Henry Reed's
Journey. The
story of Henry's journey across the U.S. with his friend Midge
and her parents. The incidents of the Hopi Indians and the
swimming pool definitely match!
Keith Robertson, Henry Reed,
Inc., Henry's Reed's Babysitting Service, Henry
Reed's Journey. This is from the Henry Reed
series by Keith Robertson. Henry and his friend Midge
Glass have a series of adventures in Grovers' Corner, New
Jersey. Henry is quite brainy, if a little square, due to
his years as an expat (his dad is in the Foreigh Service.)
each book is presented as Henry's journal, composed for the
edification of his European classmates. I remember the
pool sequence -- it's not in Henry Reed, Inc. -- I think it
might be in the Journey one (Henry travels out West with the
Glass family.) All three are very funny.
Keith Robertson, Henry Reed,
Inc./Henry Reed's Journey(?), 1958/1963. Could this be a conflation
of two or more of Keith Robertson's Henry Reed books? I
haven't read "Journey," but I have seen plot summaries which
mention the Hopis. I have a copy of Henry Reed, Inc.
"Midge" Glass: "She had a small face which was covered
with freckles and light blue eyes that didn't miss a
thing. She was nibbling on an apple like a little
rabbit. If she hadn't had such a sharp-pointed nose, she
would have looked like a rabbit too" (pp. 42-43). On Page
44, she asks Henry whether he intends to pursue pure or applied
research. Midge is a character in all five Henry Reed
books. The only discrepancy is that Henry and Midge keep
larger animals (rabbits, turtles, pigeons, and a dog) rather
than insects, but Henry's mother did keep bees (p. 31).
I am thrilled, the internet and your service are a heck of a
For some reason I thought of Mark Taylor's Henry the Castaway (Atheneum, 1972; illustrated by Graham Booth), and lo and behold, there is a series of them, including Henry the Explorer (Atheneum, 1966; illustrated by Graham Booth), Henry Explores the Jungle (Atheneum, 1968; illustrated by Graham Booth), and Henry Explores the Mountains (Atheneum, 1975; illustrated by Graham Booth).
H44 is definitely Henry's Awful
Mistake by Robert Quackenbush
by Robert Quackenbush, published by Parents Magazine
Press in 1980. ~from a librarian
H44 Henry and the ant: This is one of the
suggested answers to A56 ant and flood: Henry's Awful
Mistake, by Robert Quackenbush, published
Parents Magazine Press 1980 "Henry the Duck attempts to chase an
ant from his kitchen and ends up sinking his house!"
A56 ant and flood: Suggesting also Andy
Ant, written & illustrated by Pops Winky,
published Pacific Publishing House 1977, 34 pages. It's a
picture book with bright detailed illustrations of ants working.
"Firdale was the
largest ant town in the forest. The town
gate, a big old ant hill, stood among the trees not far from the
crossroad ... Through many trials and tribulations, Andy Ant
finds his worth and value in the working world."
There was a book that I used to read
every time I went to the dentist, but they moved offices
and the book was lost in the move. I was very little
when I read it, and all I can remember is that it was a
story about an ant and a flood. The pictures were so
vivid and I always wanted to be part of the story. I
would say it was printed in the seventies, maybe early
80's. I know that's not a lot of information, but if you
have any ideas, I'd appreciate it so much. Thank you!
Could this possibly be Mona Minim
and the Smell of the Sun by Janet Frame?
Mona is a house ant who meets and spends the summer with a field
ant and has outdoor adventures. My sister and I had it in
the early 70's, and made our grandmother read it over and
over. Ours was a somewhat oversized hardback with chapters
and, I think, a yellow cover, and the illustrations were big and
detailed. The ants traveled down the stairs, a big undertaking,
and Mona had a "stair game" involving things like a spider
swing. Near the end, a queen gave birth. I didn't
find out the book was by a famous writer until quite
recently- remembered the title but not the author.
It had a magical, evocative mood, with what I recognized even
then as beautiful prose.
well, maybe - Quackenbush, Robert Henry's
Mistake Parents Magazine Press 1980 "Henry the
Duck attempts to chase an ant from his kitchen and ends up
sinking his house!" Nothing mentioned about the illos
Another ant story, no mention of flood, and
a bit early - Nimblefoot the Ant, her Adventures,
by Vytas Tamulaitis, illustrated by Pranas Lape,
published New York, Manyland Books 1965 hardcover octavo.
"Author won the Lithuanian Red Cross Literature for Juveniles
Award. Story of a black ant captured by red ants and her
escape home. Illustrations are delicate line drawings."
The book I am looking for is a children's
book from somewhere b/w 1975 and the 1980's. Story is
about a duck who is trying to get rid of an ant in his house
and ends up destroying his house. I think it was called
either Andre and the Ant or Andy and the Ant.
Robert Quackenbush, Henry's Awful
Mistake, 1980.
Twenty fifth anniversary edition published in 2005. Henry the
duck tries all sorts of methods to rid his kitchen of an ant
before his friend Clara comes to supper.
I am looking for a book that is about a duck (I think) who is
having company and finds an ant in the house and then destroys
her house ( breaks walls even) trying to get the ant.
Robert Quackenbush, Henry's Awful
Mistake. (1981)
Definitely the book you're looking for
Robert Quackenbush, Henry's Awful
Robert Quackenbush, Henry's Awful
Mistake. (1980)
Henry the duck tries all sorts of methods to rid his kitchen of
an ant before his guest comes to supper.
Henry's Awful Mistake
Beverly Cleary, Henry and Beezus. I think it's this one of the Henry
Huggins books.
While searching for something else, I came
across a reference to a record about a boy and his wagon:
"Betsy, Betsy, I'm a little messy. I've been painting my
wagon green." Could you be looking for a song rather than
a book, or possibly one of those book & record sets?
Not sure if this will help you but, I was at
a scholastic book fair recently and found several small books
who featured a little
girl named Messy Bessie. In one she made
cookies, in another she cleaned her room (put it all in the
closet!). I can easily imagine her being in a story with a boy
and paint!
this was definitely a record, although there
may have been a book as well. I can still hear the tune in
my head, "Bessy, Bessy, I'm a little messy..."
I have been looking for this book for years
and still can not find it. It was a picture book and it
was read to me middle to late 40's. Bessy was the black
maid or house keeper. Yes. it was about a little boy who
had a red wagon and left it out in the rain. He painted it
green. The inside cover of the book had green hand prints
on it. The last words in the book were "bessy, I'm a
little messy. I hope someone can help us.
peg dikeman, henry's wagon, 1946. I have been looking for this
book for 50 years. Finally found it on ebay.
There are several reprints but 1946 is the original. It was so
good to see that someone else was looking for the same
book. the hint that it was Henry, gave me the clue I
Gene Stratton Porter, Her Father's
yes i did find it. from the reviews i read it seems to be a
pretty anti-japanese book. i have absolutely no memory of that.
just that i was fascinated by the flora and fauna stuff and
probably had something to do with my moving to california in my
twenties. thank you so much,you provide a wonderful
Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine
by Jay Williams and Ray Abrashkin?
Maybe Hazel Wilson's Herbert series?
Titles include Herbert's Homework (1960) and Herbert's
(1965). All illustrated by Kurt Werth,
published by Knopf.
More on a suggested title - Herbert's
Space Trip, by Hazel Wilson, illustrated by
Kurt Werth, published New York, Knopf, 1965 "the fifth
fabulously funny tale about that fabulously funny boy, takes
him to a planet run by canny canines. Ages 8-12" (Horn
Book Oct/65 p.544 pub ad) A picture of the cover (from another
source) shows a boy crawling out of a barrel-like spaceship
section? watched by a hound dog, with two other boys standing
HRL: I think this is Clare Turlay Newberry's Herbert,
the lion, 1931.
Alice Low, Herbert's Treasure, 1971. Just coincidence that my little boy
checked this book out from the library last time we were
there! Wonderful story my boys had me read over and over
again. Pictures are by Victoria de Larrea.
H47 herbert's treasures: more on the
suggested Herbert's Treasure, by Alice Low,
pictures by Victoria de Larrea, published Putnam 1971 "To
Herbert, his room was his castle-a castle filled with exciting
treasure. To his mother, his room was a total mess bulging with
useless junk." Sounds like a good match.
Lucy Sprague Mitchell, Here
and Now Story Book: Two- Through Seven-Year-Olds.
I found it! The first line of the story is: "Once there
was a little girl and her name was Marni Moo." The story
sought is "Marni Gets Dressed in the Morning" in Here and
Now Story Book: Two- Through Seven-Year-Olds by Lucy
Sprague Mitchell, illustrated by Hendrik Willem Van Loon and
Christine Price. The copy I found says "New Edition,
Revised and Enlarged, copyright 1921 by E.P. Dutton & Co.,
Inc., copyright 1948 by Lucy Sprague Mitchell.
Albert & Arabella (raccoons) are Lillian
Hoban characters, featured in Here Come Raccoons
(Holt, Rinhart, & Winston, '77) & The Case of the
Two Masked Robbers (Harper & Row, '86).
Thank you so much. I had myself
found them through a library search site and have obtained The
Case of the Masked Robbers. It was even incredibly
cheap! So, if you could find Here Come Raccoons
for cheap that would rock! Otherwise, I'll have to wait
until I have a more disposable income. Thank you so much
though, what a great site!
Mitchell, Lebbus, Here, Tricks,
Here!, 1923. I
couldn't find any description other than it's a juvenile book
that's 232 pages long. But the title sounds promising.
Mitchell, Lebbeus, Here, Tricks, Here, 1923 Cupples and Leon. I found
anecdotal evidence on the Internet that Tricks is a Boston
Terrier who does get lost and then found.
I apologize for taking so long to confirm this, but it took a
while to find a copy of this book! The book I was
searching for is definitely Here, Tricks, Here! by
Lebbeus Mitchell. Here is a corrected synopsis for your
website. Barry Cayliss and his sister Ethel meet a lost
dog in Forest Park. (The city is unspecified, but the
story takes place in the United States.) The dog is
described as a white and brindle Boston bulldog, which is the
old name for a Boston terrier. While in the park, the dog
performs some tricks, but he doesn't stand on his head until
later. The dog follows the kids home and the scene with
the cane and father happens. The father places a newspaper
ad, but no one claims the dog but a man who says that Tricks is
his dog Boxer. The man is clearly a fraud, and Barry keeps
Tricks for a year. Tricks is then dognapped by a ring of
thieves who steal pedigreed dogs, then return them for the
reward money or sell them out of state. Barry helps to
locate the thieves and rescue the dogs, and the story is
published in the newspapers. Nicholas Burton recognizes a
photograph of Tricks in the paper�it is his dog, Major, who was
part of his vaudeville act before he was stolen. Mr.
Burton and his wife claim Tricks, but the dog clearly misses the
boy, and they return him after six months. The dog is put
between the man and the boy, they both call him, and Tricks runs
to Barry. Thank you for helping me find this old favorite!
Captain Kengaroo used to play a song with
the refrain: "He's Herkimer -- Herkimer -- Herkimer the
lonely clown." The name and the homely/lonely rhyme make
me suspect this is what the searching person remembers. I
checked the Web and Amazon for song titles including "Herkimer"
but came up empty. Nonetheless, even being reminded of the real
name might be a relief.
Herkimer the Homely Doll.
I remember this song from Captain Kangaroo quite clearly, and
still find myself humming it sometimes. I couldn't find the
lyrics on the web, but remember the lines "I'm the loneliest [or
homeliest?] little doll you ever did see, I'm Herkimer, that's
me!" I did turn up sheet music
for the song on sale.
Robin McKinley, The Hero and the
Crown, 1984. The is
the fantastic Hero
and the Crown by Robin McKinley...a Newbery
Award Winning book, too. There is also another book set in the
kingdom of Damar (at an earlier time than Hero) called The
Blue Sword...this book was a Newbery Honor book. McKinley
promised one more book set in Damar, but to date none has
Robin McKinley, The Hero and
the Crown, 1984. Sounds like this one to me! It's
really a great book.
McKinley, Robin, The Hero and
the Crown. Bits and pieces sound like this
book. The brother doesn't fit, though. If you
haven't read this one, you should - even if it's wrong!!
McKinley, Robin, The Hero and the
Crown. Yes, that's the book. I had some of the
details confused, but this is definitely the one. Thank
you for the solution!
Williams, Jay, Hero From Otherwhere.
A trip to the principal's
office for fighting sends two boys to an alternate universe
where they reluctantly work together to fight a wolf
The Hero from Otherwhere by
the late, great Jay Williams?
Jay Williams, The Hero from
Otherwhere, 1979. That's it! That's the book I've
been looking for. Thank you so much!
I�ve been looking for a book for about 6
months and just found your website today. Lo and behold,
at about the 9th submission on your list I found the
answer! I will be sure to use you in the future.
This is so great. Thanks!
Two boys, not at all friends,
must work together on a quest to find "magic strings" that need
to be woven together and bind the wolf Fenrir and prevent
the end of the world. I thought it was "A Childhood's
End", by Clarke, but it obviously isn't the same at all, so
maybe it has a similar title?
Williams, Jay, Hero From
OtherWhere. Two boys get into a fight at school and are magically
transported to another land where they must work together to
save the world from Fenrir.
SOLVED: Williams, Jay, Hero From OtherWhere.
Heroes of Zara Keep, Guy Gregory?
Guy Gregory, Heroes of Zara Keep, 1982. Wow, that
took all of two days... Thanks! I've been trying to
remember this for twenty years!
I think this poster is referring to the Strawberry
Shortcake series of the early 80's. They were
dolls such as Lemon Meringue, Blueberry Muffin, Apple Pie, and
Starwberry Shortcake. They were all dressed in different
colors. There were books and cartoons
as well.
The Charmkins, 1980s. I'm not sure,
but I think the previous poster may be wrong about this being a
Strawberry Shortcake book. The female villain in that was called
Sour Grapes, IIRC. The only one I'm familiar with that fits that
description is Charmkins. The villainess was named Poison Ivy.
It was primarily a toy/cartoon line, but there were also some
books: The Charmkins and The Charmkins
Discover Big World by Edith Adams and
The Charmkins' Sniffy Adventure by Denise
also a Charmkins
web page.
Elf, 1983. I'm pretty sure that was Herself
The Elf. I still have a cartoon on video from
the 1980s.
I don't know the book, but I'm almost 100%
sure that's Herself the Elf. The other
characters were named after flowers: Snowdrop, Willow Song, Wood
Pink, and Meadow Morn (probably the green & yellow
one). The villainess was Creeping Ivy, who could make Ivy
grow out of her hands, I think, and there was some other minor
villainess named Vendetta who was all
green. Also, there was a boy wood sprite with a
'wooly-worm'-type caterpillar for a hat.
Hautzig, Deborah, Hey, dollface, 1978. Set in a private New York school,
tells the story of Val and chloe.
Judith St. George, Call Me Margo, 1981. Could this be your book? It
does involve a girl at a boarding school. She's quite keen
on tennis and spends a good deal of time with the tennis teacher
at the school (weekends etc), not realizing until late in the
book that the teacher is a lesbian. There is no cheating
on a test, but the main character freezes up (to the point that
she can't function) every time her English teacher calls on
her. The cover shows "Margo" with her tennis racket in the
foreground and the sort of A-group of three girls making fun of
her in the background.
the bookstumper is listed as solved, but I dont remember that
title at all. The author does sound familiar though, so I
think that must be it. Do you have a copy of this book?
Stephanie S. Tolan, The Last of Eden. (1980) A possibility -- it's about a bunch of
girls at a boarding school, and the protagonist's best friend
(Marty) gets involved in a lesbian relationship with a very
unpleasant new girl (Sylvia) and a lot of angst ensues. The
cover shows all the characters standing on an outdoor balcony,
except for one who is below them looking up they're laughing,
making faces, etc.
Sid Fleischman, The Hey Hey Man, 1979. This book is most definitely The Hey Hey Man-- I'm the original seeker, and found the book myself through a series of coincidences. Thanks! This is a great service.
Hertz, Grete Janus, Hi, Daddy, Here
I Am, Lerner
Publications, 1964. "Mette plays hide-and-seek every
evening with her father. But one time she found a hiding place
that was almost too good."
I got an answer! Thank you so much!
Lois Lenski, Prairie School. It's been quite a while since I read
this book, but I thought of it when I read the stumper. Was
there a snow storm in the book? If so, it may be this one.
It is not Prairie School; I have
that book. But thanks.
Catherine Marshall, Christy, 1967, copyright. "The Great Smokies.
When I left my city home to be a schoolteacher at a backwoods
mission, I dreamed of adventure. I wasn't ready for the real
challenges of life in these mountains. I'd have given up, if not
for the children. I came to Cutter Gap to teach but they show me
everyday I'm here to learn." - spoken by Christy Huddleston.
Isabel C. McLelland, Hi! Teacher, 1952, approximate. "A pleasant story of
a young teacher's first year in a small Northwest settlement.
The families of her thirteen children have come from varied
cultures to form a strong little community." It has been a while
since I read it, but your details seem to fit.
Isabel C. McLelland, Hi! Teacher, 1952, copyright. Right after I sent my
vague description of the book last night, I was able to find my
copy. Here is the synopsis from the inside cover: "There
is a sense of reality in this story of a first, frightening,
paicky year of teaching.Alison began her career in a small
community in the Pacific Northwest. it was a difficult year for
a new teacher, as she followed the well-loved Miss
Blackie, whose every action was quoted to Alison. She learned
Slowly, with many defeats and some unexpected victories, to have
control over her thirteen pupils in the one-room
schoolhouse." And yes, Miss Blackie, when she finally
meets her, does turn out to be lame and wears a brace. And there
is a romantic interest, though not overtly, with a young man who
drives a jeep.
I am the one who originally posted this
stumper, and yes, Hi! Teacher is the title of the book
I described. Many thanks.
Hidden Cave
One is about a child in New York City who
finds a magic door in either a fountain or an arch. I
think the child meets a wizard and they have an
adventure. I can't remember whether the child was a boy
or girl.
M52 Sounds very much like a Ruth Chew
Could M52 be The Hidden Cave,
by Ruth Chew. Two children Tom and Alice go
through a hidden drainpipe-cave and come out on the other side
and find the enchanted tree that Merlin was trapped in.
They let Merlin out and bring him to places like the
library and the zoo. Merlin also enchants the wading pool
in the backyard so it is like and enormous lake for the
children. He then goes back in time to help Arthur.
I remember a book from the 70s about a
brother and sister (sister older) who turned their backyard
wading pool into a lagoon by tossing in some magic
herbs. The summer is spent swimming in the ocean and
eventually tangling with pirates. I seem to remember a
visual of the kids sneaking out of a ship's cabin, leaving
behind fluffed bed linens and locks of their hair as
decoys. They somehow acquire doubloons, and end up
telling their father they 'found them in the back yard'.
Of course the dad proceeds to dig up the yard....and that's
all I remember. Does this ring a bell with anyone?
Chew, Ruth, The Hidden Cave, 1973. Tom and Alice go through Hidden
Cave and find magician Merlin. They have a few
adventures. The last half of book
Merlin gave them special herb that turns wading pool into ocean
with pirate and gold coins, Etc.
Edward Eager, Magic By The Lake.
This isn't Magic by the Lake.
is lacking many of the details described in the stumper.
Bennett, Mabel R., The Hidden Garden, J. Day, 1955. Sorry, no description
other than the cover -- light green cloth with red flowers and
red lettering on the spine.
When I was in Kindergarten or First Grade,
my mom sent my best friend, about a year older, with me to the
library for The Secret Garden. My friend
picked up The Hidden Garden instead and said,
"Only one word different in the title, how different could the
story be?" We brought it home and my mom read the book,
and, as I remember, enjoyed it. It must be scarce,
as I can't find ANY copies in my favorite used books
database. I still remember certain plot incidents if it
helps. It was about a little girl, about the same age as
Mary in "The Secret Garden," perhaps 9 or 10. Her name
could have been Anna. There may have been illustrations,
as I picture a blond white girl with medium length hair dressed
in 1940s/1950s style, cotton-dress-white-socks type. She
was living in a tenement building in a very poor neighborhood in
a big city. It could have been New York. The main
part of the plot concerned renovating a vacant lot, which must
have been concealed from public view somehow, and therefore
"hidden," into a garden. A lot of trash and garbage had to
be hauled out of it. The girl was also interested in
"renovating" human relations. In one case, she stepped
between neighbors in a violent argument. A heavy blow,
intended from one woman to the person she was fighting with, hit
Anna (I'm just assuming that was her name) instead and knocked
her cold. As I remember, the woman started screaming that
she'd killed a child and lamenting having killed a neighbor's
child (as if, had she killed her own child, that would have been
somehow not as bad). Finally someone said the child was
not dead, only unconscious. Anna recovered, and the
neighbors tried to get along better after that.
I'm glad to know this is in fact the
correct book...I had found The Hidden Garden at a
couple of sites, but wasn't sure it was the correct
book. Can you find me a copy of this book? I would love
to have a copy for my own!
Could this be Susan Cooper's "Over
Sea, Under Stone"?
And I second the suggestion of Over
Under Stone for H9. It's the first book in Susan
Dark Is Rising series.
This isn't by chance The Weirdstone
of Brisingamen by Alan Gardner?
I checked your website last week and saw
the reference to Susan Cooper's book. I put a hold on it
at my library this week and just got it last night. I
haven't had a chance to read it yet though... I will let you
know. I think this website is a wonderful thing...I
located another lost favorite, others had asked and id'd it.
H9 - sounds more like Alan Garner's Elidor
H9 - I've been looking again at Alan
Garner's Elidor and am now not so sure about it as
an answer to this query. Plot summary - 4 children get into a
Manchester (England) church scheduled for demolition which is
one of the doors to the world of Elidor. They escape into their
own world with 4 'treasures' of Elidor a lance, a stone, a sword
and a grail-type bowl. These are disguised as rubbishy items in
this world but send out electrical signals to give the people of
Elidor a 'fix' so they can find them. Eventually a unicorn comes
through to Manchester and is killed by the 2 'treasure seekers'
from Elidor. It's dying song fulfils a prophecy and Elidor is
saved. By contrast Susan Cooper's Over Sea Under Stone has 3
children going on holiday to Cornwall and working out, with the
aid of an old map, where the Grail had been hidden for safety
'over sea, under stone' - in fact on a ledge in a cave only
accessible at low tide. Their 'Great Uncle Merry' - an avatar of
Merlin - helps them, and various people on the side of the Dark
try to hinder and get the Grail for themselves. Eventually they
succeed and the Grail gets put in the British Museum.
Eleanor Jewitt, Hidden
Treasure of Glaston, 1948. Alan Garner is
too recent. Crippled boy named Hugh is left at abbey by Crusader
father. Has been reprinted recently.
I'm fairly confident of H9, but it's a
common theme, so could be something else. Here's more detail, if
that helps.
Eleanore Jewitt, Hidden Treasure of
Glaston, 1948.
Crippled boy named Hugh is left at abbey by Crusader
father. Together with another boy, he
explores old tunnels and caves beneath the abbey, has a vision
of the death
of King Arthur, and sees the Grail which
cures him of lameness. More
The Hidden Treasure of Glaston,
by Eleanore M. Jewett, illustrated by Frederick T.
Chapman, published Viking 1946, 307 pages. "A story laid at
the famouse Abbey of Glastonbury whose association with the
cherished memory of King Arthur is even yet aglow. It was a
crippled boy named Hugh, left by his father at the Abbey on a
stormy night, set to do scriptorium work, who with his friend
Dickon discovered lost pages of a precious book about the Holy
Grail. ... background involving the underground chambers of a
great Abbey, the monastery life with its library and reverence
for old parchments, the retreat of a mad hermit, the manor
castle of the King. The illustrations happily combine the
actual and the visionary." (Horn Book Nov/46 p.472)
i read this paperback in the late 60's -early 70s.
midieval times. i recall a character named hugh, a boy who is a
sort of apprentice monk. the major episode/event is that
the monks are searching for the grave of a famous king&queen
(maybe arthur and guinevere) and find it. they open the
casket and the beautiful king and queen with their jewels etc
are perfectly preserved. as everyone raptly looks, suddenly the
king, queen, and all their clothing & jewels dissolve into a
pile of dessicated dust and are lost forever, and the monks wail
in horrible regret and distress. the imagery of this scene
is unforgettable. i may have the connection with "hugh"
wrong, but the major scene is correct to the best of my
knowledge. thanks so much for any illumination....
Eleanore M. Jewett, The Hidden
Treasure of Glaston.
This is a very accurate description of a scene from The
Hidden Treasure of Glaston (and yes, the boy was
named Hugh)!
Eleanore Jewett, Hidden Treasure of
Glaston, 1955. I
believe this is the right book. "Amidst great mystery,
Hugh is left in the care of Glastonbury Abbey by his father who
must flee England too swiftly to be burdened by a crippled son.
Ashamed of his physical weakness, yet possessed of a stout
heart, Hugh finds that life at the abbey is surprisingly full in
this year 1171, in the turbulent days of King Henry II. Hugh,
his friend Dickon and their strange friend, the mad Bleheris,
uncover a treasure trove and with it a deeper mystery of the
sort that could only occur in Glastonbury where Joseph of
Arimithea was said to have lived out his last years. Before all
is done, more is resolved than Hugh could ever have hoped."
Sterling E. Lanier, Hiero's Journey. If the hero rode a moose/horselike
creature called a "morse", this is the book. There's also
a sequel called The Unforsaken Hiero.
Sterling Lanier, Hiero's Journey. The other poster is correct. This is Hiero's
Journey. The telepathic animal is a bear, not
a cat, I think. The two Hiero books were published
together in one volume as Hiero Desteen.
Lanier only wrote a couple of other books: Menace
Under Marswood, about Martians attacking an Earth
outpost The War for the Lot, a children's
book about a boy telepathically defending wilderness from
rats and a book of collected short stories about Brigadier
Ffellowes. I heard that Lanier had been in a terrible automobile
accident and could no longer write. This is sad, because
he sort of left the Hiero sequence unfinished.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! After 15 years of looking for
this book your bookstumper came up with the author and title. My
husband is soooo happy.
Nan Chauncy, High and haunted island. I'm pretty sure this is Nan
Chauncy - High and hunted island, OUP 1964. The
names Tess and Vicky fit, also the living on an island with the
strange sect who I think are called the Circlers or similar.
High and Haunted Island.
Thank you so much -- that was it. I'm very very grateful!
Honor Arundel, The High House. Sounds like a possibility, though it's
set in Edinburgh, not London.
Honor Arundel, High House. Yes! Yes!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I never thought I'd be
able to remember. You've saved me untold hours of racking my
feeble memory. Thanks!
I'm pretty sure this is High Hurdles,
and I think the author is Frances Duncombe.
I am so excited!!! The book I asked about may have been
identified!!! I am H 82 in Stump the Bookseller Queries. I
haven�t checked for ages, checked today and, lo and behold,
there was a comment with a possible identification! I have been
trying to find a description of the book on the internet with no
luck so far.Is there any way you would be able to help me with
this? The possible �find� is HIGH HURDLES by Frances
N23 noonday rocket: would suggest High-Noon Rocket, by Charles Paul May, illustated by Brinton Turkle, published Holiday House 1966, 34 pages. "Wilson Watson Wooster got a present from his Aunt Alice. It was a small balloon basket with rocket attached for him to fly to visit her in the West. He rescues a lady off the roof of her apartment building when she got locked out. He rescues a farmer who has gotten caught on his water windmill. He finally rescues his aunt who has climbed up on a tall pole with pigeon houses on top. Each time he is invited for lunch since it was 12 o'clock noon. He learns about time zones and has an adventure too."
This sounds like a slightly garbled version
of Vivian Breck's High Trail. The girl is 17,
the guys are 19-20 (in college). The girl's father breaks a leg
while fishing; she makes him comfortable, promises to hike out
the long but safe way, but changes her mind & tries to make
it over Foreter Pass, & runs into a storm. She ends up
charming one of the guys; the book ends with them going off for
a rock climbing date. I always thought the guy was based on
David Brower.
definitely High Trail by Vivian
Possibly called MOUNTAIN HIGH. Teenage adventure story
about a girl who goes camping with her dad in the
mountains. He breaks his leg and she had to hike out for
help. Two young men befriend her. After they get downt to
a town and summon help, she transforms herself with clothes her
mom had taught her to pack in tissue paper and a romance is on
the way.
Breck, Vivian, High Trail. Loved this book as a kid!
Vivian Breck, High Trail. This is on the Solved pages, with a plot
description that matches the query.
Condition Grades |
[related title] Breck, Vivian. Hoofbeats on the Trail. Illustrated by Hubert Buel. Doubleday, 1950. First edition. Dust jacket missing an inch from top of spine and worn at edges. VG+/G. $20 See also the Horse Book Catalog. |
![]() |
Phyllis A. Whitney, The Highest
Dream, 1956. I
believe this is the book your are looking for, I recently
purchased a copy from a used bookstore myself and greatly
enjoyed it. The description on the back is as follows:
Dominated by her famous father, Lisa strikes out on her own for
the first time. Falling in love is no part of her plans as
a United Nations tour guide...but it happens!
Whitney, Phyllis A., The Highest
Dream, McKay
1956, Scholastic 1969. "Lisa Somers finds romance and
excitement as a guide at the United Nations."
I don't know the plot, but Elinor Lyon
wrote a book entitled Hilary's Island in 1949.
Amaryllis is, I think, the title of the
library book from around 1960 that I am searching for. The
book is written from the perspective of a young girl. Another
young girl comes to spend some time (I think a summer) with a
relative in town (I think an aunt). The narrator meets the
visitor in the relative's house. They may have had tea. The
narrator describes the visitor's feminine appearance and says
she is well dressed and quite reserved. The visitor says
she would never run around outside to play. As the story
unfolds, a new young boy is seen around the village, he may
have been a mischief-maker, I can't remember exactly what he
did. Eventually you come to find out that the prissy girl is
dressing up as a boy and sneaking out and doing all sorts of
tomboyish things. I don't think I am quite doing the story
justice because there was a sense of mystery about the boy's
identity that the narrator conveys and as a young child myself
I found it to be a very exciting story.
Elinor Lyon, Hilary's Island, 1948. This sounds like Hilary's
Summer. When two girls visit their uncle for the summer,
the community is being plagued by a mysterious boy. The
next door neighbors are 2 maiden aunts who are raising their
neice Amaryllis who is very prim and prissy. The
mysterious "boy" turns out to be Amaryllis who is really a
It sounds like this could be my long lost book. I can't wait to
get it and see...
Watts, Mabel, Hildy's Hideaway, 1961. This is the only "hideaway cat" I could find: WATTS, MABEL, Illustrated by Winship, Florence Sarah Hildy's Hideaway. Racine, Wisconsin: Whitman Publishing, 1961 Pictorial Cover. Tip Top Tales. Sweetest light brown kitty on the cover. Hildy's hidaway in the attic is a perrrfect place to have kittens!
Alas, I don't have a copy...
Your description sounds like Hill's
End. I think the author's name is Strasser.
I'm sure it's not Lois Lenski. I remember having this
book. I must have gotten it from the Scholastic Book club
back in the late 60s or early 70s.
#F42--Flood Friday? I do happen to
have a copy of this extremely rare Lois Lenski book,
which I haven't read. It is the true story of a flood
which struck in Connecticut on August 19, 1955. Most
of it seems to involve
children taken to a schoolhouse, not as a
punishment, but as a safe place until they can be
released. There is another famous story, Hills End,
by Ivan Southall, about how seven Australian children
survive after their town
is wiped out by a storm.
Southall, Ivan, Hill's End.
Hi. I just wanted to correct myself. I previously
sent in a solution to this book. This title is correct,
but the author is a different Australian writer. The correct
author is Ivan Southall, I believe.
Ivan Southall, Hills End,1968. Here's the back cover blurb for this
book: "The remote logging town of
Hills End is deserted. All its
inhabitants have set off on their annual picnic. Left behind
are seven chidlren who, with their schoolteacher, are
exploring nearby caves in search of Stone Age drawings.
Suddenly without warning, a violent storm breaks -- When it is
over, six of the children find themselves cut off from all
adult help and from the outside world. Isolated by wild
mountains, forest country and a flooded river, with their
homes in ruins, they must face urgent problems and perils: How
will they handle the enraged bull set free by the storm?
Can they find their missing schoolteacher and one of their
schoolmates? What are they going to do about food and
Another one I may have read in middle school (1971-1973). I
remember the plot quite well, because I owned and read it over
and over. It took place in England, in small town. Everybody in
town went on a picnic in the country, and a group of 7-10
children of varying ages were exploring a cave or something,
when a severe storm with high winds and flash flooding hit. The
group of children were somehow able to get back to town, but
nobody else was. So they had to survive on their own. They had
to figure out what they would use for shelter, and find food,
and repair (?) an electic generator and then started a
clean-up process. The most memorable character was a
mentally-challenged boy, who was wearing dress shoes on the
picnic and suffered a lot of blistering and foot pain before the
storm hit, and then had to be nursed or taken care of during the
rest of the story. He also had a memorable incident in which he
found the sausage making machine, and tried to make sausage
(having watched the butcher do it before), but with his adenoid
problem, or whatever, his very poor sense of smell prevented him
from realizing that the meat was rotten.
#C103--Children disaster a flood
England: Check out Hills' End on the
"Solved Mysteries" page.
Southall, Ivan, Hills End,1968. You remember many details correctly,
except for one important one: The story takes place in
Australia, not England.
Southall, Ivan, Hill's End, 1962. I was looking for this book earlier
and a helpful person pointed it out to me. It takes place
in Australia, but the rest of this story is correct, down to the
little boy whose nose doesn't work right and can't tell the meat
is bad when he makes strings of lovely sausages.
Condition Grades |
Southall, Ivan. Hills End.
NY: St.
Martin's Press, 1962, 1963. A very clean ex-library copy with nice dust jacket. VG-/VG. $15 Southall,
Ivan. Josh. NY: St. Macmillan,
1971. Very clean ex-library |
![]() |
H3 was my request after about 3 years of independent searching. Tonight after I looked at your page, I went to the LOC and just started reading book titles that have begun w/ the word "Hippo." I feel certain that I have found "my" book at last: Hippo, Potta, and Muss by Barbara Lovely, illustrated by Tony Veale. I have requested a copy from a dealer and am eager to see if it's as good as I remember! Thank you for the service you provide!
Hazel Wilson, His Indian Brother, 1955. I read this book too and
remembered that the Indian boy's name was sabattis, so looked it
up that way and the white boy was brad Porter. In the end
brad's parents find him and he is torn between friend and family
but of course goes with parents. I'm glad to reconnect
with this one too.
In 1955, Hazel Wilson wrote His
Brother, a fictionalized story based on the
adventures of 14-year-old Theophilus Sargent. Theophilus
was temporarily left alone in the Maine wilderness in 1802 by
his father. Theophilus almost starved when a bear
destroyed his food supply and his father's return was delayed by
typhus. Theophilus was rescued by a local Native American
chief and his son. Later, Elizabeth George Speare
wrote Sign of the Beaver, a better known
fictionalized account of the same adventure. Personally, I
think His Indian Brother is more fun for kids to
I think the book from your March 1997 doll
book inquiry might be: Hitty, Her First Hundred Years by
Rachel Field. It might have won a Newberry Award. I seem
to remember that a lot of students studying to be schoolteachers
had to read it. I hope this helps.
Well now, I have that!
Field, Rachel. Hitty: Her First Hundred Years.
Illus by Dorothy Lathrop with 3 color plates and many
black & white plates. NY: Macmillan, 1929. Newbery Award
Copy 1: 1933 edition. Front free endpaper clipped. Larger format.
VG-. $36ppd.
Copy 2: 1941 edition. Dust jacket is worn and has small chips.
Smaller format. VG/G. $38ppd.
Hitty even has her own homepage
and photos of the original doll and her traveling clothes!
The person who posted that may actually
have been thinking about another book, called (I'm *pretty*
sure) The
in Miranda's Closet. I had this book as a girl - I
think it came through Scholastic. It was about a sort of frumpy
girl with a "feminist" mother who was proud of the fact that her
daughter "hated" dolls. Except one day, said daughter found a
beautiful old china doll with a trunk of clothes in the attic of
a friend of her mother's (?) and was allowed to "adopt" it. At
first, Miranda has these huge plans for the doll - to build a
house for it in secret in the closet and all. I also remember a
harrowing scene with an antique dealer who tries to rook her out
of her doll. In the end, her mother discovers the secret, and
the doll seems to become less special to Miranda - she doesn't
build the fabulous dollhouse and all. I thought it was sort of a
depressing ending, personally. I don't remember the author, but
I'm pretty sure of the title.
You had another reader who was looking for a
book title about a china doll with a trunk of clothes you and
another reader said the book must be Hitty but
that can't be right. Hitty was carved out of mountain ash by a
peddler who stayed the winter at the Preble farm. She had a
dress and a little chemise that had her name crossed stiched and
that was all, no trunck, no china head. I was an avid reader
when I was young and have kept almost all of my books, Hitty is
just one of them.
Readers sent in the Hitty titles, but
there's another book called The Wonderful Fashion Doll
by Laura Bannon. It's about a girl who finds a trunk
with a china doll with a beautiful and exceptionally detailed
wardrobe. I remember something about the girl learning that the
doll was used to advertise the latest fashions before fashion
mags became popular.
years old and my mother used to read it to me when I was about
5. The story is about a wooden doll, and she comes to
life. In the beggining she is all dusty and old. I
remember the story being very majestic and on the cover there is
a picture of the wooden doll looking out her window. I
think the writer was a female... but I'm not sure? LOL -
sorry for the lack of information
#S46--Sandalwood: this sounds like Hitty:
Her First Hundred Years, by Rachel Field.
Even if it isn't, read it anyway; it's great.
Condition Grades |
Field, Rachel Hitty: Her First Hundred Years. Illustrated by Dorothy P. Lathrop. Newbery winner. Macmillan, 1929. 31st printing, 1964. Wear to corners, otherwise VG/VG. <SOLD> |
![]() |
C251 Davis, Lavinia R. Hobby
Horse Hill [Hobbyhorse
Hill] illus by Paul
Brown Doubleday c1939
It's a kid's book about a stolen horse that (it turns out) had
been dyed to disguise it. The horse's name was Cassandra, I
believe, and somehow a girl was involved in solving the mystery
and identifying the stolen horse. Thanks!
S378 Davis, Lavinia R. Hobby
Horse Hill juvenile horse fiction;
Clyde Bulla, Star of Wild Horse
1953. I remember reading a book like that when I was
younger, but I think the horse's name was Star, because it was
white with a dark star on its forehead, and when it was dyed
brown, the protagonist could see the star through the dye.
Could it be Star of Wild Horse Canyon by Clyde
Bulla? I don't have a copy, so I'm not certain that
it is the same book, but the descriptions say something about a
kid's favorite horse disappearing mysteriously, and the name
Star sounds right to me.
Cameron, Eleanor, Beyond Silence, NY Dutton 1980. Though it isn't a
complete match, this sounds close enough to nvestigate.
"Troubled by a recurring nightmare following his brother's
death, Andrew accompanies his father to the family castle in
Scotland where he has several encounters with one of his
forebears." "Hoagy should be her, I thought. Any other way never
even though tof. But no use thinking. Just take everything for
now, for the moment. Don't go outside it or back. Don't go
back.-- But the trip to Scotland, to the castle where his father
had spent so many memorable childhood days, was a going back, no
matter what Andy willed for himself. Furthermore, the past that
he found was not his own--."
I would never discourage anyone from reading
Eleanor Cameron's Beyond Silence it's a wonderful
book. But I own it and can say it does not match the
poster's query -- no game, no Brian Boru, no old man or banshee,
no mother present (she stayed home the father is alive and in
Scotland with Andrew). It's half psychological study and
half time-travel story, completely fascinating, as Andrew's
forebears help him understand his mind in the present.
Coyne, John, Hobgoblin. NY: Berkeley 1982, reprint. This time for
sure - I had the book in hand, and the boy's name is Scott
Gardiner, he plays D&D and his character is Brian Boru. His
father dies and his mother gets a job at Ballycastle. Wierd
things happen - Scott sees the ghost Black Annis and feels that
the unfriendly kids at his new school are Gorfs. In the meantime
his mother is caught up in an investigation of the discovery of
the very old corpses of 3 young women, and it appears that they
were once servants at the castle. It gets worse when they
discover an old photo album showing young women being abused and
tortured - and their faces match photographs of staff at the
castle. This is NOT a kid's book, even though Scott and his
girlfriend are adolescents.
? John Coyne, ? Hobgobliin, 1981.
Google search words "book 'role-playing ''Brian Boru"]: "Though
this novel is now out of print, it is usually available at
public libraries or secondhand paperback bookstores. It is an
intriguing novel about a teenager whose perception of reality
becomes blurred when his favorite hobby, a Dungeons &
Dragons-type roleplaying game based on Irish mythology called
"Hobgoblin", seems to intrude upon reality. When Scott Gardner,
the teenaged protagonist of the novel, thinks he sees a Black
Annis creeping around the woods of his new home, I guarantee
that you will be hooked into reading this story. This novel came
under some criticism, perhaps justifiably, when it was released
because the lead character "matures" (?) by giving up
role-playing games at the end of the novel." Brian Boru is
mentioned in another review, but I quoted this one because it
gives the character's name and also the hag's.
I read this book sometime in the
early-mid 80's. The boy in the book, I believe his name is
Brian, recently lost his father (who had a heart attack after
shoveling snow), and moves someplace new with his mother (for
her job, I think). He has trouble in his new high school and he
spends a lot of his time playing a Dungeons and Dragons type
game. The character he uses is named Brian Boru and he refers to
a Black Annis in the book also. There is also some weird old
butler guy and part of the story involves the owner of the
castle? they move into. I think this is a horror kind of story,
since there are murders in it. I can remember just about
everything except the title and author.
I forgot to
mention, this is not a children's book, but maybe it will be
familiar to someone anyway.
John Coyne, Hobgoblin,
1981, copyright. Hobgoblin is just a game. Ballycastle is
just a house. Scott is just a lonely teenage boy... Until one
Hallowe'en, a Hobgoblin kills everyone he loves. The worst
nightmares are ones we choose for ourselves. Scott Gardiner
chooses Hobgoblin, a sword-and-sorcery fantasy game as popular
at his prep school as Dungeons and Dragons. Scott's mother
Barbara chooses Ballycastle, an ancient Irish mansion
transported to the banks of the Hudson River by an eccentric
millionaire. An art historian, Barbara has been hired to trace
the heritage of the mansion. But once she brings her son to this
isolated medieval estate, both their lives veer frighteningly
out of control. Lonely and unhappy, Scott drifts deeper and
deeper into the myth-laden world of Hobgoblin, where he wages
war under the name of Brian Boru, a legendary knight of Ireland.
Barbara tries to fight her son's immersion in the game - until
the night the deadly truth about Ballycastle emerges, shredding
the fabric between reality and Scott's nightmarish fantasies.
John Coyne, Hobgoblin,
1981, copyright. Yes, that is the book! Thank you very
much, it was driving me crazy!
#T138--Tirpy or Terpy (dogname): This
is a story in one of my Beacon Readers, most of which I finally
located! The paperbacks I have were published in 1957 and
reprinted in 1962. In this version, Book 4, "Careful
Hans," contains the story "The Hobyahs," in which the
hero is a black dog, "little dog Turpie." The original
Beacon Readers were copyrighted 1922 and some dated as early as
1912. The author is James H. Fassett. The
older hardcovers turn up quite often while the paperbacks tend
to be extremely rare and expensive. The trick would be in
knowing which of the many original volumes included this
story! The 1916 collection "Animal Folk Tales" may contain
T138: Well, if it is The Hobyahs,
Joseph Jacobs' version, with illustrations.
Kathleen McLaine, Jean at St.
Hilary's,1949. I
cannot find a summary of the book other than that it is about a
girl who plays field hockey. Does this title sound
Scott Corbett, The Hockey Girls, 1976. Think this might be the one - it's
about the introduction of compulsory
sports at Wagstaff High. No-one was
keen except a 9th grader, Irma Tuttle, who used to walk along
whacking crabapples with a crooked stick she called Old
Faithful. A coach spotted her and she joined the team so
her friends did too.
C112 crabapple girl: more on the suggested -
The Hockey Girls, by Scott Corbett,
published Dutton, 1976, 104 pages. "While Irma Tuttle walked
alone whacking crabapples with a crooked stick she called Old
Faithful, she was observed and recruited by the hockey coach
and her life changed dramatically." "Irma's only solace was
whacking and dribbling crab apples on her way home with a
crooked stick -- Talent-scouted by Miss Tingley, the wizened
but spry field hockey coach". This sounds like a good
match. My first thought was one of the multitudinous English
girls' school stories, but those girls are always already
playing compulsory games, so thankfully that was out.
Just a slight correction to the stumper
I submitted - as so often happens with childhood memories, I
had combined the details from 2 different books. The
part about the girl dreaming of a horse with "flowing mane and
tail" is from Doodlebug by Irene Brady, as is the
auction where the girl buys the horse, to prevent him being
sold for horsemeat. I don't remember how the girl in the book
I'm looking for acquires the horse, whether it was also
purchased at auction, or was given to her, but it was
definitely a dingy greyish-whitish color, and she was
disappointed with it (hence her attempt to brighten it up w/
Beverly Cleary, Emily's Runaway
Imagination. This
could be the 2nd book you are looking for - in this one Emily is
trying to impress her visiting cousin (who is obsessed with
horses) by dying their dingy off-white work horse bright white
by scrubbing it with bleach....
B438 Brady, Irene. Doodlebug.
illus by Irene Brady Houghton,
1977, Weekly Reader. horses; ponies - juvenile
horsefiction; pony Doodlebug; Jennifer
B438 Would you believe Google has 31,000
entries for horse bluing? I quit after 200 and yielded not a
single book.
Thanks for the suggestions, but I don't
think it was Emily's Runaway Imagination because it
was definitely bluing, not bleach, in the story I'm looking
for. (This was the first time I'd ever heard of bluing, which
is why I remember it.) Doodlebug is also not the book
I'm looking for. I've got that one, and it's about a black
pony, not an off-white horse. I only mentioned it because I'd
mixed a few plot details from it into my recollection of the
book w/ the blue horse. One additional detail - The
story *might* have been in a school reader, rather than a
stand-alone book. If so, it was probably around a 5th or
6th grade level book.
Pat Kibbe, The Hocus-Pocus Dilemma. The bit with the horse is actually a
side story. The main focus of the book is a girl about ten years
old who thinks she's psychic, but all of her predictions turn
out to be wrong, or at least misinterpreted. It was her older
sister who dyed the horse. "It was dark in the barn! I thought
the bluing instructions said Use daringly, but it was Use
sparingly!" I forget how this tied in with the wannabe-psychic
plot, but I know it was in that book.
Pat Kibbe, The Hocus Pocus Dilemma.
part about psychic predictions, but it's possible that I only
read an excerpt from the book, rather than the entire
story. Either that, or I've forgotten what the book was
actually about - not too improbable, considering that I'd
previously mixed in bits of Doodlebug with my recollections!
The part about misreading the directions ("use
sparing/daringly") sounds spot-on, and I've ordered a copy to
make sure. Thank you so much for your help!
Pat Kibbe, The Hocus-Pocus Dilemma.
just read the book this evening, and it is indeed the one I
was looking for. I suspect that I originally read only an
excerpt from this book, because while the chapter with the
blue horse is exactly as I remembered it (minus the bits from
Doodlebug that I'd mixed in), nothing else in the entire book
sounded familiar. Thank you so much for your help!
Judy Van der Veer, Hold the rein
free. (1966) It could
be this one: A horse on a Western ranch escapes and breeds with
a 'scrub' horse from an Indian reservation. The owner orders the
foal shot when it is born. A girl who is vacationing at the
ranch and an Indian boy whose father works there steal the horse
and hide it in a canyon. In the meantime they must avoid a
detective sent to find it, curious cousins of the boy, and a
forest fire. In the end they are caught because of the fire, but
the foal has turned out so well that the owner decides to keep
it. I can't recall the cover picture, but mine was a hardback
reprint and may have had a different cover anyway.
Hold The Rein Free.
(1966) My paperback copy (3rd printing, 1971) has a yellow
cover with a sketch of the horse (and a burro in the background)
on the front. From the back cover: "...Amy is horrified.
Why would anyone want to kill a colt- especially Mia's..." Kiko
the ranch boy explains that "the owner won't have anything but
thoroughbreds on his ranch."
Hold the Reign Free. I can hardly believe other
people remember this book. I have been looking for it for YEARS!
This is definitely the book. Thank you all so much!
This was solved very recently on this
website as Hold the Rein Free by Judy Van der
Veer (author) and Bernard Garbult (illustrator)
(1966). Please see Stumper G326 for more information!
Judy Van Der Veer, Hold The Rein Free. This was just solved recently!
See solved stumper #G326.
Judy Van der Veer, Hold The Rein Free. Mia is a beautiful two-year-old
throughbred. The ranch owner threatens to kill her foal
when it is born. Kiko, the ranch boy, and Amy, a girl
vacationing on the ranch, hide Mia and her foal in a
Judy Van Der Veer, Hold the Rein Free.
(1966) This has to be the one you're looking for:
"When the colt is born, shoot it!" orders the owner. Amy is
horrified. Why would anyone want to kill a colt - especially
Mia's? Mia is such a beautiful horse! "But her colt won't be a
thoroughbred," explains Kiko, the ranch boy, "and the owner
won't have anything but thoroughbreds on his ranch." Suddenly,
Amy makes a desperate decision. "We won't let them kill the
colt!" she tells Kiko. "We'll save it - no matter what we have
to do!
Judy Van Der Veer, Hold the Rein
Free. (1966) The
horse Mia's colt will not be a thoroughbred, so the owner orders
it destroyed. The two children hide the horse until the colt is
born so they can keep it safe.
Judy van der Veer, Hold the Rein Free. (1966) This one is Hold the Rein
Free by Judy van der Veer
Zenna Henderson, The Taste of Aunt
Sophronia, 1971.
This is definitely it! It's on page 129 of Holding
Wonder, a collection of Zenna Henderson short
stories, and it has probably been published in other
anthologies. The disease is brought back from space by an
Explorer probe. It quickly kills the men who examine the
probe when it returns to the Space Base, then kills their
children, then infect the women who remain. The disease is
called Prober Pain, and the only escape from the relentless
agony is suicide. The six remaining survivors are put into
Suspension, and awakened periodically to test new
remedies. Then one woman, Thiela, remembers a tonic her
Aunt Sophronia used to make that was "good for what ails
you." She brews the concoction, puts it in a green glass
bottle, and dispenses it with a large metal spoon... Zenna
Henderson is best known as the creator of the People, whose
stories are collected in the anthology Ingathering.
Check it out!
Zenna Henderson, The Taste of Aunt
Sophronia. This
is a Zenna Henderson short story collected in Holding
Wonder. It (of course) is not in print, but
there seem to be numerous used copies around.
Henderson, Zenna, The Taste of Aunt
1971. This sounds like the short story, The Tast of
Aunt Sophronia, where 6 women, the first survivors
of a space bug are kept in suspension and re-awakened
periodically, people are still catching the disease and the men
and children die. One of the women remembers her aunt, known as
the Weed Woman made a concoction 'For what ails you'. It tastes
terrible, when she makes up the recipe, but helps her fellow
sufferers to survive a further period in suspension. She makes
up more but can only produce a limited amount. It appears in
Henderson's collection Holding Wonder.
The Hole Book is an early novelty book (1908) by Peter
Newell, who followed its success with The Slant Book
I am looking a children's book (I believe it was English) that
belonged to my grandfather who was born in the early
1900's. It was about a boy who fired a gun and it travels
around the neighborhood. All I remember is at the
end of the book, the bullet ended in a woman's cake (that part I
am sure of). It may have also gone through a man's hat.
Do you remember the bullet tearing through the town, and its
visual representation as a hole in the page of the book through
the illustration? If so, then it's definately The
Hole Book by Peter Newell, 1908.
Peter Newell, The Hole Book, 1908. This is a remarkable little book.
Check it out online at nonsenselit.org.
The complete book is reproduced (free) in ebook format, and you
can turn the pages by clicking on the "hole" on each page. The
last page illustrates the bullet finally being stopped by the
sturdy cake baked by "Mis. Newlywed".
Sounds like Rootie Kazootie, Detective. See
more on Most
I just figured out my question. It turns out that it was
not a children's book, but a cartoon. The name of the
Warner Bros. cartoon is "The Hole Idea". Mel Blanc did the
voice for Prof. Calvin Q. Calculus who invets a portable hole
that falls into the hands of a criminal. Details here.
Lobel, Arnold, A Holiday For Mister
Muster, 1963.
Possibly?? "Mr. Muster the zookeeper has trouble bringing
his animals back to the zoo after their outing at an amusement
Z10 I didn't quote this because when I
looked at it, it didn't quite fit. He visits zoo every day on
foot and animals love him so they go to his house. Zookeepers
then give him a job at the zoo. No cars with giraffes
sticking out. Lobel, Arnold. A zoo for Mister
Muster. illus by Arnold Lobel
Harper, 1962. Mister Muster is such a friend
to all the zoo animals that they escape to his house - and he
ends up with a job at the zoo -
HRL: A Holiday for Mister Muster is a later
book in the series of Mister Muster books, and may well be the
Durell, Ann, illustrator Ursula
Koering, Holly River Secret. NY Doubleday
1956. This sounds possible. "Children will enjoy the
sponaneous summertime fun in this modern mystery tale and some
will identify themselves with Joey (Joanna) Baird, who preferred
jeans to dress-up clothes, or her older twin brothers who
sometimes acted like superior beings, although they had to admit
that she often got there first. Their joint discoveries of
historical information and treasure take place on a cranberry
farm in southern New Jersey. The children's attitudes toward
each other, to their overly-concerned visiting grandmother and
other adults ring as true as does their love of exploring."
(Horn Book Oct/56 p.353)
What a coincidence! I just read this within
the last 5 months!! Joanna, called Joey, her brothers and a
friend, Baptista Lorenzo, solve a very old mystery. Holly
River Secret by Ann Durell (1956)
This is definitely the book I've been searching for!
Thanks so much for providing such a unique service, and many
thanks to the people who recognized the book from my meager
description and took the time to respond.
Hollywood Dream machine, Zindel
Bonnie, 1984. Gabrielle
and Buffy's long and firm friendship becomes strained when
Gabrielle visits Buffy in California and finds her swept up in a
new and very different life style.
Just wanted to let you know that whoever suggested Hollywood
Machine by Bonnie Zindel was right. That's the book I've
been looking for. Thanks so much.
Mildred Hark and Noel McQueen, A
Home for Penny,
1959. This book has a scene in it that matches the
desciption. Penny lives in a children's home with lots of
other children and really wants a family of her own. At one
point, Penny is carefully drawing a picture of what her mother
would look like if she had one. While she's drawing the
red polka dots on the "mother's" apron, Penny gets distracted
and her crayon slips. She draws a line that looks like a tail
instead of a polka dot. At the end of the book, Penny does
not have a new family, and she realizes that her picture looks
like Mrs. Brown, the director of the home.
This is the inimitable Homer Price,
by Robert McCloskey (NY,'43). Always in print. With
A series of 1940s or 50s hardback books
featuring a young kid who would solve mysteries and crimes in
his small, midwest-type town. I think the series was
named after the main character who was young teen. One
of the mysteries involved a donut caper - he tracked some
crooks down in the countryside. It was maybe 4th or 5th
grade level reading. Trying to remember this has
bothered me for years.
Mc Closkey, Homer Price series. perhaps?
Robert McCloskey, Homer Price,
Centerburg Tales,
1940s. Has to be Homer Price. I think you're mixing
up at least two of the stories, though. Check the Solved
Mysteries Pages for more info.
Sobol, Donald, Encyclopedia Brown. Short mysteries solved by You and Encyclopedia.
Robert McCloskey, Homer Price and Centerburg Tales. This
may be the Homer Price series -- one of the tales had a donut
machine that wouldn't stop making donuts.
Robert McCloskey, Homer Price. Robert McCloskey wrote several books about Homer
Price and one has a story in it about a donut machine that makes
everyone sing about donuts. Could these be the books
you're looking for?
I immediately thought of the Encyclopedia
series by Donald Sobol, but the first book - Encyclopedia
Brown, Boy Detective - came out in 1963, not the the
40's or 50's.
Robert McCloskey, Homer Price. This has got to be Homer Price. The
Doughnut story is the most remembered but the one where he
tracks down criminals involves a skunk and is also difficult to
McCloskey, Robert, Homer Price, 1943. These stories are from the
wonderful Homer Price book (and also read the
sequel Centerburg Tales).
so much a detective series but more small American town tales.
There are several chapters in the book each a complete
story. In one, Homer captures robbers aided by his
pet skunk Aroma. Perhaps the most memorable is the Donut machine
story - I know it's one of my most enduring childhood reading
Thank you very much the help in solving my book mystery.
It is indeed Homer Price. I�m amazed at how fast folks
responded. You�ve helped clarify one of my childhood
memories that has bugged me for years.
Susan Cooper, Seaward. Some of the details don't fit, but this seems
very close to "Seaward". West and Cally meet up in an
alternate reality type of setting--they've both lost their
parents and must cooperate together on a mysterious quest.
There's a castle where each one of them encounters their ideal
room. There's also a chessboard with live people--they
must win the game in order to proceed across the chessboard.
This rings a distinct bell, but I don't
think it's Seaward. It almost sounds more
like Diana
Jones' The Homeward Bounders, but again, some of
the details don't quite jibe. Argh! I'll try to wrap my
brain around it.
Diana Wynne Jones, The Homeward
Bounders, 1981.
Forget what I just said -- I think this is The Homeward
Bounders. It's just too close for coincidence.
I'm sure you get messages like this all
of the time, but I cannot tell you how thrilled I was to see
my stupmer actually solved! The book was in fact The
Homeward Bounders by Diana Wynne Jones. I looked
up a description and all of the other details (the mythology
references in particular) came flooding back. I love you
site - have told everyone I know about it.
This sounds fairly likely: Mason,
Miriam E.Hominy And His Blunt-Nosed Arrow. New
York, Macmillan 1967 "Children's story about a small Indian
boy from the Miami Woodland Indian tribe who with his little
bow searches for a silver arrowhead to kill the Bad Luck
Bird." Illustrated with B&W line drawings by George
& Doris Hauman.
Mason, Miriam E., Hominy and his
Blunt-Nosed Arrow, NY
Macmillan 1950. "Indian boy seeks silver arrow so he will
be a real hunter." "A small Indian boy from the Miami Woodland
Indian tribe who with his little bow searches for a silver
arrowhead to kill the Bad Luck Bird." "Young Hominy, a Miami
Woodlands indian, is give a small bow with some blunt-nosed
arrows to hunt rabbits. He goes in search of a silver arrowhead
so that he can really hunt. But he ends up bringing home
something far more valuable than a silver arrowhead." "The daily
life of a young child in an unspecified northern forest tribe.
Pleasant little drawings of village life and Hominy, who caught
a crow's tail feathers as a baby and goes around in full
L48: Honestly, Katie John!
(1963) by Mary Calhoun. Simply has to be. Third(?) of
the Katie John series. There were at least four. I
should re-read it, because from what I remember, she had quite
the identity crisis - first she's disgusted with boys and their
ways, but when the girls start acting girly-girly, she rebels
and becomes a "vulgar" tomboy (as one girl put it - I, myself,
reading it in the late 1970's, couldn't grasp why Katie would
wear a skirt to school during that phase) because she can't bear
the idea that her idea of 6th-grade feminine maturity isn't the
norm. Or that she can't make the girls conform to it. (Writer
Deborah Tannen would have a field day with that!) "Slam books"
are part of the story, and there's a boy with whom she has a
long rift before they're friends again. Mary Calhoun truly knew
how to write and was almost certainly ahead of her time in her
creation of Katie.
L48 (lipstick eating outsider girl) is most
definitely, without a question, positively Honestly,
Katie John! by (I think) Mary Calhoun.
The girl that calls everyone "sugar" is Priscilla, and Katie and
her friend Sue go to a fair in the first chapter. Katie
finds an old book about female etiquette and tries being "a
lady" briefly, then tries being the complete opposite to protest
the "girly" behavior of her classmates, especially towards
boys. She eats Priscilla's lipstick before a school
concert. Her antics cause the other girls to
ostracize her for a time.
Mary Calhoun, Honestly, Katie John! I'm pretty sure this is the book. There
is a series of Katie John books, and in this one, the
'tomboyish' Katie John becomes something of an outsider when her
classmates become preoccupied with boys and make-up, etc. The
lipstick episode is an example. Priscilla is the popular girl
who calls everyone 'sugar' but she hasn't just moved to
town - I think that must be something from another book.
Wow, I remember reading this same
book. I don't know when the first book in the "Alice"
series was published, but I have a feeling it might be that one
(the series is by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor). I think
there's a description of how grossed out the girl is when she
bites into the greasy lipstick.
Honestly, Katie John! I can't believe it!
This is the book I have been looking for for absolutely ages and
here it is a week later and it's been solved. Thank you
all so much! I can't wait to read this again.
I'm trying to locate a book that was a favorite of mine when I
was in elementary school, in the early 1970s.The book was likely
written in the 1950s or 60s. It is probably set in middle
America, during the Depression or soon after. I only remember a
couple of scenes. A young girl (about 10) happens upon an
abandoned farmhouse while out exploring. The house looks like it
was vacated quickly by the family who lived there. The girl
pokes around and finds a Farmers Almanac and reads in it that
there wasn't enough rain that year, so she guesses that the
family left because they couldn't sustain their farm. In the
kitchen, above the sink, the mother of the house had made
herself a "picture window" to look at while washing dishes,
because there wasn't a real window over the sink. One of the
items pasted up was a homemade Valentine from one of her
children. The little girl in the story imagines the mother
toiling at the kitchen sink, with only her picture window to
entertain her.She visits the house often and it becomes her
special secret place. There might also be a scene in this book
where the young girl visits the local fair and sees a fortune
teller. It's possible this book was written by the author
"Mabel Leigh Hunt," but I've no idea if it was and if so which
title fits the description. There aren't any books by Hunt in
our libraries so I can't search through them. If it's not by her
it's in her genre.That's all I remember! I would love to locate
this book and share it with my daughters. That abandoned
farmhouse story has stayed with me all these years, and I'm
nearly 40 years old!
Mary Calhoun, Honestly, Katie John! This is definitely, without a doubt, it -
the details about the house are dead on. Katie John and
her friend find the house. This was my very favorite book in the
series- must have read it a dozen times.
Mary Calhoun, Honestly Katie John. This is one of the Katie John
books - I think it's Honestly Katie John, which
is the 3rd book in the series (4 total).
Mary Calhoun, Katie John. There are 4 Katie John books, but I think the
one you are looking for is the first.
Mary Calhoun, Honestly Katie John. This is definitely Katie John and I think
this is the correct book. (If not, then "Depend On Katie John")
This was one of my favorite of her adventures...I always wished
I could find an old abandoned house like that...
Zilpha Keatley Snyder, Could this be
it? I clearly remember the made window, but I can't
remember if it was from this book and my copy is missing so I
can't check.
Mary Calhoun, Honestly, Katie John! 1963.
am pretty sure you are thinking of this third book in the Katie
John series. Katie John does indeed visit a fortune teller
at a fair, and she does find an abandoned house with a pasted-up
"picture window" over the sink.
Mary Calhoun, one of the Katie
John books. I remember the "picture window"
perfectly... it's from one of the Katie John books, not the
first one... I think maybe Katie John and Heathcliffe
Hi. I also read the book that the stumper read. I cant recall the author or the title either but i do remember that the kid who was at odds with her mother had a few words with the black nanny. When she learns that the nanny's name is Vanilla she says, "But you're not vanilla you're chocolate." To which the nanny replies, "Your name is sugar? Well you sure arent sweet." Or words to that affect. I thought maybe the book was called Sugar, or Candy, but i cant find anything with that name either. I also remember that the girl loves having Van do her hair for her. She cuts and styles it beautifully. The girl ends up conning her mother into buying her a new hairdryer so that she can duplicate Van's hairdo. Cant remember anything else except that at one point Van was sunbathing and the girl was confused as to why a black woman would enjoy taking in the rays. Hope this helps!!
Helen Cavanagh, Honey, 1979,
The one that is driving me to gnash my
teeth is B61. I actually own this book and thought I knew
exactly where it was. Went home to check the title and
can't find the book. It was my mother's when she was
little so is probably from the 20's or 30's. I think it is
called Honey Bear or something similar. It
is told in verse...a little baby toddles away from her house in
the forest. Mother and father are frantic. Baby is found
by a friendly bear who gives her honey to keep her happy.
Parents find her, safe and sound, covered in honey...and the
poem ends up saying something about that is why all babies are
now called honey...it's an adorable book with darling
illustrations and as soon as I find my copy, I will post the
title and author if no-one else yet has done so.
Yes! I know this one now-- it's
illustrated by Frank Lloyd Wright's sister, Maginel Wright
Barney, and published by one of the greats of American
children's book publishing, Volland. Very art deco.
I hear, also, that this was a favorite of Dare Wright when she
was growing up. Here's a beautiful copy for sale:
Willson, Dixie. Honey Bear. Illustrated by Maginel Wright Barney. P.F.
Volland, 1923. 12th edition. A Sunny Book. Excellent
color illustrations. Spine paper worn off in places, wear
to corner, otherwise VG. A scarce title. <SOLD>
I noticed Honey Bear
illustrated by Maginel Wright! She is the mother
of Elizabeth Enright!! I only recently found all
these family connections. I knew the author of Gone-Away
Lake was no mere mortal!
B72 Could these be the Honey
Bunch and Norman books?
B72 Bobbsey Twins not quite -- Could this be
Howard Garis's Cherries series (published
c.1924)? One is
called Two Wild Cherries at the
Seashore. The same author wrote the Curlytops
series including The Curlytops at Sunset Beach
(1921). He also wrote the Bunny series mentioned. Another
possible, though I think less likely, is Elizabeth Gordon's
Dolly and Molly books, which include Dolly
and Molly at the Seashore.
Ran across this description while looking
for something else: Margaret Kent The Twins at the
Seaside Harrap 1949, 96 pages "Prudence Penelope
Inglis and Christopher Malcolm Inglis aka Sugar and Spice."
Helen Louise Thorndyke, Honey Bunch:
Her First Visit to the Seashore, 1924. One of many Honey Bunch
Don't you think this is A Rocket in
My Pocket?
Before turning to Loganberry Books, I did some footwork in the
children's library and the book I'm seeking is not Rocket In
My Pocket, nor is it McClintock's What's In My Pocket?
S359 The cover of my Scholastic edition of A
rocket in my pocket says Favorite Rhymes
from A rocket in my pocket so there is still a
slight possibility that the poster's poem is in the orig
edition. This one has the title poem [kind of dumb] "I've
got a rocket in my pocket. I cannot stop to play. Away it
goes! I've burnt my toes. It's Independence Day."
Lucia and James L. Hymes, Jr., Hooray for Chocolate and Other
Easy-to-Read Jingles, 1960, copyright. Thought
I'd report back, just in case anyone else remembered my book
of children's poems and wanted to know the title. I
recently googled one of the poems I remembered, and up came an
educators' website, complete with a credit to the book I'd
been searching for for years! I ordered it online.
Hooray for Pig!
I am looking for a book that I read as a
child. I don't remember the title or the author.
To the best of my recollection, it is a picture book. It
is about a pig, and an otter and
they go on a picnic and eat
peanut butter sandwiches. Incidently, the otter likes to
play on a slide next to a pond. It was probably written
in the seventies or early eighties. This is driving me
crazy. Please help!
P4.5 pig and otter: it sounds awfully Richard
Scarry, and the time is right for his books - with all the
Scarry fans out there, can't someone recognise it? (I don't like
his books, myself)
Carla Stevens, Hooray for pig! 1974.
P4.5 pig and otter: okay, right after I
suggested Richard Scarry, I ran across this - Hooray for
Pig! by Carla Stevens, illustrated by Rainey
Bennett, published Seabury and Scholastic 1974, Weekly Reader,
48 pages. "Pig is very fond of picnics. His idea of bliss is
a picnic with loads of peanut-butter sandwiches. He would
really love to swim, but doesn't feel brave enough to try. So
while all his friends - Raccoon, Otter, Beaver and Muskrat -
wallow and splash in the cool water, he endures a few hot,
lonely summer days." (Children's Book Review 1976 p.13)
"Easy to read text matched with illustrations in relaxed
cartoo-line decked with brown or green wash, describing the
traumas and accidents that occur because Pig allows Raccoon
and Otter to teach him to swim." (Growing Point Sept/76
p.2934) So there's a pig, an otter, and peanut-butter ...
Two possibilities - Hop Little
Kangaroo / Patricia Scarry (Golden, 1965)
and The Kangaroo Who Coldn't Hop and, The
Cloud Wallaby / Pixie O'Harris (Golden,
1979). Since your 'childhood' could be anywhere from 10 to
80 years ago, maybe you can narrow it down by the copyright
I've read it and the cherry pie is
definitely there. Scarry, Patricia. Hop, little
kangaroo. illus by Feodor Rojankovsky. Little
Golden 1965
Condition Grades |
Scarry, Patricia. Hop, little kangaroo. illus by Feodor Rojankovsky. Little Golden Book, 1965. Corners worn, some soil; 1 or 2 pp have smudges, 1 a little ink mark. Overall, G. $8 |
![]() |
Trina Paulus' Hope for the Flowers. A
word-of-mouth marketing miracle from 1972.
Hope for the Flowers.
This is definitely it. I just read the book a couple of years
Condition Grades |
Paulus, Trina. Hope for the Flowers. Paulus Press, 1972. Large paperback, slight wear. VG. $6 |
![]() |
About G31, that is the same book I am
looking for! My entry is T81.
"The Shadow" by Goldsmith is in HORROR
Elwood (Rand McNally, 1974), which as I recall is indeed a
"slightly oversized hardback" (and the date fits). But
Mendoza's "The Devil's Pocket" is not in that book--it is in THE
by Mendoza and in the Lee Bennett Hopkins (ed) 1977
Possibles, anyway.
This isn't much help, but there is a story
called Tom and moT, by Max Trull,
published 1930, 178 pages, about a little boy (the nursery rhyme
one who threw pussy in the well) looking down the well and
seeing his own
reflection, which changes places with him.
He then has to live moT's life in the topsy-turvy underworld. He
finally reaches home, much improved by his experiences. If this
is the same story, it must have just been a chapter excerpted
for the collection.
Roger Elwood, editor, Horror Tales:
Spirits Spells and the Unknown. 1974-75 Mystery
solved! The book I first described is indeed Horror Tales
edited by Roger Elwood! THANK YOU! By the way, the story with
the children and the echo is not The Devil's Pocket it
is called something about El Dorado. And the Tom-Mot
story is different too.
I am trying to find some very beloved books from my elementary
school days in the '70s. The first is a collection
of somewhat gruesome scary short stories. I think it was
at least slightly oversized, hardback with illustrations.
I only remember three stories - one was about a tree that cast
evil shadows inside a bedroom, one was about a boy who called
things into an echo canyon and the words that came back to him
were very different from the ones he had called and the third
one I remember the most vividly. A boy and a girl discover
a formula to turn things into gold - unfortunately
(inevitably!), something goes wrong and the girl is turned into
a fly - the cat smushes the fly, and the story ends with the boy
running up the stairs screaming because the fly is turning back
into the girl...and she's smushed. Yech. (see what I
mean about gruesome?!)
I don't have the exact book - but I can
tell you two of the short stories' titles and authors, and this
might help your search. The echo story may be The Devil's
Pocket by George Mendoza. Two brothers are
playing in a
quarry nicknamed the devil's pocket. One
throws a penny in, and the quarry echoes back his voice as he
calls out. But when he finds a penny, his brother insists it's
not the same one because it's too shiny. The one insists "IT'S
MY PENNY" and the quarry doesn't echo back his voice. And then
when the brother whispers "better not take it", the quarry
echoes his voice, getting louder. The boys take the penny, but
during the night they both have the same nightmare that the
quarry is calling, and in the morning, the penny is gone. It's a
creepy story. The tree casting an evil shadow sounds like
The Shadow by Howard Goldsmith. The tree,
planted over the body of a hanged witch, casts it's shadow into
the boy's room.
The Devil's Pocket is anthologized in The
Haunted House and Other Stories edited by Vic
Crume. Tthe cover featured a haunted house with a
psychedelic aura. Probably not what you're looking for, but
very creepy.
About G31, that is the same book I am
looking for! My entry is T81.
"The Shadow" by Goldsmith is in HORROR
Elwood (Rand McNally, 1974), which as I recall is indeed a
"slightly oversized hardback" (and the date fits). But
Mendoza's "The Devil's Pocket" is not in that book--it is in THE
by Mendoza and in the Lee Bennett Hopkins (ed) 1977
Possibles, anyway.
T81 & G31: Laughing Shadow -
Eldorado. Hope this info helps, I recall both
stories mentioned as one's I read in grade-school... The
story with the shadow - about a boy moving to a new town, house
has a tree in backyard, supposed to have a witch buried under it
(former owner), warned not to disturb tree (he does) and
the shadow-witch is let loose. I loved this story
and I believe the book was The laughing shadow and other
tales (or stories) - searching this title alwasy
pulls the 3 investigators title of the alfred hitchcock series -
not an easy find. The story about the boy and the canyon
of echoes, is not the devil's pocket, but was called El
Dorado, and the setting was in California (I remember
wanting to go find this place after reading the story) A
boy hiking gets lost and or a storm comes up, he takes shelter
in an old ghost town, and during the night he hears crying and
calls for help from a nearby ravine, it turns out to be the
ghosts or "echoes" of a boy and a girl. "we are only
echoes, echoes echoes... waiting...." pretty
creepy!! Hope this Helps
Horse and Pony Stories for Girls,
1971, copyright. This book has the story about Christine
and Jet, called "Racing Rivals" by Marjorie
Stace. The other stories are "The Battle for Blandy
Common," "Leave it to Lady," "I Wanted a Pony,"
and "The Ghost Horse of Hidden Valley." It is published
by Hamlyn.
Varied, Horse and
Pony Stories For Girls, (Hamlyn 1971),
copyright. I'm not sure when this was solved but its not
that long since I checked. It was terrific to have it
solved I can't say how much I appreciated it I was so excited,
thanks again.
Marjorie Reynolds, A Horse Called
Mystery, 1964.
Marjorie Reynolds, A Horse Called
Mystery. This is
definitely the book! The boy, called Owlie, has to wear a brace
on his leg and has a deaf mother. He finds and helps a lame
horse, and makes friends with a doctor who is hiding on an
island because he has been disfigured in a fire. Owlie
eventually uses the horse to swim to the island during a storm
and convince the doctor to leave because someone needs help (I
think maybe his mother broke her leg?).
marjorie reynolds, A Horse Called
Mystery. That's definitely it!! The title rings a
bell, as does the leg brace - I remember there being something
'different' about the kid, but couldn't remember what it was.
I have been trying to find this book - punching words into
serarch engines and browsing lists of horse books - for years,
to no avail! Thanks to this site, my second-hand copy is on
now its way. Thank you!
Karen Bendick Watson, A Horse Named Summer, 1965.
Possibly Found: One Orange-Brown
Horse (1957) by Patricia Lauber, author of
Clarence the TV Dog. The book is in fact
illustrated by Shortall, I think!
#H21: The one I'm thinking of was
like Found: One Orange-Brown Horse but
can't be the same book as I have that one and the one I'm
thinking of I never had.
Nancy Caffrey, illus. by Paul Brown, Horse
Haven, 1950's. The exact scene you describe is
in this book.
B130a boy sky green: a story at least similar is A Horse of Another Color, by Nathan Kravetz, illustrated by Susan Perl, published Little, Brown 1962, 58 pages. "In this all-so-true-to-life story about Henry who loves to paint horses, the author, an elementary school principal, reveals a concern for the independent and imaginative child. As a non-conformist in the use of color, Henry fills the school authorities with anxiety, although he seems to be happily normal in every other respect. It takes the College exhibit, to which Henry's horses in blue and green are sent by mistake, to bring down the worried eyebrows, for a time at least. Cartoonish drawings have the right kind of humor." (HB Oct/62 p.478)
The book is The Horsemasters,
by Don Sandford, he who also wrote Red Car. It
was made into a Disney move starring Annette Funicello, and was
about the English Horsemastership Program. The old horse
mentioned was Cornish Pastie, who was messy, aged, and a
phenomenal hunter.
Thank you!! Yes! Please! The book IS The Horsemasters
by Don Stanford. If you cd try to locate a copy for me at a good
price, that wd be great! (eBay has a copy, but I'd prefer to
support your great service if I can afford it!) Let me know.
The book I'm looking for was about a girl going to a special
school where she learned about horse care and riding. She got a
really ugly horse but then ended up loving him and doing well.
That's about all I remember! Please let me know
if this works!
G113 Stanford, Don, The
Horsemasters. See Solved Mysteries
Don Stanford., The Horsemasters, 1970s. Puffin book. Would seem like
one possibility.
Don Stanford, The Horsemasters. This stumper sounds like The Horsemasters,
about a girl named Dinah who goes to a
riding school in England where she is
assigned to a homely horse named Corny (short for Cornish
Pastie). She dislikes him at first, but eventually grows
to respect him.
G113 This must be a darned good story to
have even Scholastic copies so expensive! Stanford, Don;
foreword by Sheila
Willcox The
horsemasters. dust jacket by Doremus.
Funk & Wagnalls c1957 American girl learns firsthand about
training by the British Horse Society for a Preliminary
Instructor�s Certificate; horsemastership course
"Heads Up!" Not
the famous one by Patsy Grey, it was about a boarding
school/riding school with boy and girl students from all over
the world. The riding master was either German or Austrian, a
good man but very strict. You had to be meticulous about your
own and your horse's appearance. One of the students was a tall
blonde girl called Ingrid, and she pointed out early on that the
main character was not a very good rider compared to the others,
so how had she qualified for the school?
She then realized
her question was less than polite and said "I have been again
stupid." But the main character was not offended by the question
and agreed cheerfully that "I stink". She had some kind of an "in"
and had managed to be accepted hoping to improve her riding.
Don Stanford, The Horsemasters.
Sounds like Stanford's "The Horsemasters", about a group of young people in
a British training school for teachers of riding. Did the
heroine ride a horse called Cornish Pastie?
SOLVED: Don Stanford, Horsemasters, Funk &
Wagnalls 1957. That's it. Now I remember reading this in 1970,
and the title definitely was Heads Up!, but this is
the book, no question. One of the reviews mentioned the
name of the main character's best friend. She was called Bee
Bye. That's what clicked. Her name was Beatrice Byington Smith.
Another mystery solved! Thank you very much
H112 I've sold one by Patsey Gray
called Horsepower. My subject headings were
horses, Calif, Blanco. and I have: Montgomery,
Rutherford. Walt Disney presents El Blanco -
the legend of the white stallion. illus by Gloria
Stevens Scholastic, 1961.
Patsey Gray, Horsepower. I
am nearly certain this is the book - THANK YOU!! I have
ordered it and should have
it within a few days - I'll let you know
for sure then. The description of the book matched my
recollection almost exactly. (I know it is NOT the
Disney El Blanco the White Stallion.)
Thank you thank you thank you for this
marvelous site; I'm in the process of collecting all the
wonderful juvenile fiction my husband and I enjoyed as children,
and there are two books that have haunted me because I didn't
know the titles or authors. Within minutes (literally,
maybe two) of browsing through your site the first time I logged
on (last week...) I just happened
across a title that resonated; it was one of
the books I was hoping to find (the Best Loved Doll).
Now that the other book I wanted was posted you seem to have
solved that one the first try as well (Horsepower).
Wow... I won't say I can't tell you how much this means to
me because I think you know very well the bonds we have with our
Could this be The Horsemasters
by Don Stanford?? Sounds vaguely similar! And the time
frame is right. The book is found in Solved Pages!
Patsey Gray, Horsepower.
Thanks again - this is it for sure, kelly green wall and all.
Regarding question M15 "Morel Mushroom", the book is Hothouse by Brian Aldiss; the novel is out-of-print, but still excellent in its descriptions of the carnivorous plants, flymen, etc.
I remember listening to a record when I was
young that had Tubby the Tuba on it, the others
you listed I can't remember but there was also a song about Hans
Christen Anderson. The record, which included
stories and songs, was by Danny Kaye (from UK).
This second memory is surely Hans Christian Anderson: The
Musical (see Solved Mysteries),
but I don't believe the original stumper here is Anderson.
Danny Kaye, Tubby the Tuba and other
stories. At home
I have a Tape with stories about Tubby the Tuba, and songs such
as Thumbelina, Inch Worm, Hans Christian Anderson - it is NOT
the musical.
You have the "record with Tubby the Tuba,
Bartholomew Cubbins" etc. stories in the SOLVED half, but the
original query wasn't solved, only a spinoff query. Here's
the record original questioner is looking for: An
Hour of favorite stories for children, vol. 2.
[New York]: RCA Camden, 1957. The
adventures of Tubby the tuba (Ray Middleton with Russ Case
and his orchestra Herbert Jenkel, tuba) -- The 500
hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Paul Wing) -- Peter
Churchmouse (Paul Wing with Henri Ren� and his orchestra)
-- One string fiddle (Paul Wing with Clark P. Whipple,
Hammond organ Frank Novak, violin).
Averil Demuth, The House in the
Mountains, 1940.
This may be a possibility for H142. It is described as a
Swiss story and was published by Hamish Hamilton in 1940.
Averil Demuth, The House in
the Mountains,1940.I think this is the one you're
looking for. Was the bear's name Mr Tog/Trog or something
Averil Demuth, The House in the
Mountains: A Swiss Story,1940.Publisher: Hamish
Hamilton (1940).ASIN: B000J1JN9O
Averil Demuth, the House in the Mountains,194.
fits at least some of your description. I haven't got a copy to
hand, but I remember the tunnel and a talking bear, set in the
Alps. I believe she's a UK author.
Sorry, I can't identify the book for you but
if you're still curious about aniseed balls, I can help
there. They''re British sweets, traditionally sold loose
from large jars. So presumably the book was British too (or
perhaps a British translation).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aniseed_ball has a photo, if you
want to see what they look like.
Pamela Sykes, Come Back, Lucy, 1973. Known as Mirror of Danger
in the U.S. (I read it under that title). I'm pretty sure
it's this book because just about everything fits except the
African part. What the poster seems not to recall is that Lucy
travels back in time and meets a girl named Alice who wants to
keep her in the past forever. I loved this book as a kid.
Penelope Lively, The House in Norham
Gardens, 1974.
Clare is an orphan living in an old house in Oxford with her
elderly aunts and two boarders, one a young man from
Africa. In the attic she finds a shield and other
artefacts from New Guinea and becomes intrigued by the encounter
between a Victorian anthropologist and a stone age New Guinea
tribe. A wonderful book by an award-winning author.
A222 My answers could be totally wrong
OR the person may be combining memories from 2 different books.
The part about Lucy not being sure about her relatives wanting
her reminded me of MIRROR OF DANGER by Pamela
Sykes (also published under the title of COME BACK
LUCY). Lucy is raised by an aunt, and when the aunt
dies, she is sent to live with distant cousins. She is having
trouble adjusting, and then (details are getting fuzzy here) she
finds a mirror which is connected with a ghost named Alice, who
causes Lucy's further estrangement from the family and becomes a
threat to Lucy. Eventually the ghost's grip is broken, and Lucy
realizes the family wants her (although I can't remember if a
letter is involved). But I also came across a book which seems
to have more of the other elements posted in the stumper. It's HOUSE
IN NORHAM GARDENS by Penelope Lively, but
the main character is named Clare Mayfield. She lives in a house
with older relatives, and it is filled with artifacts from
around the world. There's a mask from New Guinea which has a
strange dangerous power over her. Some summaries of the book
said it caused her travel back in time, other summaries said it
caused her frightening dreams. Hope this helps.~from a librarian
Pamela Sykes, Come Back, Lucy, 1973. I think this is two books mixed
up. Come Back, Lucy has the character who lived
with her elderly aunt, packed a trunk of her possessions, and
wouldn't read the letter from her relatives. Mirrors are
very important in the book and at the end she makes it up with
the mother and hurts her hand. I don't know the book with
the African connections.
Penelope Lively, The House in Norham Gardens,
1974. To the Librarian poster: THANK YOU!!! You were
right -- I had mentally "smushed together" both Pamela Sykes' Mirror
of Danger with The House in Norham Gardens by
Penelope Lively. I think what happened is that I found The
House in Norham Gardens a bit too scary at age 11 and so
returend it to the library and was recommended Mirror of
Danger instead, and the two must have gotten a bit
mixed up in my memory. Again, THANK YOU!!!
My grandmother had this book, and I have no
idea what it was called, but I loved it, too.
House of Four Seasons
I read the book I am looking for in late
elementary school or in junior high. I am now 54.
I remember a house in a meadow. The rooms of the house
were decorated like the seasons. The kitchen was winter
and the large second floor room was fall. At one point
in the story there was a fire in the woods.
Duvoisin, Roger, The House of Four Seasons, 1956. "When a family buys a new house, each member has a different idea of what color to paint it." Maybe?
Have you looked at Enid Blyton?
Enid Blyton, The Enchanted Castle.This stumper does sound very close to the plot
of The Enchanted Castle.
Nina Bawden, The House of Secrets/The
Secret Passage (UK
title), 1963. Worth a look? John, Mary, and Ben Mallory go
to England to live with Aunt Mabel, who keeps a boardinghouse.
Young Ben meets the eccentric , elderly boarder Miss Pin, who
tells stories of her fabulous treasure, and of the secret
passage in the cellar. The passage leads to the big house next
door, where the children meet a mysterious girl who has run away
from school.
Meindert DeJong, House of Sixty
Fathers.This is the
book. He started out with only a pig and a duck but had to
leave the duck behind. After much travel and hardship he
(and the pig) were taken in by a group of American
soldiers. He never gave up looking for his parents from
whom he had been separated and finally found them again at the
DeJong, Meindert, The House of Sixty
Fathers, 1956. I
am pretty sure this is the one you are looking for. Tien Pao is
all alone in enemy territory. He has the family pig with him. He
does encounter a wounded American soldier who gives him some
chocolate, I don't remember gum, though it could be there too.
He definitely has to hide in some rice paddies. Hope this helps.
Meindert deJong, House of Sixty
Fathers. Maybe?
Clark, Ann Nolan, To Stand Against
the Wind, 1978.
If it's Vietnam and not China, then this might be the book. The
animal was a water buffalo.
DeJong, Meindert, The House of Sixty
Fathers. My 4th grade
teacher read us this book! The pig's name was Glory of the
William Sleator, The House of Stairs
William Sleator, House of Stairs.
One of my favorite books-- my
daughter just read it too, and loved it.
William Sleator, House of Stairs,
1974. I have read many of
William Sleator's books, and enjoyed most of them.
C102 HOUSE OF STAIRS by William
sleator, 1974 (make sure it's by that author. There's
another book with a similar title) ~from a librarian
Sleator, William, House of Stairs, 1974.
I read this book when I was in Jr. High,
in about 1978 or so. It was about a group of kids, runaways I
think, who were captured or led to a room that was nothing but
stairscases and stair landings. No furniture, no rooms,
just stairs. They were rewarded by acting a certain way
which they had to figure out by trial and error. Their
food, their clothes, everything was given out once they
exhibited the behavior "they" wanted, whoever "they"
were. At one point, attacking one of the kids led to the
attackers being rewarded with food. All of the behavior
was being monitored. At the end two of the kids remained
"normal," while the others had been "turned" or
brainwashed. At the very end as they were all leaving,
they were walking down the street, the traffic light turned
red, and the "turned" ones all started to dance. And
that was the end. The book had quite an effect on me
emotionally and mentally in that to conceive such a thing
might actually exist was unnerving. I'd like to
read it again now as an adult to see if it has the same
impact. Any help in finding it would be greatly
Sleator, William, House of Stairs. Five sixteen-year-old orphans of widely
varying personality characteristics are
involuntarily placed in a house of endless
stairs as subjects for a psychological experiment on conditioned
human response.
William Sleator, House of Stairs. This is House of Stairs. It
haunted me for a while too, but I was lucky to run across in a
library not too long ago. I found it was still very chilling.
William Sleator, House of Stairs. This is definitely House of
Stairs. The children are selected for the experiment
because they will not be missed (are in an
orphanage/unloved). It's a classic illustration of
behavior modification in the wrong hands.
William Sleator , House of Stairs. 1974. Five sixteen-year-old orphans of
widely varying personality characteristics are
involuntarily placed in a house of endless
stairs as subjects for a psychological experiment on conditioned
human response.
William Sleator, House of Stairs, 1975. No doubt about it and I bet a dozen
other people will have beaten me to it already. Fantastic
William Sleator, House of Stairs.This sounds like a pretty accurate description
of the plot as I remember it. House of Stairs has been reissued
by Firebird.
S304 Gosh! Makes you think of the Iraq
prison scandals.
William Sleator, House of Stairs. Loved this book when I was a young
teen! It is definitely House of Stairs by William Sleator. I've
always thought it would make an awesome movie!
Sleator, William, House of Stairs,NY Dutton 1974. Me and a half-dozen other
people say it's this one : Five fifteen-year-old orphans
of widely varying personality characteristics are involuntarily
placed in a house of endless stairs as subjects for a
psychological experiment on conditioned human response.
S304 Without a doubt this is HOUSE OF
STAIRS by William Sleator. Be sure to get
the right author because there is another book with the same
title. I agree that this is a book you can't forget. ~from a
William Sleator, House of Stairs, 1974. sounds exactly like it.
I recall several kids being in a maze or underground area (all
white iirc). When a green light lit there was food.
They grew more and more animalistic, kind of a lord of the flies
feel. At the end of the book, they were freed onto the
street. A nearby traffic light went green and they began
fighting. There the book ends as I remember. It was
a dark, disturbing book, but I was young then so dark and
disturbing may not be true now. The word 'pig' comes to
mind when I think of it, but I think that was interstellar pig,
and I think that is a different book that I must have read near
the same time.
William Sleator, The House of Stairs, 1974. This is definitely it.
You're thinking of Interstellar Pig because both
books are by William Sleator.
note that there is another book called House of Stairs
by Barbara Vine. That's not the one you
want!) See the Solved Mysteries "H" page for more
William Sleator, The House of Stairs. okay, so some details way off (not
underground, and the light isn't green), but sounds so similar -
in House of Stairs, 5 (6?) 16 year olds are trapped in this huge
maze of stairs. There's a thing that flashes red lights
and gives food, trains them to do certain things to get the food
when the red lights flash, eventually evolves into this very
complicated dance. At certain point, rewards them with food for
being cruel to each other. Two resist, and at the end, all
are released. The resisters find out it's been a military
type experiment, and the book does end with the non-resisters
stopping at a traffic light and going into their complicated
William Sleator, House of Stairs. I'm sure you'll receive plenty of
solutions to this one!
William Sleator, The House of Stairs. I'm sure this is it.
Sleator, William, House of Stairs. Four teenagers are forced to participate
in a pscyhological study, which created Pavlovian reactions to
flashing lights, and brought out savage behavior.
William Sleator, House of Stairs.
This stumper has a great
recollection, as William Sleator also wrote Interstellar
Pig. House of Stairs is a great
creepy book about a group of children plucked from their
surroundings and imprisoned in a house with nothing but
stairs. Through positive/negative reinforcement, they
learn which behavior patterns produce food.
William Sleator, House of Stairs, 1974. My sixth-grade teacher read this
aloud to the class over a period of a week or so. For most of us
it was our first taste of this type of fiction and a startling
experience. Very eerie.
William Sleator, The House of Stairs. I suspect this is most likely The
House of Stairs, by William Sleator. The
traffic light scene and the dancing for food when the lights
blinked is definitely from this book. However, it's a building
full of stairs going nowhere rather than an underground maze. A
very memorable book.
1975, Please help me remember the name of a book that terrified
me when I read it around 1975 at age 10 (and still troubles me a
lot that was definitely too young to have read the book) -- I
don't remember many details, but there were 4-5 children,
unrelated, who somehow found themselves in a facility without
any other humans (I think there was a disembodied voice from
time to time), and who were then conditioned (like rats) to get
food, etc. by reacting to stimuli and being rewarded or
punished. I remember that the punishments were painful and
very disturbing, like very severe electric shocks. The
relationships between the children became predictably
dysfunctional. There was a real sense of evil throughout
this book. I think that some of the stimuli were red and
green lights -- in any event, somehow at least some of the
children escape, but in the last chilling scene they are running
across a road and a traffic light changes color and immediately
they all respond with the same unnatural movement responses they
learned in the prison maze, which gave me a sickening, hopeless
feeling. In any event, hope I haven't upset anyone reading
this -- and that someone recognizes this book.
William Sleator, House of Stairs, 1974. I think you're looking for House of
Stairs. Set sometime in the future, five
teenagers wake up in a place that consists only of sets of
stairs, going nowhere. There are machines that flash red
or green lights, and the kids figure out that by following
certain patterns, they can get food. In the end, two of
the teens, the "juvenile delinquent" girl and the "quiet" boy,
decide not to play the game, and the other kids try to bully
them inot participating. They become so weak from lack of food
that the experiment (because that'\''s what it was)ends.
In the final scene, the kids, all together, go past a traffic
light, and the three that stayed in the game--boy jock, rich
girl and pretty girl, all do the dance, while the other two kids
keep walking. It was a creepy book!
William Sleator, House of
Stairs This sounds like your book, a perennial
stumper "Five sixteen-year-old orphans of widely varying
personality characteristics are involuntarily placed in a house
of endless stairs as subjects for a psychological experiment on
conditioned human response.
William Sleator, House of Stairs, 1991.
I just finally tracked this book down myself
Boy and girl (brother and sister?) trapped in some sort of maze
which turns out in the end to be some kind of psychological
experiment. Read 20-25 years ago. Lots of stairs,
and there were lights and things that conditioned them to do
certain things. An indoor maze - huge.
William Sleator, House of Stairs, 1974,
copyright. Ha! I found my own solution right after I sent
in the stumper... oh well. I was a little off though, it
had 5 kids, not 2. Maybe only 2 made it out at the end...
I don't remember. We'll see when it gets here and I can
read it again. Thanks - looks like an interesting
Condition Grades |
William. House of Stairs. Puffin,
1991. Paperback. VG. $9 Sleator, William. House of Stairs. Firebird, 2004. New paperback. $5.99 |
![]() |
Elfman, Blossom, A House for Jonnie
O.Boston, Houghton
1976. This was suggested on another list, and has some
similarities. "A story about a group of pregnant 16 year old
girls who want to keep their babies after they are born. A group
of 16 yr olds search for a fresh and different solution to
pregnancy. Lovable. Laugh, cry, and understand. Joanna Olson was
16 and pregnant. She was determined to have two things: a room
of her own - and her baby."
I figured out which book this is - its The House of
Tomorrow. Thanks anyway.
King, P.E., The house that had
enough,1986. A
Big Little Golden Book. I have a copy which was passed to us
when we adopted my son. He is not tremendously attached to it,
so if the person who posted the query would like our copy, she
may have it.
Maybe this one? The House That
Grew by Jean Strathdee & Jessica Wallace,
1979. 32 pages of cute colorful illustrations. "This English
book is a story of a big hippie family living in a giant house.
They decide to buy a plot of land and build a giant communal
house, but they can only build a little bit at a time. This
house just grows and GROWS! Vintage English commune hippy
story!" Or this one? Mrs. Caliper's House by Muriel
Cooke and Headley & Anne Harper, illustrated by
Sherman Cooke, NY Knopf 1943, 63 pages. "Nonsense picture story
book about Mrs. Caliper, who was so very friendly that she
invited everyone who came along to live in her house. Rooms were
added for the farmer, the milkmaid, the small boy Peter, and at
last for the old lighthouse keeper. Finally rooms had to be
built on top of the house, which made it possible to expand
almost indefinitely." Though I'm wondering if it isn't one of
the Peterkin stories by L. Hale?
This is in answer to F40. I believe it
is called The House the Pecks Built, by Helen
and Alf Evers. They start out with one room, and
keep adding rooms on until the house is so huge they need a
train to get from one end of it to the other. They tear
all the additions down, and at the very end of the story
one of them says something about needing more room...
F40 full circle house: more on the last
suggested - The House the Pecks Built, by the
Evers, (reprinted Jan 2001) "As Mr.Peck, a poor
carpenter, grows prosperous he begins to add one room after
another to the family's one-room house until it covers so much
territory that he and his family must take the train to the
next town just to get from the living room to the dining
room." Providing a prescient vision of suburban
sprawl, The House the Pecks Built by Helen and Alf Evers is as
relevant today as when it was first published in 1940. Not
content with their one-room house, the newly monied Pecks keep
adding on. Soon, it's so large that tourists come to visit the
"Biggest House in the World" and dinner guests travel "from the
living room to the dining room by train." Three-color artwork
adds nostalgic charm." (Publishers Weekly)
This book was part of a large volume of childrens
stories. The family started with a very small house and
then kept adding on room after room till they got lost in the
house and needed roller skates to get around. They ended up
tearing down the house till it was back to where they started.
Helen and Alf Evers, The House the
Pecks Built, 1957?
This has to be The House the Pecks Built by Helen
and Alf Evers. The Peck family build on one room after
another until their house is so big that they can't find
anything. They end up tearing all the added-on rooms down
to the original room. The story then suggests that they'll
start building it all up again! I loved this story as a
child I read it in Children's Digest.
A family thought their
house was too small, so the father built an addition. He kept
building until the house rambled for miles. The children use
roller skates to get from one end to the other. Eventually, the
father tears down all the additions, leaving only the original
house. Thanks.
Evers and Alf Evers, The
House the Pecks Built, 1940, 2001.
SOLVED: Helen and Alf Evers, The House the
Pecks Built. That's the one. I
remember reading "The House the Pecks Built" when I was a kid.
It brings back good memories. I can't wait to see it again.
Thanks to wheover sent this in.
Bellairs, John, House with a Clock
in its Walls.
Lewis Barnavelt parents have died and he goes to live with his
Uncle, who seems to be something of a warlock. Lewis and
friend visit a creepy neighboring house and somehow let the
evil out. The evil is a man and wife (dead) who
built a clock that was counting down to destroy the earth.
Lewis hears the clock ticking and he and his uncle and friend
must stop it. This is the first of a series of books about
Lewis and Rosa they all have a supernatural element to
them. The series was continued by Brad Strickland after
the death of Bellairs. The illustration are line drawings.
Bellairs, John, The House With a
Clock In Its Walls,
1973. Difficult to be sure given the description, but
this might well be a reference to the long series of
horror/suspense children's yarns by John Bellairs (continued by
Brad Strickland after Bellairs'death) -- many illustrated by the
legendary Edward Gorey.
John Bellairs, House With a Clock in Its Walls.'I'm not
sure if this is the exact book, but it's definitely the correct
author/illustrator combo (John Bellairs/Edward Gorey).
Thank you for solving this years-long mystery!
Follett, Barbara Newhall, The House
Without Windows and Eepersip's Life There. NY Knopf 1927. Although this is an older
book than the poster recalls, it does seem to fit: "The story of
a little girl who was "rather lonely" and who left home one day
to explore the meadows, fields, and woods near by. But she
became so enamored of life in the woods that she decided to
"live wild" and never go home anymore. She goes to the mountain
and she goes to the sea, then back to the mountains, where on
one beautiful summer day she becomes a dryad. A rarely lovely
book, and the only instance we know where a child has been able
to record that longing common to many children under ten to be
one with nature. The book was written by the author at nine and
rewritten at twelve, as the original manuscript had been
burned." There's a book about the young author: McCurdy, Harold
(edited by) BARBARA: the Unconscious Autobiography Of A
Child Genius Published by
University of North Carolina Press: 1966,
146 pages, with b&w photos. "She was educated at home in New
England by literary parents, Wilson and Helen Follett, and at
the age of four she began to type out her own imaginative
stories. By thirteen she had already published a novel and, with
the publication of her second novel a year later, she seemed
launched on a literary career. Then the events of her inner life
and her outer world seemed to conspire against her vivd energy -
separation of her parents, the Great
Depression, her own frustrating and unhappy marriage. Finally
she fulfilled a prophetic vein in her writings, which sought
flight from the human world to an enchanted, unsoiled world of
nature. In the winter of 1939, in a mystery that has never been
solved, Barbara Newhall Follett disappeared."
Barbara Newhall Follett, The House
Without Windows.
I'm pretty sure that this is the solution and I found a
description on your Solved Mysteries page.
Follett, House Without Windows, 1968, reprint.
I'm the original poster. It is the book. I have
found out that it had a limited paperback reprint by Avon in
1968. Now if I can only find it.... Thanks!
Henry Kuttner, Housing Problem.
This is it!
Henry Kuttner, Housing Problem, 1944. This is a short story reprinted on
pages 13-28 of a Bantam Books paperback I own called Timeless
Stories for Today and Tomorrow, edited and with an
introduction by Ray Bradbury. The copyright for
the paperback is 1952, but on the Copyright Notices and
Acknowledgments page it says, "Housing Problem by Henry
Kuttner. Reprinted from Charm magazine of October 1944, by
permission of Street and Smith Publications, Inc.
Copyright, 1944, by Street and Smith Publications, Inc."
Your grandmother and sister have remembered the story pretty
well. A man and his wife rent a room to a crusty old man
with a covered birdcage. The old man has amazing luck---he
finds money in the street, wins at gambling, and avoids
accidents. One day, he announces that he has to leave for
a week to tend to some property he owns up north. He has
to travel on the bus and can't take his birdcage, and cautions
the couple to leave it alone. The man and his wife are
extremely curious, and once their tenant is gone, they remove
the cover of the birdcage and discover a beautiful miniature
house. Over the course of the next five days, they annoy
the reclusive inhabitants by trying to catch a glimpse of
them---they peek through the windows, ring the doorbell, and
write "LET US IN" on the door. They finally find the house
empty with a "To Let" sign on the lawn. When the old man returns
from his trip, he is furious at the loss of his tenants.
It had taken him months to build the tiny house and coax the
occupants to move in, and they had always paid their
rent---luck---in a timely fashion. The old man moves out
and leaves the birdcage behind. Late that night, the couple
discovers that new tenants have moved in, but they don't remove
the cover of the birdcage. After a potentially fatal
accident is narrowly averted at the husband's workplace the next
day, the couple uncovers the cage and discovers that the new
tenants are incredible slobs. The line your relatives remember
is, "Our tenants are sloppy pixies, so we get sloppy
luck." The story ends when the couple walk to a local
restaurant that night in the rain and narrowly avoid being hit
by a bus by falling into a muddy ditch.
Henry Kuttner, Housing Problem. One of the places this short story can be found
is in Timeless
for Today and Tomorrow, edited by Ray Bradbury.
(Lots of other good stories in the collection, too!) I imagine
it has been collected elsewhere, too.
Rogers, Agnes, How Come? 1953. The book in question may be How
Come? by Agnes Rogers. There appears to be a
sequel: How Come -- Again, also by Agnes Rogers
and Richard G. Sheehan. More detailed information on both
of these books can be found on the following
website (this is a bibliography of books that
deal with situational puzzles).
Rogers, Agnes, How Come! a book of riddles, 1953,
Doubleday. If this is the right book, you may be
interested to know that there was a sequel: How Come --
Again! (1960)
Rogers, Agnes, How Come? A Book of Riddles, 1953. There is
a book of riddles called "How Come?" from 1953. It's by
Agnes Rogers, drawings by Carl Rose, 63 pages. I don't
know whether the trapeze riddle is in it, though.
How Fletcher Was Hatched, Wende and Harry Devlin.
See most
I actually found it later on your site - When Fletcher was
hatched. Love your site!
How Sam Adam's Pipe Became a
Pig! I found info on two editions of this
book. There are copies of this title
in only four colleges/universities in the
US, so I don't know how easy it will be to find a copy for
yourself. Don't know if this will help you, but for what it's
worth here's what I found: How Sam Adam's Pipe Became a
Pig! by John William Kirton (1831-1892),
illus. George Cruikshank, pub. by S.W. Partridge (London) 1864.
First separate edition -- orig. published 1857 in the British
workman. How Sam Adam's Pipe Became a Pig! by John
William Kirton, illus. George Cruikshank, pub. by S.W.
Partridge (London), 1869 (date approximate). Series -
Illustrated penny readings, 15pg., 2 illus (woodcuts).
Oh thank goodness, one I know. I needed that.
Unfortunately, I don't have one in stock, and they're hard to come
by! But I could get an ex-library copy for around $40.
Kraus, Robert. How Spider Saved Christmas.
Windmill, 1970.
Robert Kraus, How Spider
Saved Halloween, 1974. As Halloween draws near,
poor Spider cannot find a costume. Then, Fly and Ladybug's
squashed jack-o-lantern gives him an idea - and he is able to
save Halloween from being spoiled by the bullies.
Robert Kraus, How Spider Saved
Halloween. Maybe?
Kraus Robert, How spider saved
Halloween, 1973. A Parent's magazine press book Fly
and Ladybug�s squashed Jack-o-lantern helps Spider think of a
costume that saves Halloween from disaster.
Robert Kraus, How Spider Saved
Halloween, 1973. Fly and Ladybug's squashed
Jack-o-lantern helps Spider think of a costume that saves
Halloween from disaster.
Robert Kraus, How Spider Saved
Halloween. Yep that's the book!!! I'm so happy to find
it. this has been bothering me for over 10 years. Now I can
show it (and perhaps others in the series) to my 4 year old
daughter. Thank you so much! What a great service!
First Nations fable, How the
Chipmunk Got Her Stripes. This is a long shot, but...there are similar
lines in a Native American fable of "How the Chipmunk Got Her
Stripes." There is a bear who sings "I am big and strong
and this is my bear song. I am smart and I am brave and I
am never wrong."
Hmm... I don't remember Mr. Mole from The Wind in the Willows
getting into any traffic jams...
A mole in a traffic jam sounds more like Richard
Scarry than Kenneth Grahame to me- although I thought it
was usually a pig or a cat behind the wheel in his drawings.
I stumbled across your site while sending a
query out for a children's book my brothers and I have been
searching for over many years. The M16 query in your data base
looks like it might be the same book. I don't have a
solution, just more details. We believe the
book was Czech in origin, translated into English. The car was a
pink car, much smaller than regular cars - the mole was able to
drive underneath other cars. We lived in England
at the time - we're talking about the early
1960's. It wasn't a long book, but it was richly illustrated
with colour drawings. The book was also in a fairly large
format. I have no idea if these details will help, but the fact
that someone else is looking for the same
book is already encouraging! Thanks for an interesting web site!
Eduard Petiska, How the Mole Got His
Car, 1960. This is
definitely the book. It was printed in Czechoslovakia for
Spring Books of London and was illustrated by Zdenek
Miler. A mole becomes fascinated by cars visits a
junkyard and tries to build one himself using nuts for tires,
etc. is unhappy when this doesn't work, but then notices a
tire rolling down the street locates the source -- a
windup car that a boy has smashed with a hammer puts the
tires around his neck and carries the car to a repair shop,
where it's fixed and then drives it home. The last
picture is of the mole sleeping happily and clutching the key.
Just to complete the story of the Mole and
His Car (M16) that was solved under the title How the
Mole Got His Car, I recently came across a website
for European books in translation that lists the book, along
with several others in the same series about the same character.
This delightful set of books is illustrated by the same person,
Zdenek Miler, but each book is written by a different writer,
with Eduard Petiska as the author of the "Little Mole and His
Toy Car" book, as indicated by the person who submitted the
solution. The books are available online at this
site I bought the set - they are all
Ginsburg, Mirra; illus by Jose
Aruego and Ariane Dewey; How The Sun Was Brought Back To
The Sky.
doesn't come out and the animals went looking for where the sun
lives. They to go up a mountain, over the cloud, to the moon who
takes them to the sun. The sun's sad that the clouds shut
him out of the sky and he doesn't know how to shine anymore. So
the animals wash him and polish him until he shines again, and
the animals slid down his rays back to their home.
Children's book I had in
the early '80s. The sun is sad, and won't get out of bed or
shine. Animals go on a quest to find sun's house in the clouds
and they convince sun to shine again. Hardcover art used
reds/oranges. Not certain but publisher may have been the one
with little green monster logo.
Ginsburg, Mirra, How the Sun
Was Brought Back to the Sky. Yesterday, I
submitted a request to find the title of a book about a sun that
would not come out of bed to shine. Well, this morning I
finally located the title of the book online, so I no longer
need the bookstumper services.
I am looking for a
children's book from the 1970's. It was a book about the
sun.It decided it didn't want
to shine anymore so all of the animals went up to the sun to
cheer it up. The parts I remember
the most were the hedgehog shining the sun with it's bristles
and at the end of the book all of the animals slid down the
rainbow. I read this
book for about 7 years nightly to my two sons and I wanted to
get two copies of it so they can read it to any grandchildren I
will hopefully have. Thank you for any help you can
give me My son's were born in 1972 and 1974 so that is the time
frame the book should have been popular in. I bought it
from one of those monthly children's book clubs.
Mirra Ginsburg, How the Sun Was Brought Back to
the Sky, 1975. When the sun
fails to appear for the third day, three chicks go in search of
it along with their animal friends (including a hedgehog, a
rabbit and a duck). Adapted from a Slovenian folk tale.
Solved: How the Sun Was Brought Back to the
I can't believe someone knew the name of the book I've been
searching for! Now I just need to
find copies of it. Thank you again
for solving my mystery. As soon as I
saw the cover of the book I knew it was the right one. Many thanks
How the World Got Its
My sister and I have been trying to find
a book from our childhood that I believe is a Chinese or
Japanese tail about how color came to the world. It
begins with black and white line drawings and shows a small
girl who finds pots of different colored paints. In each
page she paints more of her environment including a peacock,
until the entire page at the end is colored. I have no memory
of the title, author, or editor of this book.
Possibly - How The World Got Its Color by Marilyn Hirsh (Crown, c1972) "A little Japanese girl borrows her father's paints, the only colors anywhere, and helps the gods finish the colorless world."
Delia Ephron, How To Eat Like A
Child: And Other
Lessons In Not Being A Grown-UP, 1978. Has to be
this! One page chapters with titles like "How To Torture
Your Sister", "How To Express An Opinion", "How To Talk On The
Telephone." The language is pretty strong -- you'd
definately want to preview it -- it's really written for
adults. There is a children's play based on the book --
using the milder chapters. It's very funny. Amusing
pen-and-ink illustrations by Edward Koren.
Delia Ephron, How to Eat like a Child
and Other Lessons in
Not Being a Grown-Up. Funny book! My sisters and I
used to love the lessons on how to blame each other!
Thank you so much! I'm thrilled to finally have my
answer. Keep up the great work!
Delia Ephron, How to Eat Like a
Child. You also
should check out her book, Teenage Romance Or How To Die
Of Embarrassment, which is one of the funniest books
When I first saw this last week, it meant
nothing to me. I almost went by it again this week, but a
faint memory started gnawing at the back of my mind. I
have no book title or author, but I'm submitting this because I
think it may help others to recall the book. When I was
little good friends came to vist us every Labor Day
Weekend. One year, when I was in the younger elementary
school years (maybe around 1964 or 1965), they brought a book
that I think was sort of a guide for what kids were "supposed"
to do to get along in the confusing world of adults. The
father was referred to as "Old Father" (which became my own
father's nickname with these friends thereafter). I don't
remember much of the actual content, although little bits and
pieces are slowly filtering back. I think one section had
to do with doors, the premise being that adults always want a
door you've closed left open, and a door you've left open
closed. I think this part ends with the suggestion that
one go through the entire house and open all closed doors and
close all open doors, and concludes with someting like the
words, "You still won't be right, but at least you'll be
busy." There was another page that had to do with how one
should spend one's time, including by flushing foreign objects
down the toilet. I think the book was illustrated -- I
vaguely remember black-and-white ink drawings, done in an
old-fashioned style. And I do think that the book may well
have ended with instructions on how one should go to bed: by
climbing the stairs, getting undressed, getting into bed, etc.,
and with the final words, "You won't be needed until
morning." I hope this is right and this helps identify the
book. I do remember that my younger sister and I found
this book absolutely hysterical at the time.
Robert Paul Smith, "Where Did You
Go?" "Out." "What Did You Do?" "Nothing." 1957. I'm the one who submitted the
vague recollections earlier about "Old Father" and opening and
closing doors & c. My sister remembered the name,
which sounds right to me.
OK, sorry, same person again, and I don't
think "Where Did You go?'' ''Out," etc., is
likely the right title. That book seems still to be in
print and to be over 100 pp long, and the book I'm thinkin of
was much shorter. Next time I'm at my mother's house I'll
try to dig it up, because I really do think the book I'm
thinking of may be the right one.
How To Grow Up In One Easy Piece.
is How To Grow Up In One Easy Piece.
Somebody has reproduced it, with some minor changes/updates
(e.g., a reference to Nintendo) in a blog called
Onemansopinion. Author there is indicated as
unknown. It's got the part I remember about doors, the
part I remember about being in the bathroom and flushing foreign
objects down the toilet, has references to "Old Father," and has
a section on going to bed similar to the one the original poster
recalls, except that the exact final words of the section are,
"You will not be wanted until breakfast."
How to Grow Up in One Easy Piece.
so much for the suggestion. I've not had any luck finding this
blog... there are several by that name. Can you send a link,
or any other information about finding this book anywhere? I
hope I'll find a way to see it someday and see if it's
familiar. Seems odd they would change the last line, but this
could be it. Thanks very much for the help.
Old Father. You won't be needed, etc.
on the blog. I know this has to be it in some form, because
the other part that I now remember is the "close your little
eyes, close your little ears," etc. I guess it could be
that my dad misremembered the last line about breakfast and
said morning. Funny the rest of it doesn't ring a bell,
but this has to be it anyway. I've left a comment asking for
the original version. Thanks to the person who tracked
this down for me!
B278 This looks like the right one to me,
and I've added others to tempt customer with: Weiss,
Harvey. How to run a railroad; everything
you need to know about model trains
photos Crowell, 1977. McClanahan,
Bill Scenery for model railroads.
Kalmbach Books, 1978. model railroads -
scenery magazine format.
How to Run A Railroad. This is it!!!
Thanks so much!!!! I never thought I'd find this book!
Condition Grades |
Weiss, Harvey. How to Run a Railroad: Everything You Need to Know About Model Trains. NY: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1977. First edition, ex-library with usual marks but clean interior. VG/VG- $15 |
![]() |
Bill Peet, author and illustrator, Hubert's Hair-Raising Adventure, 1959. While sharpening his claws on a rock, Hubert the lion creates a spark that ignites and destroys his elegant mane. A hornbill bird discovers the now bald Hubert and tells all the animals of his misfortune. They come to his aid, and the elephant remembers and acquires the cure for baldness---crocodile tears. Hubert rubs the tears on his head, and while the animals sleep, Hubert's mane grows so long that it tangles everyone in a snare that is impossible to escape. A baboon with scissors saves the day, but leaves Hubert with a very silly haircut. Told entirely in rhyme, 38 pages long, but there are no children in the story.
Condition Grades |
Peet, Bill. Hubert's Hair-Raising Adventure. Illus. by Bill Peet. Houghton Mifflin, 1959, 1976. Hardcover ex-library book, usual marks. Edgeworn, some pencil marks, but clean in nice dj. G+/VG. As with most Peet titles, out of print, and hard to find. $18 |
![]() |
Huckleberry, by Marks,
Mickey Klar; Illustrated by Irma Wilde. Is
this the one?
Possibly Mickey Klar Marks, Hucklebones
(Whitman, '49)?
H22 hucklebones: more on the suggested
title, Hucklebones, by Mickey Klar Marks,
illustrated by Irma Wilde, published Whitman 1949. "A Cozy
Corner Book. A story of a small horse named Hucklebones who is
invited to the Steeplechase Ball and he doesn't know how to
dance. Cover illustrated with horse, flowers, and sky."
Sounds like a good match.
Dancing Pony book given to me in 1957 by
my Mom. She purchased it from a book cart in the hospital when
she was on the maternity floor having my brother. Book
was a shiny pink cover with a pretty horse with a flowing mane
and swishy tale. Story was about as shy pony who took
dancing lessons at a dancing studio who had two left
feet. Somehow he became the best dancer and came to the
big recital/dance at the end. Thanks for helping me post and
hopefully finding this book.
Mickey Klar Marks and Irma Wilde, Hucklebones,1949. I think this must be Hucklebones,
published by Whitman in 1949. It was a favorite of mine, too,
more for the illustrations of horses dancing with ribbons
braided in their manes than for the story.
Mickey Klar Marks & Irma Wilde,
Hucklebones, 1949. Thank you thank you thank you.....I
have been looking for this book's name for 40 years. Now
I need to locate a copy so I may enjoy it again and again.
Polish girl named Josephine - This
must be the trilogy by Maria Gripe. They were
translated from Swedish, and the girl's name was Anna Gra, or
Josephine. Descriptions I found of the book plots
include: Josephine - It isn't easy
being the youngest daughter of a country parson. There are times
when Josephine finds life very difficult indeed: when everything
and everybody around her seems so much older than herself - from
her six grown-up brothers and sisters, to the vicarage she lives
in, to the rickety bed she sleeps on; when no one else bothers
about her at all and she feels as thrown out and forgotten as
the cast-off clothes she wears. Hugo and
Josephine - "Hugo and Josephine are two very real
children. Josephine is the mischievous, wispy-ghaired daughter
of a minister in a small Swedish town. At school she is often
teased, and at home in the big old parsonage she is sometimes
lonely. But when Hugo, a wild, happy vagabond, comes into her
life, everything changes. Hugo, who attends school only if he is
not too busy carving trolls or tending his spider collection, is
more than a match for the school bullies." Hugo
- The adventures of Hugo as he and his friend, Josephine, think
up schemes to earn money.
Maria Gripe, Hugo and Josephine. Maria Gripe's
trilogy of books is TOTALLY the answer to this stumper.
Thank you!
Hullaballoo. I don't
know any more than the requester does about the author or title
of this one, but I had it too! "Hullabaloo was a kangaroo
who lived in a cage at the city zoo. Hullabaloo had
children too, a girl named Pink and a boy named Blue."
They go for a bus ride through the city. Hope these
details help.
Georgiana (author), Nettie Weber
(illustrator), Hullabaloo, 1951. Whitman
Tell-A-Tale #815-15. It's on Loganberry's Most Requested pages!
William Saroyan, The Human Comedy, 1943, 1971. It takes place in
California in WWII. "...Fourteen-year-old Homer, determined to
become the fastest telegraph messenger in the West, finds
himself caught between reality and illusion as delivering his
messages of wartime death, love, and money brings him
face-to-face with human emotion at its most naked and
raw." There was a movie made with Mickey Rooney in 1943.
Philip K. Dick, Human Is, 1955. This sounds like a short
story by Philip K. Dick. Here is a description of the
story that I found at another site. This story is about an
unhappy couple. The wife, Jill, resents the husband, Lester,
because he is cold, unfeeling, and insensitive. In the story,
Lester is sent to another planet on a business trip, and returns
with a different personality. He is now kind, caring, sensual
and compassionate. After a time it is discovered that an alien
has taken over his body. Jill makes no move to recover her
husband and send the alien back however, because she likes the
alien and feels that he is more human than her husband ever
was. The alien that takes over Lester's body is contrasted
with Lester when it is commented that "he loves food." The
original Lester "never seemed to care about food." The alien
takes pleasure in tastes and smells. In contrast, Lester
appeared to have no appetite for these kind of sensual stimuli.
This contrast makes the alien appear even more human. It is also
commented on that the alien uses "Words that he [Lester] never
used before. Whole new phrases. Metaphors." Lester, meanwhile,
was said to feel that "metaphors were inexact." Lester is cold,
logical, impoetic and unromantic. The alien, however, is
creative with his use of language, and is more emotional and
therefore more human.
A million thanks, this is definitely the story. Another mystery
Lorna Balian, Humbug Rabbit, 1974. What a great book! My children love
it too. This author has written nine other stories, all seeming
to have a seasonal or holiday theme. Good luck!
The children's book that I'm looking for was available in the
late 1970s. It was a lovely picture book that showed a
grandmother above ground preparing for her grandkids to come for
Easter. Meanwhile, a grandmother rabbit below ground was also
preparing for her grandkids to come for Easter. The two were
shown doing the preparations on each page with an above ground
and a below ground view.
Balian, Lorna, Humbug Rabbit, Abingdon 1974. "Father Rabbit's reply of
"Humbug" to the idea that he is the Easter Rabbit doesn't spoil
Easter for his children or Granny's grandchildren. Two stories
go on at the same time. One above at Granny's house, one below
in a rabbit's burrow. All are related and are about the
approaching Easter holiday. See how the two stories merge into
one." Sounds plausible and the date is right.
Sounds like it could be HUMBUG RABBIT
by Lorna Balian, except it's a grandmother above ground
and a father rabbit below. The rabbit children think their
father may be the Easter rabbit, and he just scoffs at this.
Meanwhile, above ground, the cat is stealing
the hen's eggs, which might ruin the Easter celebrations for the
grandmother and her granchildren. I've forgotten how, but
somehow the father rabbit saves the day (maybe the cat pushed
the eggs into his burrow?) ~from a librarian
The plot sounds like a Sid
Fleischman book.
Sid Fleischman, Humbug Mountain,
1978. The hint that this sounded like the plot of a Sid
Fleischman book was right! I looked at all of his books
of the right length that could have been read to my class in
the early 1980s, and Humbug Mountain is the one! The boy
character is Wiley Flint, the girl companion is his sister
Glorietta, and the derelict steamboat IS the Phoenix!
The abandoned town the grandfather had wanted to develop was
called Sunrise, not Zenith, but otherwise I remembered it
pretty well!
H2: Could the humming hamster be Sylvester
of a collection called Sylvester and other stories?
picture of Sylvester with, I think, the mandolin he rides
could you tell me more about this book? I'm hoping it's the
one! Thank you!
I remember that he plays an instrument, maybe a guitar. I remember
something about Sylvester with the musical ear, and I think I also
remember a tail, which means he isn't a hamster. Is this possible?
No, unfortunately I don't think that's the book, but I
appreciate your efforts.
How about a humming possum? Harold
Berson, Henry Possum (Crown,'73) -- or is this too
recent to be the book you recall? (Instead of playing possum,
i.e., playing dead, he keps humming & looking around.)
Unfortunately it doesn't sound like the book. But I
certainly appreciate your continued efforts and the forwarding
of possible matches.
The unsolved mystery listed on your page as
"H2: Humming Hamster" sounds suspiciously like a book I recently
"rediscovered." The animal was a mouse, and he loved music. He
lived in a guitar in a guitar shop, and every night
he would play when the shop was closed. I
believe the name "Sylvester" is correct. I know the time frame
is right (my aunt read this to me in the early 70's). It was, as
the first post suggests, an orange book that's a collection of
stories. As my children's book collection is
at my Mom & Dad's house, 8 hours away, I can't put my finger
on it. But I'll check while I'm home at Thanksgiveing. Good Luck
H2 Humm the Singing Hamster
by Catherine Bing, 1961, a Whitman Top Top Tales book
I think that is the book!!!!!!!! Do
you have it? Can you find it? Why is that listing
posted with no
additional info? Did someone enter
that info as a possible answer to my search? The date is
right on, and the title sounds like THAT IS IT! Please let me
know if you can get this book!!! Oh I'm so happy my long
long search may be over!!!
I've gotten hold of a copy, and it's a small
book with picture of a happy hamster on the blue cover.
It's about a
classroom hamster who was very special,
because he could hum--but after lunch one day, he
disappeared! The
kids look for him everywhere and finally
find him having a Hummburger.
Oh I am SO EXCITED!!! It's my
book!!!! Oh, how soon can I get it? I AM SO
Score! Another book and reader
Oh Audrey, thank you so much -- for
getting the book out, for posting the thank you in the solved
"section" - and for your friendly and warm personality.
It has been a truly rewarding experience -not just finding my
book, but dealing with people like you. Many blessings
to you in the new year.
I have Good-by, Gray Lady by
Anne M. Greene published in 1964. The cover is
purple with a large house with columns and railings in the
background and a large tree with children in the front.
The main characters, however, are Louisa and Richard Gilbert who
are 12 and 10. The family ghost, Gray Lady, walks whenever
the family home is in danger. I believe it is set in the
Carolinas and the children have adventure in the swamp. I
don't know if this is the one you are looking for or not.
I don't believe this is it. The characters were a little older
and not brother and sister. There was more of a sinister feel to
it. The girl had come to visit or live with an aunt or
grandmother, some female relative. Thanks for checking. I'll
keep trying to remember!
Could this be a Mary Stewart one? I
seem to remember one--the heroine (Dorcas) has always been able
communicate telepathically with a distant
(male) cousin, but never knew which cousin. She has to
choose (romantically) between her two cousins, I think, and she
knows the other one is dangerous to her...there's also a
question of an inheritance. "Cat" may have been in
the title...The Grey Cat? If this isn't the right one, but
anyone recognises it, I'd like to know--I really enjoyed it!
The Mary Stewart book the blue
poster asks about is Touch Not the Cat published
1976 "When
father is killed in a mysterious automobile accident,
ownership of Ashley Court passes by legal trust to her cousin
Emory." Bryony has the second sight. The title refers to
the family motto and a Roman mosaic with a cat. I doubt this is
the book wanted.
well, maybe The Humming Top,
by Dorothy Spicer, published Phillips 1969. "Throughout
Dorcas Gray's solitary childhood, in and out of orphanages,
she holds onto one treasure - a humming top. One spin of the
plaything envelops the girl in a misty other-world, making her
witness to events secret and sometimes terrible. When Dorcas'
powers of precognition are publicized, evil conspirators
recruit the innocent seer for their evil purposes. The
villains and their villainies in the ESP thriller are
exaggerated, but the heroine, country-hewn and candid, is
original." (HB Apr/69 p.195) The book is apparently in
print, and a review on Amazon.com mentions that Dorcas is
befriended by an elderly woman who wants help finding her
missing grandson Steven, and that she is aided by Michael,
another relative.
Eleanor Farjeon, Hummingbird. Yes, sure this is Farjeon's Hummingbird - Dauphin 'hidden' in Watteau fan & eventually finds true love years (?centuries) later...
Humpty Dumpty's Bedtime Stories,
1971, Parent's Magazine Press. Includes: The
Patchwork Puppy, Timothy's Tree, Rascal Raccoon and the Thing
Changer, Bedtime Giggles, The Magic Teapot, Little Bug and Big
Bug, The Magic Pencil, Martin the Magpie, Mother's Little
A girl finds a magic pencil that makes
everything it draws real. The girl draws a beautiful dress for
herself, a fur coat for her mother (let's hope the pencil used
synthetic materials ) ) and a car for her father.
Unfortunately, everything disappeared at the end of the day,
leaving her to return home clad only in her undergarments.
This might have been a short story. The illustrations (also
done by the author?) particularly captured the imagination. I
believe it is in fact called "The Magic Pencil" -- I'm
wondering if anyone knows in what format it was published and
if it's available. Thanks very much!
The only book I know with a magic pencil is
Marianne Dreams (alternate title The Magic
Drawing Pencil) by Catherine Storr, but it's
a novel and it sounds like you're looking for a picture book.
M101 magic pencil: It's a boy, not a girl,
but maybe The Magical Drawings of Mooney B. Finch
by David McPhail, published Doubleday 1978 "Moony
loved to draw and one day in the park he discovered that if
someone touched his picture it became real. Everyone wanted
money and riches until Mooney got mad and erased them all and
they disappeared. That made everyone attack him, but he drew a
quick picture of a dragon and as soon as it was touched it
came alive and scared everyone away. But then it turned on
him. He quickly drew another picture of a dragon and erased it
and the live dragon disappeared. His last picture he drew
carefully ..." There's the series of Harold and the
Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson but that's
a little boy again, and his adventures are always solitary and
daydream-like. There's The Magic Chalk, by Zinken
Hopp, where Jon finds a piece of magic chalk and drawns
himself a friend called Sofus with whom he has adventures.
There's also The Magic Paintbox, by Denise
and Alain Trez, which is about a girl, but Dorothee
creates a menagerie of odd beasts by painting on the garage
walls with her magic paints. Another magic pencil story is
Patricia Ward's The Silver Pencil (US title
The Secret Pencil) but that's a chapter book again,
and this sounds like a picture book. Also, in the Ward book the
magic pencil writes by itself, and isn't used for drawing.
M101 magic pencil: there's a story called The
Magic Pencil, by Peggy Johnson, in Humpty
Dumpty's Bedtime Stories, collected and illustrated
by Kelly Oechsli, published Parents Magazine Press 1971.
Sorry, no plot information.
M101 magic pencil: another couple of books
with this title, but no match - The Magic Pencil,
by Ted Schaag, published London, Hamilton 1976, 28 pages,
chiefly illus. and The Magic Pencil, by Scapa,
published NY Scribner 1976, 26 pages. "Because Simon doesn't
know what to do, Toby draws him an adventure every day."
I think Humpty Dumpty's Bedtime
Stories by Kelly Oechsli seems to be the
book. Magic Pencil by Peggy Johnson is as
described. She draws the car for her father for his birthday-
however her car tires are square. Now dad has to save to buy
some decent tires before he can drive it.
book of short stories Lama mama gets her baby lamas in their
pjs in the morning the babys discard them on the floor and a
mouse family finds them, so when the mama lama needs to get
babies to bed again she cannot find the pjs. I beleive another
story in the book has something to do with a lazy grasshoper and
a busy ladybug and winters coming...
Gisela Voss, Llama in Pajamas
sorry, not a solution but I don't think this
is the book by Voss. That book is a "lift the
flaps" book and is about one baby llama hiding from his mother.
Kelly Oechsli, Humpty Dumpty's
Bedtime Stories,
1971. This was a book from Parents' Magazine Press.
Harriett, you have one listed for sale on your Parents'
page maybe you can check the details. There is a
story in this book called "The Llamas' Pajamas" by C.
Wirths. Other short stories are "The Patchwork Puppy" by
L. Moore, "Timothy's tree" by G. Stephenson, "Rascal Raccoon and
the thing changer" by D. Barclay, "Bedtime giggles" by L. V.
Francis, "The magic teapot" by M. Calhoun, "Little Bug and Big
Bug" by M. C. Potter, "The magic pencil" by P. Johnson, "Martin
the Magpie" by L. Watson, and "Mother's little helper" by L.
Well, yes, I do have Humpty Dumpty's
Bedtime Stories on the shelf... Let's see.... Oh
yes, this is definately it. Starring two little llamas
named Yama Llama and Bahama Llama, also Mama Llama, and of
course some pajamas. Very cute.
25 years ago... This book contained several stories
depicting events about the holidays. There was one about a
Mouse nibbling on colored paper because he liked the taste of
the glue (Valentine Story)the title of that story is listed
above. There was another about witches and their cats (Holloween
Story). Another about a young girl's Thanksgiving
experience with her Family. Another about Easter.
This is what I remember about the book. Your help with
this request would be appreciated!
T270 Until book is found, poster can
look at this website...
Gouled, Gardner, Moore, Walker, Lewi
& Hopkins, Humpty Dumpty's Holiday Stories, c.1973. Includes such stories as
Bascom the Blue-Nosed Bear, Fun on Groundhog Day, The Tasty,
Pasty Valentine and the The Mud Turtles' Easter Surprise.
Humpty Dumpty's Holiday Stories.
request for help was answered and I have purchased the book
listed above. This was a favorite of my three daughters
when they were young and I was able to secure a copy for each
of them. Thanks for your help!
Condition Grades |
Humpty Dumpty's Bedtime Stories.
Illustrated by Kelly Oechsli. Parents Magazine Press,
1971. Minor doodling on endpapers, otherwise VG. <SOLD>
Humpty Dumpty's Holiday Stories. Illustrated by Kelly Oechsli. Parents Magazine Press, 1973. VG+. $15 |
![]() |
F247: Most likely The Little
Broomstick by Mary Stewart - see Solved
Mysteries. Except that the magical FLOWER is called
fly-by-night. The cat is named Tib - his brother is Gib. Mary
Stewart turns 90 in Sept. 2006.
Mary Stewart, The Little Broomstick1973, A long shot, but is it possible
"fly-by-night" was the name of a flower, rather than the name of
the cat? "Nothing could ever happen here, thought Mary,
exiled to Great-Aunt Charlotte's house. But she was
wrong. That very day Tib the cat led her to a curious
flower called fly-by-night. Then she found a little
broomstick hidden in a corner....and her strange and wonderful
magic adventure had begun." Illustrated by Shirley Hughes.
Parents'Magazine Press, Humpty
Dumpty.s Holiday Stories,1973.
This was a short story in the Humpty Dumpty Holiday story
book! I loved this a kid & still have my copy. I believe
there are 2 witches, one who likes to fly Halloween night &
one who likes to stay home. They have 2 cats who have the same
inclinations, but reversed...story ends with the witches happily
exchanging cats.
Humtpy Dumpty Holiday Stories.
(1972) YES! Now I remember-2 witches each had a cat and
they switched at the end. Thanks so much to whomever
remembered that cause I would have never found it on my own!
I am glad I could help! Felt good to "give
back" to the site that reunited me w. so many old lost
favorites! You will no doubt have some major flashbacks to the
other stories as well - my favorite was always the owl and the
pussycat one w. the mud turtles (4th of July)
Maybe it's The Hundred Dresses
by Eleanor Estes, illustrated by Louis Slobodkin,
Harcourt Brace & Co. 1944. Wanda Petronski always wears the
same dress but claims to have a hundred dresses at home, so the
girls make fun of her for that - though at one point it becomes
clear that the "dresses" are just an excuse to pick on a girl
with a "funny name" who also has trouble with the English
language in school, IIRC. (This theme was too subtle for me as a
kid.) I'd rather not spoil the ending, but halfway through or
so, there's an art contest, Wanda's family suddenly moves away,
her father sends a scathing letter to the class about their
prejudices, and it turns out that Wanda has more grace and
forgiveness in her than any modern (fictional) child would have,
as the secret of the hundred dresses is revealed. BTW, Michele
Landsberg, I think, had an interesting chapter in Reading
for the Love of It about all the ways this book is
superior to Judy Blume's Blubber when it comes to
convincing kids why bullying is wrong and how you could be the
next victim.
#G137--Girl wears the same dress to school
every day: The Hundred Dresses, by Eleanor
Eleanor Estes, The Hundred Dresses, 1940. Wanda is a poor girl who lives
outside of town and every day she wears the same faded blue
dress to school. All the girls tease her because she claims to
have one hundred dresses, and one day her father sends a note to
school telling them that Wanda will not be coming back. The two
girls who teased her most feel bad and try to find out what
happened. At the end they understand about the hundred dresses.
Eleanor Estes, The Hundred Dresses, 1944. You'll probably get a bazillion
solutions to this one.
Eleanor Estes, The Hundred Dresses
Eleanor Estes, The Hundred Dresses, 1944, several other printings. Is this
the one? I found this synopsis on the Web: "Wanda is a
Polish girl who has moved into a new neighborhood. She doesn't
quite fit in with the others and they tease her
about her long, funny-sounding name and how
odd her speech is. None of the girls defend her although several
are uncomfortable but silent about the teasing. Wanda talks to
the girls about the dresses that she has, eventually 100,
hanging side by side in her closet. The girls know she is lying
because she wears the same blue one every day."
Eleanor Estes, The Hundred Dresses. A little immigrant girl wears the same
dress to school every day, which causes some of the other girls
to tease her. She says softly, "I have a hundred dresses
at home." Another girl feels sorry for her and wonders, if
she has 100 dresses, why she never wears any of them. Suddenly,
the immigrant girl moves away. The sympathetic girl goes
to her house and finds 100 dresses -- beautifully detailed
pictures that the immigrant girl had drawn, several with her
mean classmates as the models.
Eleanor Estes, The Hundred Dresses. Sounds like the beginning of The
Hundred Dresses--poor
wears same dress to school day after day and classmates tease
her. She claims to have a hundred dresses at home, each of
which she describes in great detail. At the end, she moves
away and the hundred dresses turn out to all be drawings.
G137 How about The Hundred Dresses
by Eleanor Estes? Newbery Honor Book, explores teasing,
right & wrong, standing up for someone, etc.
Eleanor Estes, The Hundred Dresses, 1944. Wanda is poor and wears the same
old dress to school everyday. The other kids whisper about
her clothes but she tells them that she has 100 dresses at home
and that they're made of silk and velvet.
One day, Wanda doesn't come to school
because her family has moved to the city. The kids feel
bad for teasing Wanda. The teacher shows them the gift
Wanda left for them which was 100 drawings of beautiful dresses.
I was the first solver and I wanted to add
that since some kids have been known to complain about the book
being "boring and outdated," it's all the more important to read
it to kids before they become too old and jaded to understand
why such "mild" teasing could possibly be considered cruel by
Wanda, especially since we never actually hear any attacks on
her Polish background first-hand. The attacks, after all, are
presumably why Wanda doesn't just tell the truth from the start,
since she already feels it's futile to try to "join the crowd,"
and that has to be spelled out to some listeners. BTW, the
behavior is questionable too - c'mon, Wanda
has to sit with the bad rowdy boys just because her shoes are
muddy? No doormat's available? More likely, I think, because the
teacher (subconsciously) doesn't distinguish between one slum
kid and another, or maybe doesn't distinguish between lazy
students and foreign students.
Thanks so much for this wonderful
service--it made my wife's day!
Condition Grades |
Estes, Eleanor. The Hundred Dresses. Illustrated by Louis Slobodkin. Harcourt, Brace and World, 1944. A 1968 ex-library copy in library binding with usual marks and worn but clean dust jacket. G/G+. <SOLD> |
![]() |
Slepian and Ann Seidler, illustrated by Richard E. Martin,
1967 (repub. in 1988?) There are also some sequels.
Thanks for solving the mystery. THE
THING was the book that I was thinking of!
I think this was a Scholastic book club
book. A monster terrorizes a town shouting, "Boop and
Prackers!" or something like that. When a little boy figures
out he's saying, "Soup and crackers," he feeds the monster and
saves the town. This would be early 70's probably.
Slepian, Jan, The Hungry
Thing,1967. This is the one. There have also been
several additional books in the series.
Jan Slepian, The Hungry Thing.
Definitely your book! My kids love this
one. There's even two sequels: The Hungry Thing
Returns and The Hungry Thing goes to a Restaurant.
Slepian, Jan, The Hungry
Thing,1967.One day the Hungry Thing came to
town. Around his neck was a sign that said "FEED
ME." The little boy figured out what he was asking for
(shmancakes, tickles, feetloaf, hookies, boop with a
smacker.) And when he was finally full, he turned his sign
around and it said "THANK YOU."
Barbara Hobbs, The Hungry Sea Monster, 1959. I finally found of copy of the book that I've been looking for through an online search of books with "sea monster" in the title. The book is "The Hungry Sea Monster" by Barbara Hobbs, copyright 1959, Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston. The story involves Marta (a girl with remarkable common sense), and her little brother Montgomery, who find the hungry sea monster on the beach. Through trial and error they determine that the monster's diet consists of people, so they pack it up in a crate and ship it to New York City. It's an interesting and amusing story.
Richard R. Livingston, The
1968. When Mr. Hunkendunken becomes lonely, he buys a wife
at the wife store, which leads to getting children from the
children store, purchasing names for them from the name store,
and so on until they are a happy family on a self-sustaining
You are amazing! I have been trying to find the correct name of
that book literally for years, and you solved it in the blink of
an eye. I will definitely recommend you to others, and I'm sure
you'll hear from me again. Thank you for your help!!!
D75 is NOT Denan, Corinne,
retold by. Dragon and monster tales
illus by Jennie Williams. Troll, 1980.
Nicholas Stuart Gray, The Hunting of
the Dragon, 1965.
This is a short story which appears in the collection Mainly
in Moonlight.
I'd forgotten this book until I read this
post, but I loved it too, and I'm almost certain it was called Hurray
More on the suggested title - Hurray
for Captain Jane! by Sam Reavin, illustrated
by Emily McCully, published Parents' Magazine Press, 1971. "Story
line centers on girl in bathtub with a wax paper sailor's hat
playing with a bar of soap. Suddently the tub water becomes
ocean, and Jane becomes the captain of a ship in her
imagination." "Jane came home from a party with 3 prizes; a
box of jelly beans, a sailor's hat, & a bar of soap that
I seem to remember a book called Hurry
Up, Simon with a similar plot. Couldn't find
anything under that title, though. Might have been Don't
Dawdle, Simon (man, is that ever an unhelpful
I think the book was called Hurry Up,
Slowpoke. The sister's name was Lucy.
Well then, it's probably - Hurry Up,
Slowpoke, by Crosby Newell, published by
Wonder Books, Easy Reader 1961, 61 pages. Two little mouse
children set off to visit Grandma, but 'slowpoke' dawdles. The
cover is yellow and shows the little boy mouse in a red sailor
suit, and far off in the distance the grandmother in a long blue
dress with white apron, and the little girl mouse in a red dress
beside her.
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